Friday, July 17, 2015

A criminal who looks the part

The Portland Press Herald just ran this article about Anthony Lord, 35, who shot four people last night in northern Maine.

Some excerpts:

Two people died and three were injured, shot by a registered sex offender who led law enforcement officers on a high-speed chase and massive manhunt before being taken into custody Friday afternoon, according to Maine State Police.

Anthony Lord, 35, has been charged with two counts of murder and one count of kidnapping and may face other charges.

A 21-year-old woman who was allegedly abducted by Lord was found safe. Authorities said Brittany Irish was found with Lord in Houlton at the home of Lord’s uncle. The two know each other, but police did not say how.

One of those killed was Kyle Hewitt, 22, Irish’s boyfriend. The other was Kevin Tozier, 58, of Lee, who was shot when Lord allegedly stole a pulp truck from a wood lot in Lee, police said.

Irish’s mother, Kim Irish, 55, was wounded, as was Clayton McCarthy, 55, owner of the pulp truck, and Carlton Eddy, who was shot while driving his pickup near Irish’s home, police said...

Officials first received a report at 8:30 p.m. Thursday of a barn on fire in Benedicta, at a residence where Irish lives with her parents. Lord is a suspect in the fire.

At 4:40 a.m. Friday, authorities received a report that Kary Mayo of Silver Ridge Township had been assaulted in his home and had his guns and pickup truck stolen, allegedly by Lord. Ten minutes later, the windows at Lord’s brother’s residence in Benedicta were shot out...

Eddy, who drove by the burning barn and turned around in the driveway at about the same time, was shot in the shoulder through his passenger’s side window, police said.

Lord left that house with Irish, police said.

At about 5:50 a.m., an East Millinocket officer spotted the pickup and tried to pull it over but it sped off, police said. As the officer chased the stolen pickup, Lord allegedly started shooting out the window at the officer, police said. At some point the officer lost track of the pickup....

Lord was arrested without incident after a relative told police where he was, police said….Lord was described as about 5-foot-9, 263 pounds, with blond hair and blue eyes….

Lord’s 6-month-old son, Larry Earl Lord, died May 7 in Bangor. State police continue to investigate the circumstances of the child’s death, spokesman Stephen McCausland said. The State Medical Examiner has not determined a cause of death pending further studies, according to a spokesman for the Maine Attorney General’s Office.

The article goes on to describe Lord's lengthy previous criminal history dating back to 1999.

Suffice it to say, Lord was an extremely bad guy. Usually sociopaths just look like everyone else, which is how they fool people. But occasionally they look the part, as with Richard Matt, one of the two Dannemora escapees, whom I described here as exuding a "glowering malevolence." 

Anthony Lord definitely looks the part as well, and radiates that same glowering malevolence:

That face isn't hard to read. If you see a visage bristling with that much hostility coming at you, you pretty much know immediately to just get out of the way. 

In all three pictures, Lord looks as if there's nothing he'd love more than to kill the photographer. (Or you or me, if we were there.) 

He doesn't look all that fat, which probably means that a fair amount of the 263 pounds distributed over his 5' 9" frame is muscle. (All the scarier.) 

There's an expression: by the age of 50, a man is responsible for his own face. 

In other words, whether handsome or ugly, by the age of 50 a man's character will have emerged on his face. 

It only took Anthony Lord 35 years. 


  1. Off topic:

    Hi John, can you take a look at this youtube movie: and tell me if you think that this guy took steroids?

    My opinion is yes. But you are probably much more skilled in that area.


  2. Sebastian --
    I'd say you're right. First of all, if he actually weighed less than 100 pounds as age 16, then his transformation was miraculous. And secondly, the way his muscles turned out were typical of juicers: he has extremely convex deltoids, which white guys rarely get naturally. He has that weird, abnormal definition between his pectorals. And he has the humped trapezius muscles which also tend to be a steroid signature.

  3. Thank you.

    The thing is I see more and more people like this over here (Germany and Switzerland). Back 15 years ago when I was a teenage I rarely saw people like him. Even the ones that did lots of sport did not look like this.

    I often wonder how big juicing has become over the years. Maybe it is just a side effect of the spreading gym culture.


  4. Sebastian --
    Sure. I agree with you, there seem to be more and more people doing it. Thirty years ago, it used to be something that just world class athletes would do to get an edge on their competition. Nowadays, it seems every other guy who wants to look good juices. It seems to be widespread in Hollywood these days, too.

  5. Sarcastically, we thank Lord's parents for putting their son on this earth. He's proven hmself to be an outstanding member of society.

    - Susan

  6. Susan --
    I wondered whether I should excerpt so much of the article, tinkling people would be bored reading it, but he really was a one-man crime spree. In the course of just one night, he committed murder (twice), shot two other people, kidnapping (with Miss Irish), arson (of that barn), armed robbery and grand theft (of that logging truck), vandalism and possible attempted murder (shooting out his brother's windows), evading arrest (with that cop), and even trying to kill an officer of the law (shooting at the pursuing officer).

  7. While reading the newspaper article, I was floored by how much mayhem this criminal accomplished in such a small period of time, how many victims that he had. Apparently, he wanted the 21 year-old-girl so badly that he either injured or killed anyone who got his way. Good grief! This guy should stay locked up, throwing the key away. Good example of a sociopath.

