He's got a point.
But speaking as a non-gun aficionado, I understand the basic quandary outlined by the gun rights advocates: if you take guns away from law-abiding citizens, the only people with guns will be the outlaws. In which case it will be open season for them.
If I could wave a magic wand and have all weaponry disappear, I would. But I can't, and there are currently 300 million guns in the country (we have a population of roughly 312 million). That makes the gun problem a little like the illegal alien problem: they're here, and they're not going away, so what's the most realistic solution?
I'm not sure. We already have laws in place (at least in Connecticut, Adam Lanza's home state) to keep people like him from obtaining guns (he was turned down by Dick's Sporting Goods three days before the massacre). But what good did those do?
Liberals say, no private citizen needs a civilian version of military-grade weaponry like the M-4 or M-16. (Adam's mother had a Bushmaster .223, which is such a clone, and although Lanza also had her two handguns with him, it appears he did all the killing with the Bushmaster.) I tend to agree with this.
Gun rights advocates say that people certainly ought to be allowed to have guns in their homes to protect themselves. Potential home invaders are certainly going to think twice if they think that a homeowner may be armed. I agree with this as well.
The Constitution actually makes provision for an armed citizenry -- to protect themselves against a tyrannical government, if necessary.
Gun control advocates say that the Constitution was written in the era of the musket, and that the Founding Fathers did not foresee the era of semiautomatic weapons. True, but given that we are in an era where criminals have semiautomatics, we can't expect law-abiding citizens to defend themselves with muskets. It's too late to close Pandora's Box.
Sandy Hook Elementary School was a gun free zone. The idea is nice -- a peaceful place with no weapons. But it's a dirty little secret that such zones attract people bent on mayhem. Lanza knew he would encounter no armed opposition when he went to the school. And James Holmes, the Aurora shooter, didn't go to a much larger theater closer to his home because it was not a gun free zone. He knew he would have a higher toll if he went somewhere where people were defenseless. The death toll in Clackamas was low this past weekend because the shooter at the mall was confronted by someone with a carry permit; the shooter subsequently went into an area which had already been evacuated and just shot himself.
There is ample evidence that the murder rate is lower in places which have right-to-carry laws. This has been demonstrated in Florida, Texas, Michigan, Washington DC, and Chicago. These statistics are somewhat muddied by the fact that the handgun bans often coincided with the peak murder rates in the US during the height of the crack epidemic; but they are still convincing. In a way, these statistics are the gun free zone phenomenon writ large.
Liberals always cite the example of Canada, which has much stricter gun control laws, and which also has a much lower murder rate. They also have vastly different demographics than we do -- but of course you're a horrible person if you bring that up. The counterexample to Canada is Switzerland, where every male over the age of 21 is required to own the assault rifle he was issued as part of his Swiss militia service. Yet the murder rate there is far lower than even Canada's.
There is also plenty of other evidence that legal gun ownership correlates with a lower murder rate, as described here by Thomas Sowell.
And there's a certain hypocrisy when those who are well protected -- say, by Secret Service personnel -- wanting to take away others' carry permits. Arthur "Pinch" Sulzberger, the publisher of the New York Times, which favors strong gun control, has a carry permit himself, and those are almost impossible to obtain in New York City. The NY Times actually came out with no fewer than four editorials today calling for stricter gun control -- and that doesn't even count their front page, which is basically another editorial section. (Strangely, they neglected to mention that their publisher carries a handgun.)
The existing laws don't seem to deter mass killers. James Holmes, the Aurora shooter, bought his guns legally in Colorado, from a Gander Mountain and a Bass Pro Shop. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the Columbine killers, purchased their guns illegally from acquaintances -- who had purchased them legally. Seung-Hui Cho, the VA Tech killer got his guns legally in Virginia, where it is easy to do so. Jiverly Wong, the Binghampton shooter, had a New York state pistol permit. Jared Lee Loughner, the Tucson shooter, purchased his guns legally.
You can see who has a criminal record, but you can't predict who's going to go crazy.
It is true, as the gun control advocates say, that a would be mass murderer with a knife couldn't do as much damage. How far would any of the wimpy guys in the paragraph above have gotten with a switchblade? Not far enough for us to have ever heard of them, that's for sure.
But, if you're really hell bent on destruction, you don't need a gun. Think of Timothy McVeigh.
Enough blather. Here's what we should do: increase stop and frisks. Increase penalties -- drastically -- for being in possession of an unlicensed gun. Increase waiting periods for prospective gun owners (this is otherwise known as the "cooling off" period for those who buy with some sort of revenge in mind). Make it somewhat harder to buy a military clone like the Bushmaster Adam Lanza used. (It's already near impossible to legally acquire a fully automatic weapon.) And we should not only end gun free zones, we should require the presence of at least one armed -- but unidentifiable -- person at every public school, similar to the presence of the federal air marshall on most flights. (This person need not be an extra employee, it could simply be a teacher -- or two, or three -- who's assigned the task.)
