Friday, December 2, 2011

Man's best friend

An article on Yahoo News two days ago described how a Utah man who was out duck hunting  recently was shot by his own dog when he got out of his canoe to set up some decoys.

The relevant paragraph:

"Apparently excited to join his owner in the marsh, the dog jumped up on the boat's bow and stepped on the gun. The gun was fired, hitting the man in the buttocks with 27 pellets of birdshot."

The man was not seriously injured, thanks to the rubber waders he was wearing.

As shaggy dog stories go, this one certainly beats "The dog ate my homework."

But the article leaves out the most interesting part of the story: how has this changed the man's relationship with his dog? Is he still as affectionate to the hound as he once was? Or is his pet now permanently in the doghouse?

And you have to wonder, the next time the man is out hunting with that dog, will he perhaps feel a vague urge to repay the favor?

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