Thursday, April 21, 2011

Please stop -- I'm a Malcolm X scholar!

(Amanda Kijera)

My son sent the following link, from a liberal website:

It is the first person account by a white woman, Amanda Kijera, who went to Haiti and was raped. She initially pleaded with the rapist to stop on the grounds that she was a Malcolm X scholar. He told her to shut up and slapped her in the face.

Kijera blames her rape on the "global hierarchy,"  "the oppression of colonized peoples," and "the issue of [lack of] racial integration."

Evidently it had nothing to do with her rapist being horny.

Kijera sees herself as "a receptacle for a Black man's rage at the white world" and says she is "grateful for the experience. It woke me up, made me understand on a deeper level the terror that my sisters deal with daily."

Here Amanda, have some more Kool-Aid.

Addendum, next day: Amanda is the perfect example of someone who paid attention to her professors in college but has done zero learning since. She uses the same language that sociology professors use to put forth their world view. And although life has since (quite literally) slapped Amanda in the face, she adamantly refuses to to adapt her views. That level of rigidity, by the way, often indicates Aspergers Syndrome, a mild form of autism. Those who have that syndrome, in my experience, can be quite frustrating to deal with.


  1. A lot of people get out of college dumber than they went in. This seems to be an exmaple.

  2. Jon--
    This one couldn't have gone in too smart.

  3. Clearly this women also "my mother" has more intelligence and common sense to see the mistakes the ignorant white supremacist have made again the African American race. and the next time you choose to blame a well educated and independent women, also mother of two great children who have grown to be leaders of your misunderstood country for the little tolerance our foreign brothers and sisters have for incompetent, hypocritical, antagonists. And just remember the same race that was first enslaved now runs this sorry excuse for a country.

  4. Alonzo --
    Your statement speaks for itself.

  5. Bwuahahahaha. Hey Alonzo, from the way your mom writes it seems like she more than enjoyed the experience. I'm going to guess by the way you and her both write than common sense and intelligence are the last attributes to be utilized by members of your family. Maybe you and her should go back to Haiti.

  6. Please don't smear people with Asperger's syndrome because of this woman's stupidity. To my knowledge, people with Asperger's syndrome, while they can be rigid in their thinking, often have a more objective view of things than most. They are less prone to let their affections tint their reasoning.

  7. Anon --
    People with Aspergers are more objective? That certainly hasn't been my experience.

    As far as not letting one's affections cloud one's thinking, the people who are best at that tend to be sociopaths, simply because they are without affection.

  8. You have to feel for another victim of an animal... but damn woman you are not smart!

    Hang bacon on your neck and walk about the neighborhod hounds. One would not blame the canines for what followed...

    I don't presume you will make the mistake of trusting these again.

  9. I am a black man Can I be next to rape her?

  10. Anon --
    You don't understand -- she's a Malcolm X scholar!

  11. I have HFA - I love your blog, its been very eye-opening, but I do think you apply the term aspergers kind of loosely tbh. You could argue that a lot of people have certain traits of HFA and aspergers.

  12. Anon --
    Thank you re: the blog. Yes, it's certainly possible that I over-diagnose. BTW, I didn't say that Amanda (the woman in this post) had it, merely that her level of rigidity can often indicate it.

    And yes, a lot of people have those traits, though not at the level of those with HFA. But once you've known a few Aspies, they become pretty recognizable.
