Shaun King has been dubbed "Dolezal II" by a number of outlets this past week for having perpetrated a similar scam.
What kind of person keeps up a long-running subterfuge like that? A brief glimpse into King's life, and his own words, as reported in this CNN article, tell you all you need to know: he is indeed a sociopath. A few excerpts (in italics):
"I refuse to speak in detail about the nature of my mother's past, or her sexual partners, and I am gravely embarrassed to even be saying this now, but I have been told for most of my life that the white man on my birth certificate is not my biological father and that my actual biological father is a light-skinned black man," he said.
Have you ever heard the expression, "He's the type of guy who'd throw his own mother under the bus"? Meet Shaun King. King is essentially trying to maintain his scam here by calling his own mother a whore.
Note that he says he "refuse[s] to speak in detail about the nature of my mother's past" -- what a gentleman! Also note that he claims to be "gravely embarrassed." Except that sociopaths don't feel embarrassment.
Shaun King's statement is even less credible given that he looks just like "the white man on my birth certificate," Jeffery Wayne King:
If in fact Jeffery Wayne King were not his biological father, that would be a remarkable coincidence.
"It is horrifying to me that my most personal information, for the most nefarious reasons, has been forced out into the open and that my private past and pain have been used as jokes and fodder to discredit me and the greater movement for justice in America," King wrote [on his blog at the Daily Kos].
Note that he says he "refuse[s] to speak in detail about the nature of my mother's past" -- what a gentleman! Also note that he claims to be "gravely embarrassed." Except that sociopaths don't feel embarrassment.
Shaun King's statement is even less credible given that he looks just like "the white man on my birth certificate," Jeffery Wayne King:
If in fact Jeffery Wayne King were not his biological father, that would be a remarkable coincidence.
"It is horrifying to me that my most personal information, for the most nefarious reasons, has been forced out into the open and that my private past and pain have been used as jokes and fodder to discredit me and the greater movement for justice in America," King wrote [on his blog at the Daily Kos].
But the one who "forced" this "personal" and "private" information out into the open in the first place was King himself, by claiming to be black.
Wrapping oneself in the flag is typical sociopathy. King tries to imply here that those who have exposed him as white are trying to discredit the movement for "justice" in America. This is a time-tested technique for trying to deflect attention from oneself.
Wrapping oneself in the flag is typical sociopathy. King tries to imply here that those who have exposed him as white are trying to discredit the movement for "justice" in America. This is a time-tested technique for trying to deflect attention from oneself.
King later Tweeted, "This attack isn't about me so much, but is about derailing Black Lives Matter and the movement against police brutality."
Translation: if you claim King is white, you are supporting police brutality.
CNN's Don Lemon exchanged text messages with King on Wednesday night and asked him directly whether he was black or white.
"Initially, he did not answer but later referred to himself as biracial," Lemon said. "But then when I asked him if that's what it shows on his birth certificate I did not hear back from him. No answer on that."
It takes a little while to get your lies together, which is why sociopaths are often slow to answer personal questions.
In one of a series of tweets Wednesday, King said, "First off, the key facts about my biological relatives are all wrong. They tried, but my family, like many of yours, is one big mess."
After all, all families are just big, complicated aggregations of imperfect humanity, are they not? So why should his be any different?
He also compared his situation to President Obama's "birther" controversy. "In essence, what is happening to me now, is like conservatives demanding Obama's long form birth certificate," he tweeted.
Yet another tactic from the sociopathic playbook is equating oneself to someone perceived (by some) as noble and exalted. In other words: Don't you even see? I'm another Barack Obama!
(Note to Shaun: next time, aim for Nelson Mandela.)
On Thursday, King wrote: "Never have I once identified myself as white. Not on forms, not for convenience or privilege, and not for fun and games, have I ever identified myself as white. I was never a white guy pretending to be black. Not once, ever, did it occur to me that I was being phony or fraudulent or fake."
This sort of overemphasis is also typical of liars: Never…once…not…not…not…ever….never..not once, ever. And it wasn't enough to say that it never occurred to him that he was being phony. He had to say that it never occurred to him that he was phony OR fraudulent OR fake. (What's the diff?)
King is not only innocent, he is, like OJ Simpson, absolutely, 100 percent, not guilty.
And, since we already know King is lying about his race, for him to say it never occurred to him that he was lying is simply another lie. In any case, describing his own feelings, falsely or not, would hardly constitute proof of his veracity.
