Friday, December 9, 2011

Keepin' it real

Was just skimming the NY Post when I ran across this picture of fashion designer Valentino:

He is living proof that if you have enough plastic surgery, by a certain age you will look like a Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum replica of yourself.

You occasionally see pictures of celebrities posing next to their likenesses in the museum. As good as some of the reproductions are, you can always tell which one is real.

Well, almost always.


  1. Judging from this photo I'd say it's time for another botox injection in the forehead.

  2. One scary thing about him is that he's only 4 years older than I! I was thinking he was in his 90's. Wow.
    i.e., he's 62--according to the net

  3. Brian --
    I just looked him up on Wiki. He was born on May 11, 1932, which makes him 79.

    Hope that makes him a little less scary.

  4. Even at 79 he's still scary. He looks like he's already been embalmed.

  5. Agreed. Maybe his plastic surgeon doubles as an embalmer.

  6. Well I concede this one--mistaken identity. OK, so I would now say that he looks about normal for his age especially given that the average male in this country is no longer alive. For what it's worth....
