Monday, February 18, 2013

Jesse Jr.'s purchases

Jesse Jackson Jr.'s has agreed to plead guilty to having misappropriated $750,000 in campaign funds for his personal use.

That by itself is not particularly interesting. Perhaps it's not even that surprising in light of the fact that his father, in whose political footsteps he followed, is a sociopath.

But Jackson didn't spend his money on the usual stuff: trips to the Caribbean, fancy meals, fine wines, cars, mistresses, gifts for friends, and bling. Well, other than a $43,350 Rolex. (A congressman has to be on time.)

Mostly, Jackson was a memorabilia buff.

He spent $5000 on a football which had been signed by four US Presidents. He bought two hats which had belonged to Michael Jackson, including a $4800 fedora. He spent over $8000 on Martin Luther King Jr. memorabilia and over $7000 on Bruce Lee memorabilia.

There's something a little primitive about the mentality of memorabilia collectors. It's almost as if they want a talisman to get some of the magic person's juju. (Practitioners of voodoo sometimes use a personal possession of their intended victim, such as a lock of his hair, to cast a spell. Not that Jackson wanted to cast any spells.)

Jackson's interest in Martin Luther King memorabilia is almost understandable, given that Jesse Sr. first gained fame by glomming onto the King bandwagon, then exploiting that connection.

But anybody with an IQ over 100 is supposed to grow out of his Bruce Lee stage by age 20. Jackson is now 47. You do the math.

Michael Jackson was an undeniably talented singer, dancer, and composer. But he was just as undeniably a serial child molester. As well as being sort of, well, undeniably insane. What sort of person is attracted to a loon? Perhaps another loon? I had always thought that Jesse Jackson Jr.'s extended stay in that mental health facility was a ploy to set up a temporary insanity defense. Maybe not.

Jackson also spent $5150 on furs, including a $1200 mink reversible parka and an $800 mink cape. I'd have paid $800 to see Jackson show up in Congress wearing that cape. If I knew how, I'd photoshop a picture of him wearing Michael Jackson's fedora and that mink cape.

Maybe it was a magician's cape. Jackson would certainly have to be a magician to mount any sort of political comeback after he gets out of jail. (Then again, black voters tend to be very forgiving of scandal involving their own: remember Marion Barry?)

Jackson must have grown up with a fair amount of privilege. Like many blacks who grow up well to do, he must have yearned for some real street cred. Perhaps dressing up like a pimp was his way of getting that.

In fairness to Jackson, he did reportedly try to buy himself that U.S. Senate seat former Illinois Governor Rod Blagoyevich tried to auction off. That was actually a use of campaign funds that Jackson's donors might have approved of.

And Jackson did spend $9800 on children's furniture. (Maybe we should just focus on what a good father he is.)

While Republicans are constantly accused of using their office to protect the rich, which is true enough, Democrats do seem more likely to use their office to get rich. Jackson is just one more piece of evidence.

Addendum, two days later: Turns out that it was Jackson's wife, Sandra, who bought that reversible mink parka and cape, not Jackson himself.


  1. Aw c'mon, he's just doing his part to uphold the political traditions of Cook County and District 2..

  2. Anon --
    The number one rule in Cook County is, don't get caught. I can think of one political con artist from that area, whom I won't name, who went all the way to the White House because he was able to cover his tracks.

  3. Jackson suffers from bipolar disorder. One of the symptoms of mania is wild spending. The troubling part, of course, is what this suggests about the mental state of most liberals in Congress.

  4. Jon --
    Interesting, I hadn't realized that one of the symptoms of bipolar disorder is wild spending, but it makes sense. When I had originally heard that that was one of his issues, I had been a little dismissive because I thought it was too much to be a coincidence that all of a sudden he was being treated for a mental disorder when he was under fire for corruption. He's 47 now; why had he never been treated before?

    But, yes, wild spending does make sense in light of an actual disorder. Still, what he chose to buy during those sprees is interesting.

  5. John--A very good article, and again, it included something I always thought of but never said much about. That is, why anyone would want a dead and famous person's old crap, as if it was any different because they once touched it. I just don't get it. If a person has such a fetish about this type of thing then why don't they just save their excrement from their septic tank--after all, it was a part of their body? And then there's the strangeness of Barry Bonds 73rd HR baseball, worth a fortune, while a winning tennis ball in a grad slam tournament worthless? Some things I'll just never understand--like autographs. Thanks, Brian

  6. Thank you Brian. That's an interesting point, I hadn't ever thought about the fact that a HR baseball was worth so much whereas the winning ball in tennis is worthless. In fact I didn't know that a "significant" tennis ball was worthless, but it's true, you never hear about them, and I'd never even wondered about that.

  7. He seems to have had all this money laying around that he just had to think up ways to spend it. Previously his Indian (dot variety) financial backers flew his favorite escort from out of state to meet up with him, causing some embarrassment when it came out, a white woman from what the pictures showed.
    His wife was getting over $100,000 p/yr as an alderwoman yet really lived out of town with him in DC. He supposedly paid her $500,000 to be a "consultant" to him. The apple was rotten even before it fell off the tree.
    He seems to have had a group of Indian businessmen as his financial backers. I wonder what they were getting in return for their investment in him.

  8. Pete --
    Wow, I hadn't heard about his wife getting 500k to be a "consultant" for him. That really reeks.

    No idea what those Indian businessmen were getting, but you're right, they must have been getting something.