It might not be a bad idea if they upped the minimum age for owning a gun to 25. The age range for the onset for schizophrenia is generally 17 to 21, so if you make it to 25 without symptoms, you're pretty much home free on that score. And if you look at the murder statistics, a large percentage are committed by young people. (Come to think of it, maybe we should raise the minimum age to 30.)
We should also institute a penalty for those who, through any sort of sloppiness, allow their guns to be taken by those who commit mayhem. It's too late to prosecute Nancy Lanza, but she definitely deserves part of the blame for last Friday's massacre.
Well, talking about gun control is the wrong topic altogether. What all these mass shooters have in common is that they're fruitcakes. A better question would be what has happened to confining the mentally ill?
ReplyDeleteSpecifically, for the recent mass shooting: http://www.countercontempt.com/archives/4364
In our town, the local police call neighbors and ask if they can think of any reason why a candidate for a firearm permit should not have a license. I agree with that. And the local police interview the permit candidate. The Arizona and Aurora shooters looked psychotic and I can't imagine our local police granting them a license although Adam Lanza had access to his mom's arsenal. Tougher regulations make a lot of sense but meanwhile we have to do a better job of getting treatment for the mentally ill and/or putting them away if they are a danger to society. Aurora and Newtown shooters seem to have been extremely intelligent. If they were hell bent on killing the masses and had no access to firearms, I would hazard a guess that they would have had the capability to build some pretty scary bombs! But I am still disturbed why a mother would have firearms when she sees signs that her son was mentally ill.
ReplyDeleteLowly --
ReplyDeleteThanks, that's a very good point. Hadn't realized CT was so lax with its violently mentally ill.
The problem with that, though, is that some of these guys had shown no cause for huge alarm before they committed their crimes. And the nature of schizophrenia is that it generally first appears somewhere between the ages of 17 and 21, so you can have a perfectly normal, nice, smart, well-behaved kid who turns into a monster and has done something terrible before anyone ha had a chance to react. It's my impression that James Holmes, the Aurora shooter, was schizophrenic, and I think that Seung-Hui Cho, the VA Tech shooter, was as well. Adam Lanza was supposed to have had Aspergers, though that may have been sort of a euphemism for a more serious strain of autism in his case. But none of these guys were previous offenders, and all three were considered smart early on. So they would have escaped scrutiny. i agree with your larger point about the violent mentally ill though. You hear about people in NYC who attack strangers or push them onto subway tracks, and they are usually mentally ill.
Anonymous --
ReplyDeleteYour town sounds a lot like my town; I think phoning the neighbors to get their opinion is a good idea. I'm not sure that the Aurora and Newtown shooters would have looked psychotic from the time they were young. (I think I could produce pictures of myself that make me look crazy.) But anyway, yes, Adam Lanza's mother should have been more careful.
I also read that Lanza's mother took him to a shooting range to practice earlier in his life. What's up with that?!!
ReplyDeleteAnon --
ReplyDeleteYeah, she was evidently some kind of survivalist. I don't think she was in any way consciously aiding him in his evil plan, she wouldn't have known anything about that.
I've never even properly seen a gun in my life. I've seen them carried by police in airports and I once saw a police officer carry one in a shopping mall when I visited the US. Here in Europe we don't really have gun crime. Being shot is just not a worry we have; most murders in the UK are carried out by stabbing, beating, strangling or sometimes poisoning (I read a statistic that you're five times more likely to be murdered in the US than here. Either that means Americans are five times more evil than Britons, or it means the guns make it easier for people who lack self-restraint). In fact, I haven't met a single British civilian who has ever had any involvement with guns. Even ordinary police officers in the UK don't carry guns - we have special armed response teams who deal with that, who are very rarely called out. This is why I would normally support strict gun control.
ReplyDeleteHowever in the US it's a different matter. Since there are already so many guns in the US, I can't imagine that simply banning them would get rid of the problem. I guess you're right in saying that a higher age limit might be an option, being very strict on checking criminal records and mental health, along with banning gun-free zones. Gun-free zones really are magnets for those hell-bent on causing mayhem. Other than that, I guess there is no simple solution to this problem.
Gethin --
ReplyDelete"No simple solution" is really the only honest answer one can give.
I used to be agnostic on this issue, not being a gun person myself, but I've gradually moved toward wanting law-abiding people to have them and wanting more law enforcement (stop and frisk) to keep criminals from having them. The biggest problem in this country right now is that the same liberals who want to keep law-abiding owners from having them want to curtail stop and frisk on the grounds that it is racially discriminatory. But it's not the suburban gun owners with licensed guns who are causing the high murder rate over here; it's the felons with illegal guns.
Ah, yes - the liberals wanting to stop the police from frisking. We have that problem here too. There have been complaints from (white, atheist, middle-class) liberal journalists that stop-and-search is discriminatory against Asians and Muslims. This problem is overcome in airports by being equally thorough with searching everyone, including children, the elderly and the disabled. However, police in Central London don't have time to search everyone like that. They have to profile in order to be effective. So they target people (probably all male) who "look" like they might be the types who would carry out suicide bombings. But apparently this is amoral because it is "discriminatory". It's as if the liberals think the police should spend more time fretting about racial equality than on doing their job effectively!
ReplyDeleteGethin --