Another charge against King is that he lied about being the victim of a hate crime 20 years ago when he was a high school student in Versailles, Kentucky.
King said he was beaten by a "racist mob of rednecks" so badly that he missed almost two years of school while recovering from fractures to his face and ribs as well as severe injuries to his spine. A Forbes magazine profile called it "one of the first registered hate crimes" in Kentucky history.
"In March of 1995, it all boiled over and a racist mob of nearly a dozen students beat me severely, first punching me from all sides, then, when I cradled into a fetal position on the ground they stomped me mercilessly, some with steel-toed boots, for about 20 seconds," wrote King.
"I had fractures in my face and ribs, but most badly damaged was my spine. I ended up having three spinal surgeries and missed 20 months of school over it. My entire family endured this deeply painful time in my life ranging from the surgeries, the brutal recovery, physical therapy, and professional counseling. It was rougher than my words will ever do justice."
The Blaze disputes King's claims, citing police reports and witness statements that describe his injuries as minor and the incident as a fight between him and another person, not a beat down from a racist mob. The Blaze also reported that the FBI didn't have any record of hate crime incidents reported in Versailles in 1995.
According to the Blaze report, the detective assigned to the case said that witnesses reported that King threatened to break a female student's neck if she didn't repay him the $8 he felt she owed him, and shoved her against a wall. The girl's ex-boyfriend then defended her and got into a fight with King, which resulted in "minor" injuries to King.
Falsely claiming to be a victim is of course another typical sociopathic behavior. And it's exactly the kind of hoax you'd expect from someone who wrongly labels his own mother a whore.
You needn't be part of "a racist mob of rednecks" to recognize that Shaun King is a sociopath.
I was hoping that you'd do a post on Shaun King, having read about him this week. Seeing the photo of his bio criminal dad, Shaun does look a bit like his father. Sociopaths try to keep us believing the unbelievable, rarely fessing up to the truth.
Birdie --
ReplyDelete"Runner Katy" actually suggested I do one, along with one on that women who killed her sons because she felt her daughter was not getting enough attention from their father. (I'm not going to do one on her.)
King is a pretty obvious case, made a little more interesting than usual because of the intersection of sociopathy and racial politics.
Just do a DNA swab on him - which he'll refuse, I'll bet.
ReplyDeleteBob --
ReplyDeleteGood solution.
I hadn't read the story about the homicidal mother. After reading about her, she's a sociopath. I cannot imagine killing anyone over some flimsy excuse, but sadly there are people who will kill you over stupid things. May her children rest in peace.
Birdie --
ReplyDeleteI actually think she's crazy, not a sociopath. She confessed immediately, and there was no subterfuge. It's the action of a crazy person, not a conniving one.
Why that is lies, all lies!!! You are a mean White Aryan racist!!! That's what you are!!! Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!! You're probably are the Grand Whatzit of the KKK!!!! Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!! And you probably drink beer with Tom Metzger!!! Yeah, yeah that's the ticket!!!
ReplyDelete(Whoops I think I out did myself on silly Bizarro posts but I thought Shaun King deserved it along with a serious ass beating.)
I used to be you too. Hated my own race because of childhood trauma and what the white kids did me in school. I finally grew up, damn near in my 30s,to accept and love myself as is, without lieing about my heritage. I'm sorry that boy beat you so badly, even if you did threaten to beat a female up behind pocket change, but please embrace who you are, you can STILL make a change. Especially those of us with biracial babies. ♥
DeleteAllan --
ReplyDeleteYou gave me a start there; I have yet to get a comment from someone I've done a sociopath alert about. (As far as I'm concerned, they're pretty much irrefutable.) I do wonder sometimes how many of them have read about themselves.)
I'm semi-immune to the White Aryan racist tag anyway since I'm only half white.
"I'm semi-immune to the White Aryan racist tag anyway since I'm only half white."
ReplyDeleteWhoops, I assumed that you were completely immune, sorry about that.
You see I love mocking the politically correct giblet heads. I remember one moron accused Nicholas Stix of being a neo-Nazi. Let me see, a Jewish feller with a wife from Trinidad of East Indian extraction sounds like a real neo-Nazi to me... Sarcasm off.
Morris Sleaze of the $PLC accusing various conservatives of being fascists with little or no evidence. This degenerate mutant of liberalism sure inflicts massive humor on themselves.
