Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tom Jones

In the late 60's, Tom Jones wasn't considered cool like the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. He was a little too much old-fashioned crooner, a little too much like Frank and Dean and not enough like Mick.

But he was a huge star, and may have been most famous for all those concerts where the ladies in the audience would throw their panties and room keys onto the stage where he was performing. (This became a sort of tradition, more a way for them to celebrate the moment than serious invitation.)

Looking at him now on Youtube, his force-of-nature-presentation is quite evident:


His dancing seems curiously dated, and many of his moves are actually those of the go-go girls of the era, but he executes them with such masculine vigor that he gets away with them. It's also apparent how hard-working he was; his craft took a lot of energy.

But there's no mistaking the cocksure manner in which he carries himself, which was the key to his success. You can see how he became one of the great legendary womanizers.

It must have been fun living his life.


  1. Hahaha! I watched the video without sound and he looked like a demented monkey! But I'm sure demented monkeys have fun. :)

  2. G --
    C'mon, that's not fair. Watching anybody dance without the music in the background makes them look silly.

    (And btw, I think that's just jealousy talking.)

  3. John, you're right, there's no way I could move like TJ, but I still think he looks like a demented monkey. Tell me you don't think his moves at 1:18 DON'T look like some other monkey just stuck a banana up his.....

  4. I wasn't talking about jealousy at his dancing moves, I was referring to his legendary career as a lady's man. And yes, he does look a little like a demented monkey, but (a) that was the style back then and (b) it seemed to attract the ladies.