    - Susan

  8. Steven --
    That's what the Portland Press Herald article I linked at the very top of this post said. I agree, he looks older.

  9. Yes, he looks much older than 35. But hard living (aka drugs like meth) can age you quickly.

    There is also some dispute apparently about whether he kidnapped the girl. His uncle says they had been dating, and that they were affectionate with each other when Lord took her to the uncle's house during crime spree.

    It is also interesting to note that he had been busted for sex with a minor under 14, had domestic violence charges and police were investigating the death of his 6-mo old son.

    Totally fits the Maine pattern: only 20 homicides in 2014 but 13 were domestic and seven of those involved children.

    - Gardner

  10. Gardner --
    Yes, I've seen those before-and-after pictures of meth, they're amazing. Some of those people seem to have aged 20 years in 2 years. But Lord doesn't really look like meth, especially not at 5'9" and 263 pounds. He looks more like alcohol.

    Hmm, interesting about the uncle's comment. One of the accounts I read said something about Irish having had a boyfriend, but who knows. I guess Lord had a better relationship with his uncle than he did with his brother.

    Wow, that's a low rate of homicides. I find myself hoping that you had to look that up and didn't just have that statistic at your fingertips, otherwise I'd feel pretty uninformed….I WAS vaguely aware that both VT and NH also have really low homicide rates too. Nothing to do with the demographics, I'm sure.

  11. Yes, I did look it up. As a former cops reporter, I find myself looking at the FBI UCR just for kicks every so often. Crime statistics fascinate me. But I guess I am just weird/wired that way.

    I did know that Vermont had a yearly homicide total of about ten, so I was curious if Maine's was as low.

    Just for contrast, so far this year the city ofBaltimore, which has less than half the population of Maine, has seen 174 of its residents die from homicide. That's a little more than halfway thorough the year.

    Why? Now that's an answer that is just not said.


  12. Gardner --
    Ah, so you did the police beat; no wonder you have such a realistic sense of…..everything.

    Yes, Charm City. And yes, just not said. Except that I sorta said it in the previous comment. And, now that I think of it, you just sorta said it too. Well, at least one of us was smart enough to say it using an alias.

    I guess Baltimore must be full of guys who are sort of the equivalent of Anthony Lord. But somehow they never, individually at least, get the same sort of publicity. Unless, of course, they turn into Freddie Gray's.

    Good night.

  13. Regarding the kidnapped young woman, hell I'd pretend to be Lord's girlfriend if it would keep me alive. What the uncle thought he saw occurring between Lord and his kidnap victim was probably fake, not real (at least on the kidnapped victim's end).


  14. Birdie --
    That's possible, but it sounds, from what the uncle said, that they had been dating previously, so the situation is a little murky. The part of the article I quoted said that Irish had a boyfriend , Kyle Hewitt, who was killed, so who knows. Maybe it was a love triangle. though using the word "love" with Lord is probably misleading. The other thing is, he did shoot irish's mother during his rampage, so Brittany Irish must have been scared out of her mind that evening, what with witnessing that and other violence, so she probably was pretending to some degree.

  15. According to an article in the Boston Herald, Rick and Kim Irish said that Lord had become obsessed with their daughter, Brittany. She had gone to the police days earlier, claiming that Lord had abducted and molested her. Supposedly, he was angry with the young woman (for going to the police), and knowing that he would be going back to prison, he went on a crime spree, kidnapping Brittany. According to another article in the Bangor Daily News, Brittany tried to escape her house when Lord was there, shooting her boyfriend and her mother. She was scared out of her mind (and rightfully so). Lord is plain evil, definitely psychologically unbalanced, disturbed. Could you imagine being so young and having this low-life criminal having the hots for you? The guy is a turn-off. I imagine the surviving victims will all suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.


  16. Birdie --
    Thank you, that clears it up. Lord is plain evil, you're right. But the scary thing is, a guy like that is not "disturbed" in the same way that you or I would be "disturbed." Sociopaths are not prey to the full gamut of emotions, so are untroubled by love, or guilt, or embarrassment. And he's not really "unbalanced, " either. In a way, he's got perfect balance, it's just that he's evil; and his perfect balance actually makes him scarier.

    You're right about the PTSD.

  17. Brittany's boyfriend was sleeping on a couch and Lord shot him eight times! What a way to go. The young man was 22 years old. Too bad law enforcement didn't shoot Lord when they apprehended him.


  18. Birdie --
    Yes, agreed. Lord will now just get to be a bully in prison for the rest of his life.

  19. Yes to what Birdie wrote,

    Looks like Lord kidnapped, tortured and raped Irish and only let her go because she promised not to tell the police. Which she promptly did, and then the police notified Lord!

    Notified, not arrested! So he came after her and the brutality ensues:

    If this bears out, I hope she sues the MF'ing hell out of the police.

    - Gardner

  20. Gardner --
    Wow. She has a great case.

  21. Good grief! That girl has been through unnecessary hell (along with the other victims). I hope all the victims sue the police, the POS Lord, and Lord's parents (for bringing the low-life into the world).