With as many sociopath alerts as you are accumulating you just may have the makings of a good readable book.
Food for thought:
ReplyDeleteSay you live in a town, and some guy moves into the old mansion on the south hill. For the next several weeks, his goons are seen inspecting the streets. He buys up the welding plant where half the community works. A week later, he shuts it down, tears it down, and starts building a new plant. During the construction, with the jobs lost from the welding plant, the community starts to fall apart. A quarter of the families break up or move away, drifters come in, screen doors rattle on their hinges, the second gas station goes out of business, and the guy at the unemployment office finally gets transferred after he's assaulted for the second time by a desperate local. A couple months later, the wealthy guy who tore down the welding plant opens up his new plant: a plant that makes prefabricated carpeting. It's a big, modern new building, made to satisfy a huge list of contracts that the company is rumored to have with a nationwide home construction company. It pays a little more than the welding plant and it offers full benefits after one year's experience.
1) How many guys in the town are going to suddenly show an interest in prefabricated carpeting?
2) How many locals will suddenly remember, or claim to remember, that they have a family member who worked, or past personal experience themselves working, in a kind of business similar to the production and distribution of prefabricated carpeting?
3) How many men will be willing to break appointments with friends or family when an interview opportunity suddenly comes up?
4) When the local newspaper wants to quote a young man on the street about what he thinks of the closing of the welding plant and the opening of the carpeting plant, and that person's name is going to be used in the article, how many young men on the street will promise that they think it was a wonderful thing that the old plant closed down and the new plant opened later, because of, like, development, and stuff?
5) How many of the liars who lied during this period are lying because they're sociopaths?
6) If the welding plant had never closed down, and the town's workers had mostly gone on working at the mill until retirement, and then were presented with the question, "Would it have been a good thing if the plant had closed back in 2015?" how many of them would answer it way differently than their carpet-making counterparts in the alternate universe described above?
(cut for length...)
The point is, of course, that if you create opportunities for rewarding people in any non-productive way, you'll create a system that people can and will game for non-productive results. A kinship network, or any other kind of structure meant to reward people for traits rather than productive work; a financial or tax system any more complex than the issuance of a flat currency on a fee-based system; a budget that exempts "security" issues from public oversight; a wage based on "hourly" work rather than productive output...make anything like this, and suddenly, "sociopaths" will pop up everywhere, engaging in the type of behavior the system was designed to encourage. False timesheets, false traits, un-auditable kickback networks, professional accountants, revenue agencies...
ReplyDeleteIt's possible that some of these people might actually be sociopaths--but psychoanalysis, post-industrial medical science, and Hollywood have created this notion of "pathologies" to explain behavior that, almost all of the time, has a strong materially-motivated aspect behind it. Finally getting attention--getting to tell your story to the world after making yourself famous--is a less-obvious one, but how about simply holding a job? Getting food and shelter? Appearing socially respectable and worthy of privileges?
In a just society, no one would notice "sociopaths," because there'd be no motivation for there to be "sociopaths." Non-western societies have proven that the Freudian-derived "split personality" was a western myth; other societies will eventually prove that there are no such things as "sociopaths." Assholes, yes; sociopaths, no.
Allan --
ReplyDeleteNo apology necessary. And you're basically right, anybody who says anything realistic about race these days is going to be called racist anyway, so no use bothering to avoid the tag.
I didn't know those things about Nicholas Stix. And "degenerate mutant" is too generous a description of Morris Dees.
I tried to publish a manuscript on sociopathy once, came close, but the publishing company ended up backing off because I named too many names. These sociopath alerts wouldn't help that.
High Arka --
ReplyDeleteI understand what you're saying -- that our topsy turvy society rewards people for lying -- and that people who are encouraged to lie like that aren't necessarily sociopaths. And, for the most part, that's true. But there are some people who are sociopaths, and their sociopathy will always express itself in some way. King is such a person. Yes, our society rewards him for posing as a victim, of a racial beatdown in high school and as a victim of "racism," but it still takes a special kind of person to pose as something so much at odds with who they really are. I suppose you could say that the way sociopaths distinguish themselves from the rest of us is by the degree to which they misbehave/lie. Most people would never even think of posing as black when they're white.
