Friday, May 30, 2014

Sociopath alert: Somaly Mam

The NY Post just ran this article: Sex-slave crusade ousted from foundation as her tale crumbles:

One of the world’s leading anti-sex slavery activists got bounced from her own foundation because her heartbreaking tale of being sold into child prostitution and years of abuse fell apart….The Cambodian claimed she was an orphan, sold into sexual slavery and repeatedly raped and abused for years. She only worked up the courage to escape after seeing a friend killed in front of her.

But, it turned out that Mam had in fact grown up with both parents, led a comfortable middle-class life, and graduated from high school. 

Also from the article:

The 40-something Mam — whose precise age has never been stated — always knew when cameras were rolling, according to a psychologist who did volunteer work for Mam’s Cambodian charity AFESIP.

“[With donors], she’s very polished and very on and very charming … exceedingly charming,” the whistle-blower told Newsweek.

“And when people are not there, she can be tyrannical; she’s moody, she’s erratic, she’s entitled.”

It's all of a piece. All sociopaths are two-faced, and the famous ones are almost inevitably one person in front of the camera, and the opposite with their underlings. The real Mam, of course, is the tyrannical one, the opposite of the face she wore for all the celebrities she cultivated. 

Almost all sociopaths embroider their past to some extent; Mam just did so more than most. Her sad personal story (emphasis on "story") was calculated to elicit maximum sympathy, meaning that she was probably an affect-hungry sociopath -- one with a bottomless need for love from others, even while she herself was incapable of giving any.

It's also characteristic of sociopathy that she would associate herself with such a noble cause. Sociopaths seem to frequently want -- even need -- a reputation for goodness and beneficence. 

None of these despicable patterns of behavior ever exist in isolation. Once you see any of those behaviors, you should expect the others. 

All those celebrities and donors who fell for her act must have been influenced not only by the nobility of her cause but also by her delicate Asian beauty and her gracious manner (with them). 

But sociopaths come in all shapes and sizes and colors. 


  1. The sociopath that I had/have the unfortunate experience of knowing is a money-hungry sociopath. He's charming, seemingly humble, but, it's an act. In his mind, he's scheming, figuring out how to get what he wants (e.g., your money, possessions, etc.), sometimes outright stealing from you. They are dark souls.


  2. Birdie --
    No question about that. I wouldn't be surprised if Mam had been padding her expense account or living large on the donor's money or somehow chiseling from her foundation.

  3. With a sociopath, nothing surprises me, so, it wouldn't surprise me if Somaly Mam had a great life, courtesy of donor money. When you know who definitely is a sociopath, you know who to avoid. Unfortunately, many of them are good at their game, that is, until they get found out, burn. It's the rest of us who pay the price for their dishonesty.



  4. Birdie ---
    Exactly. Associations with sociopaths simply never, ever end up well.

  5. In the news today, Vanessa Stiviano claimed that she was attacked by two white guys hitting her and threw the "n-bomb" at her.

    I'm kinda skeptical about this report.

  6. Allan --
    That was my reaction as well. How often do white guys attack a black woman an throw the n-word at her? And of all people, HER? And right when she's in NY to be interviewed? How convenient. Makes her look like a victim twice over, and also distracts from the recent revelation that she herself had called blacks "stupid" and "crazy."

  7. What is amazing is how these people (referring to sociopaths) can repeatedly tell lies and aren't the least bit embarrassed (and/or phased) when found out. Instead, they keep doing what they do best - lie!


  8. Birdie --
    Yes, sociopaths are most often referred to as being "without conscience," but a "conscience" is such a nebulous concept that it's hard for most of us to get our arms around it. It's much more informative to say that they are without shame and without embarrassment. Those two emotions/feelings are just not part of their emotional repertoire, sociopaths are simply incapable of feeling either. And when you're utterly without shame, you'll do anything.

  9. John, here is a tip for a sociopath alert, although its so obvious there's hardly any point. It is a truly remarkable case though and quite an amazing case study. Have you heard about Jimmy Saville? He was a major figure in popular culture and entertainment in the 70's in Britain, well known for his philanthropy and charity work, and he turned out to be one of the most prodigious sex offenders ever...or that I've ever heard of. He literally got away with it his entire life while being in the public eye. He was actually knighted. New info keeps coming out of the extent of his crimes and depravity. I thought you'd be interested.

    Louis Therouex did an excellent interview/documentary featuring him.

  10. Steven --
    Thank you, yes, I had heard of Saville, words of his doings had even filtered over here. And yes, he is a pretty obvious sociopath. The thing I was struck by reading that article was, what an incredible sex drive he must have had. Men, women, boys, girls, geriatrics, and dead bodies too? Yikes, that guy would have sex with anything that moved.

  11. As the Bishop of Bath and Wells on the sitcom blackadder said, "I am a colossal pervert. Animal, vegetable or mineral, I'll do anything TO anything".

  12. Steven --
    My hat's off to those guys (much as I hate sociopaths). My sexuality is weak and completely unadventurous by comparison.
