Thursday, March 8, 2012

Clay Pigeons

Found myself watching one of my favorite movies on Youtube last night. Clay Pigeons has two well drawn sociopaths, and is also sexy and slyly humorous. It features beautiful western scenery. And it has a great, wide-ranging soundtrack.

The movie features early Vince Vaughn, before he became famous, before he began sleepwalking his way through all his roles. It makes you realize he could have been a great actor, if he hadn't become part of that Ben Stiller-Owen Wilson-Will Ferrell nexus who are in every other comedy of the past decade.

Joaquin Phoenix is excellent in his role, Georgina Cates is wonderfully evil and sexy. The only discordant note is the always annoying Janeane Garofalo, miscast here as an FBI agent. But even her aggressively feminist "sophistication" provides a useful contrast late in the film.

Here is the Youtube version.

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