Also, to say there would be no sociopathy in a just society is just wrong. Sociopaths are roughly 3 to 4% of the population, and they wouldn't just disappear if the larger social motivations to lie somehow disappeared. (And I can't imagine that ever happening.) We'll always have serial killers, who've always been around whether living in a feudal society, a capitalist one, or a communist one. They don't get positively reinforced b society for what they do; their motivations are more internal, and have to do with the sexual thrill they feel when they see someone's life ebbing away under their control. That has nothing to do with societal convention, or fashionable thought, or anything else in the larger scheme of things. it's just a personal quirk, and those will always be with us.
Here's one for you, Morris Sleaze accused Carol Swain of being a White Nationalist, that one is immune to embarrassment.
Yep, as you can see she is a real dead ringer for Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS.
As for the manuscript, you hit a nerve (possible) or they feared lawsuits (probable). Maybe both who knows.
Allan --
ReplyDeleteYou're right, Dees is shameless, but he obviously didn't do his homework on that one.
The publishing company (Simon & Schuster, this was back in 1996) did say that they were worried about lawsuits. The thing is, the only people I mentioned were those who were already public figures, and if I talked about people who weren't, I didn't mention names. Anyway, in the meantime, I satisfy myself by ranting on this blog.
I think Shaun King might be telling the truth about his ancestry - White mother, light mixed black father - but lying about the "hate crime".
ReplyDeleteThe bigger issue is that "black lives matter" is a morally fraudulent group that has gotten way more attention than it deserves.
The photo matching him up with that other man is tricky because of the head angle and glasses. Creates the illusion of similarity.
Rifleman --
ReplyDeleteBut even without the similar angle and glasses, there's a strong resemblance. They have similar eyes, eyebrows, mouths, and foreheads. The younger King seems to flare his nostrils a bit, otherwise they're remarkably similar. And given that Jeffery Wayne is listed on his birth certificate, that would be an incredible coincidence if he wasn't the father.
I agree with you completely about Black Lives Matter.
But even without the similar angle and glasses, there's a strong resemblance. They have similar eyes, eyebrows, mouths, and foreheads.
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure.
He definitely has some of his mom's features here:
Mouth, nose hair maybe.
Maybe some "black genetics" through his White mother.
So some black from "White" mom not light black father?
DNA test will clear it up but that probably wont happen unless trick is involved like detectives getting suspect to smoke cig or drink then get DNA from cig/cup rim.
Rifleman --
ReplyDeleteYes, there's a resemblance to the mother, but you'd expect that, too.
I think the solution is, as Bob Wallace suggested above, to offer to let him take a DNA test. My guess is he'll refuse, which is answer enough for me. If he were to take the test, they wouldn't even have to locate the father, outfits like can tell you what percentage of your genes came from which geographical part of the world.
I'm curious how you came by that moniker: are you military (or ex-), a hunter, or just a fan of that Chuck Connors TV show from the 60's?
Thanks for the sociopath alert. This is a great service you provide
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many whites are now trying to pass as Blacks today. Will these recent cases of Whites trying to pass as Blacks will lead to more or less Whites trying to pass as Blacks.
Jova --
ReplyDeleteThank you. not sure how much of service it is, calling King a sociopath is sort of stating the obvious, but thanks.
After Dolezal, it didn't occur to me that there might be others, but after King, I had the same thought. I can't imagine there's too many of them, though, it requires an awful lot of effort to pull off, and in the internet age it'd be too easy to get caught.
"I can't imagine there's too many of them [race fakers], though."
ReplyDeleteWait till the government starts mailing out reparation checks. Ramzpaul and David Duke will be the only Americans not sporting an afro and a gold chain.
I just read BETWEEN THE WORLD AND ME by the greatest living leftist author, Ta-Nehisi Coates, said to be the 21st century's James Baldwin. Coates is a Sub-Saharan African American from Baltimore. His book is a celebration of blackness. He sings the praises of the great civilizations of his ancestors in Egypt and Nubia.
The only problem with Coates's formulation is that the populations of North Africa and the Horn of Africa (around Ethiopia or "Nubia") are Caucasian. Egyptians are white. So are Ethiopians. They are not Nordic white, obviously, but they are taxonomically Caucasian. They are not the ancestors of Ta-Nehisi Coates and I'm pretty sure they'd be twisting in their sarcophagi if they heard him claim them.
