Monday, November 23, 2009

Rock star sex?

From this morning's AP, via the NY Post:

Sully's heroic landing led to 'rock star sex'
LOS ANGELES — Pilot Chesley Sullenberger jokes that his heroic handling of a disabled jetliner brought him "rock star sex" in an interview for "NBC's People of the Year" TV special.

Sullenberger, who safely ditched a US Airways plane in New York's Hudson River after geese hit the engines, is among those interviewed by Matt Lauer for the Thanksgiving Day special.

Lauer asked Sullenberger and his wife, Laurie, whether his sudden celebrity helped or hurt their relationship.

"He doesn't know I'm gonna say this, but I had joked the other day that ... the hero sex really helps a 20-year-old marriage," Laurie Sullenberger said with a laugh, according to an NBC transcript.

"Rock star sex," Chesley Sullenberger chimed in.

Sully, you are a true hero for having walked the length of that plane twice after it landed in the Hudson to make sure there were no passengers left on board. But I don't think that the phrase "rock star sex" refers to sex with a woman you've been married to for over twenty years.

On the other hand, if that's what makes you happy, I'm glad, because you certainly deserve whatever good in life comes your way.


  1. John,
    Good post...Sully deserves everything good that may come his way. He is a true hero in every sense of the word. Most americans hold up sports players, rappers, or hollywood types in high esteem and miss the point completely.
    Mad Dog

  2. Thanks Tom. You're absolutely right.

  3. I think Sully was trying to be funny in saying "rock star sex." He's been a model of modesty in everything he's said that I've heard.

  4. I think he was trying to be funny too; I'm just making the point that he misused the phrase.
