Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How many Charlies?

Before his recent spate of publicity, Charlie Sheen merely had a reputation as a fellow who liked to party with prostitutes. He was thought of as a wild and crazy guy -- but not in the sense of being truly crazy. The emphasis was more on wild. 

It's only with his recent interviews that we've gotten to know the real Charlie -- the insane one.

How long has he been this way without us knowing? 

It makes one wonder how many others there are out there whose craziness is covered up. There have to be many more than are visible to the naked eye. Far more craziness remains private than is aired publicly.

If my own experience is any indication, there are an awful lot of people who know how to present a misleading mask of sanity to the world.

Reminds me of that old saying about the definition of a normal family: one you don't know very well.


  1. There is a Brit expression: "being a right Charlie". Apposite

  2. PS He's completely radio rental.

  3. :) His random rabbitting rages of ratshit while rat-arsed and rattling are right road apple. But I guess he's doing it for the readies.
