Saturday, January 12, 2013

Celebrity gun control hypocrisy

This hilarious Youtube video shows celebrities tremulously asking for more gun control -- to prevent the deaths of more children -- juxtaposed with clips from their movies which essentially celebrate gun violence.

If you ever want to know what not to think, listen to the Hollywood herd.


  1. That video would be hilarious if it wasn't so sickening. Couldn't keep watching it. The lack of self awareness, hypocrisy and narcissism on the part of those celebrities just defies belief. (Or maybe not)

  2. Anon --
    I couldn't stop watching it.

  3. JAMIE FOXX is in a blood and gore soaked movie DJANGA UNCHAINED he is part of the hypotcrtical DEMAND A PLAN frankly we all need to boycott this movie and screw what the critic say HIT THESE HYPOTCRITS WHERE IT HURTS

  4. Bird --
    Foxx is a hypocrite, but I boycotted the movie for different reasons.

  5. If these spoiled little dip-wads want to stop the muder of kids then why dont they demand a total end to ABORTION? thats killed far more kids then guns
