Sunday, May 29, 2011

Who would you rather be?

I've broached the subject before of people whose lives I wouldn't have minded trading my own for.

Right now, on paper at least, the Winkelvoss twins, who had the original idea for Facebook, seem to be leading awfully good lives.

I envy Mark Zuckerberg, but I wouldn't really want to be him; he may have Aspergers Syndrome, he's pale, unathletic, and weak-looking, and he's been with the same plain girlfriend for the past several years. Not to mention that he seems a somewhat scurrilous character. His money excites envy; but he doesn't.

The Winkelvoss twins are another matter. What could be better than to be 29 years old, have 60 million (and possibly much more) in the bank, and be a 6'4", good-looking, Olympic rower who trains during the day and goes clubbing at night? Plus having a twin has to be sort of neat. (Wouldn't you want your own clone?)

I'd settle for any two of those things. Okay, one.

Of course, human nature being what it is, those two probably spend 23 hours of every day gnashing their teeth over how they let Facebook get away.

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