Friday, December 19, 2014

Viva la revolucion!

Some conservatives seem to be seeing the recent normalization of relations with Cuba as Barack Obama having once again driven a very poor bargain. He basically restored full diplomatic relations, lifted the embargo, and freed three Cuban spies in return for a man (Alan Gross) Cuba should never have arrested in the first place, along with a US spy, and some vague talk about improving human rights. But there is nothing binding about that talk, any more than there was from China in the climate change treaty Obama signed with them.

A lot of liberals are probably reacting to the lifting of the embargo by thinking, ah, Barack's heart is in the right place; that embargo is silly an outdated.

What few have mentioned is Obama's most heartfelt desire: not that Cuba become more like us, but that we become more like Cuba. (Does anyone really doubt that the "fundamental transformation" of this country he had hoped for lay in that general direction?)

Fidel had a long history of trying to export his glorious socialist revolution abroad. Most of those efforts  eventually ended in defeat.

Who'd have thought that the one country whose leader would still be most receptive to that notion would be the United States?


  1. This post was right on about Barack Obama. This President makes my blood boil. While he's in Cuba, Brussels is attacked, and his response is galling. President Obama does not return to the U.S., but instead attends a ball game with a Communist leader, then travels with his family to Argentina. There is something completely off with Obama and his family, lacking common sense about of how to respond during national crises. People do not matter to this man. President Obama and his administration do not respond to or care about what Americans expect to see in their President. Valerie Jarrett controls this man, carrying out her socialist agenda. It's beyond frustrating to see what is and has occurred in our country. I am very concerned for our country, knowing that our enemies are within our government (from the top on down), doing their best to destroy it. I'm sure that our founding fathers (and the many, many people who have defended our nation) are turning over in their graves regarding President Obama and his corrupt, deceitful administration.


  2. Birdie --
    You're exactly right. Very few Presidents have so transparently taken their entire families on taxpayer-funded vacations the way Obama has; his and Michelle's self-indulgence is amazing. And his hollow response to the Brussels attacks is typical. Just some boilerplate, meaningless platitudes, and meanwhile, he's doing his best to allow more Syrians and other Muslim "refugees" to enter our country. Obama doesn't, and never has, seen Muslim terrorists as his real enemy; he reserves his most passionate hatred for Republicans. This is how he's always felt, and how he will always feel.

  3. Like a typical sociopath, he likes to party, have fun, lacking common decency. What amazes me is that his wife, Michelle (who you'd assume is the more level headed of the two), would talk some sense into her husband, steering him to do what's in the best interest of the country. Instead, she seems to want to party as well. Barack Obama is not an actual leader (in the true sense of the word). Genuine leaders probably don't run for office (that often) and as a result, we get stuck with the politicians that we currently have.


  4. Birdie --
    It definitely takes a certain narcissism to run for office; the majority of candidates for offices at the highest level seem to be that way. While I support Trump, he's definitely a narcissist, and Cruz is the same way.