Sub-Saharan African actors declare only they should play the roles of Othello and Cleopatra. But Othello was a North African Moor, hence Caucasian. Cleopatra even more so since she wasn't Egyptian; she was Greek.
Mark --
ReplyDeleteHa! Very true -- when the reparation checks start to roll I'll be working on my tan as well.
Yes, it's always entertaining to hear the descendants of Bantus claim the Pyramids as their own. From what I understand, there WERE some Nubian slaves who were put to work on the construction, but the architects were basically Semitic, from what we can tell from ancient Egyptian drawings etc.
One of my favorite quotes is from Al Sharpton, back in 1994:
"White folks was in caves while we was building empires.... We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it."
I guess Al was Egyptian. And can he not tell the difference between "astrology" and "astronomy"? What was really telling was that no one called him on the inaccuracy of his genetic roots, only on the fact that he used the word "homos."
How dare you qualify Ta-Nehisi's greatness by inserting the word "leftist" into your description of him? If you actually read that entire book, you either have much more patience than me, or are a masochist of the first order.
Of course the problem is not that a sick/crooked individual like this hitches himself to the grievance industry, it's that the industry exists in the first place. A few weeks ago there was a white-bashing article at Huffington Post from a man that has a doctorate in "Whiteness Studies." Do you get that? He has a DOCTORATE in hating white people (remember him when you hear a liberal talking about institutional racism). He's one of the many MILLIONS who earn a living, quite often a good living, as a professional white-hating racist. We shouldn't be surprised when little worms like King try to cash in.
ReplyDeleteAnon --
ReplyDeleteAmazing, I hadn't head that before. Really raises my level of respect for PhD's.
And yes, you are 100% right about the larger picture.
I have a nephew who posted a comment on Facebook about blacks, slavery, and how it's up to us to make amends for our ancestors treatment of blacks. In response, I stated that slavery has gone on since ancient times and that present day whites aren't responsible for what whites did hundreds of years ago.
Birdie --
ReplyDeleteYou're exactly right; holding today's whites responsible for what some whites did 150 years ago is like putting children in prison because their parents died as debtors. And while they're at it, American blacks ought to demand reparations from African blacks of raving sold them into slavery. Yet somehow that possibility never gets mentioned.
I wonder at what point Shaun King decided he was going to be bi-racial, and wonder if any of his past friends or family would ever shed light on this, such as some of Rachel Dolezal's family and friends had. Thanks for another great post!
ReplyDeleterunner Katy --
ReplyDeleteThanks, and thanks for the suggestion. Yes, it would be interesting to hear what people who knew King way back when would say, but this story doesn't seem to have legs in the mainstream media. I think they feel that one person (Dolezal) doing this is just a freakish occurrence, but two people is a pattern, and they don't want to ask any of the questions I did in the next post.
He actually looks like he could have some black in him. I wonder if he kind of noticed this himself or other people remarked and that's what set him off.
ReplyDeleteSteven --
ReplyDeleteMaybe, just a touch. But there's a certain amount of artifice there (i.e., he seems to flare his nostrils for pictures, and he keeps his hair extremely short to disguise the fact that it would grow out straight. Without any artifice, I look blacker than he does.
Interesting blog, linked by Nicholas Stix to get here. If you're qualified to write a book, maybe you'd be interested in writing at Unz? He gets great exposure and is unafraid of political incorrectness.
ReplyDelete@birdie - one additional thought: slavery did exist in all societies (and still does in Arabia and Africa) - what makes American slavery exceptional is that whites freed their slaves. Name another people who just up and freed their slaves. Lastly, only around 4% of white southerners owned any slaves, so who exactly would pay reparations? Descendants of the 96% who didn't own slaves? Descendants of the hundreds of thousands of northerners who gave life and limb to fight the south (which ultimately contributed to their freedom)? And who would receive payment? America has millions of Africans who have no slave ancestors. There were many African slave owners in the south. Imagine the guy descended from both slave and owner (a not uncommon heritage)? And lastly, white Americans have spent trillions of dollars on social programs and affirmative action corporate welfare - a sum far greater than the sum of wages unearned by slaves (remember slaves got room, board, healthcare - reparations would pay only wages above expenses).
Stan d Mute --
ReplyDeleteThank you very much.
And great points about slavery, I've never heard the arguments against reparations expressed quite so cogently.
MeMe64 --
ReplyDeleteFor a second there I thought your comment was directed at me.