Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Worth a look

This site, despite being cruel -- or perhaps because of its cruelty -- is quite funny:


I don't remember exactly how I stumbled across it. But I do remember my initial reaction upon seeing the address: it can't possibly live up to that title.

(It does.)


  1. I was relieved, particularly given your son's acid tongue, to find that there were no pictures of either of us on the site. :)

    Further evidence that the content on the internet seems to have no bounds. I wonder what the Chinese think of this one?

  2. If it were my son's website, I'm sure my picture would be there. As it is he's been calling me "The Situation" since this past weekend when we watched Jersey Shore together; he says I bear a strong physical resemblance to Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, the fellow who's kneeling in front in the picture accompanying the Jersey Shore post. ("Dad, he's got a bulbous nose and a weak chin just like you, plus he wears shirts two sizes too small to show off his build, just like you. Plus he acts like you.")

  3. Guy --
    PS -- I'm sure the Chinese think that the fact that we waste our time building websites like that one -- or this one -- is just one more piece of evidence that they're going to crush us economically this century.

  4. John, I think you're getting light treatment this time. At least he's not comparing you to either of the gals standing behind Mike.

  5. I'm convinced that we can retain our economic superiority through the development of high value intellectual property like reality TV and Lady Gaga.

  6. Guy --
    Johnny has actually been calling his sister "Snookie" after one of those girls (I think the short one).

    At the same time, he insists that his honorary Italian name be Albert Spaggiari, after this guy:


  7. Again, I enjoyed re-reading the post you directed me to. Johnny has chosen an arresting role model.

  8. Thank you Guy.

    Unfortunately, that seems to be the career path he's chosen (the military part, not the bank robber part).

    I never had the courage for that, so when I was young I just did a second-rate imitation of The Situation.
