Friday, October 9, 2015

Kevin McCarthy and Renee Elmers

Kevin McCarthy, who withdrew his bid for speaker of the House yesterday, is now being accused of having had an affair with fellow Representative Renee Elmers. Here are the two of them in 2011:

They actually bear a resemblance to each other: similar eyebrows, foreheads, noses, and slightly cleft chins. Even their hair seems to fall similarly. Both are from California, and both are Republican. It's not a stretch to believe that both politicians have similar dispositions.

Assuming the accusation is true, does the fact that both are attracted to someone to whom they bear a resemblance mean they are narcissistic personalities? Or does it simply mean that they have a healthy self-regard? Or does it signify nothing?

I have no idea. But the resemblance is notable.

Maybe both felt they had finally met their soulmates when they started seeing each other.

McCarthy, by the way, looks nothing like his wife, pictured with him here:

But that probably means nothing, either.


  1. 6 foot 7 foot 8 foot 9October 10, 2015 at 4:15 PM

    in the first photo if you look at his eyes he has that profoundly relaxed look of someone who climaxed recently and ellmers is looking a little furtive.

  2. 6 foot 7 --
    Ha, interesting observation. I hadn't thought of that, though it could be so. You could also interpret Elmers' look as that glazed eye look women get when they've just had orgasms.

    Then again, I doubt they had sex in the Capitol building right before that picture-taking session/press conference/whatever the occasion as.

  3. 6 foot 7 foot 8 foot 9October 10, 2015 at 5:54 PM

    i get the impression from the page scandals that they do have a degree of privacy there and damn is that guy relaxed.

  4. 6 foot 7 --
    You could well be right.

  5. If they are in fact getting busy it shows good judgment: if one is in a position of power, in a society where getting caught at sex outside marriage is a career ender, a smart person only selects a partner with as much to lose as they do if it comes out. Contrast that with, say, the idiot golfer Tiger Woods or deranged preacher Jimmy Swaggart.

    Many famous people marry or have relationships with people who resemble themselves. I remember Mick and Bianca Jagger, for example.

  6. Gus Kenworth --
    Good point, rule number one for a married person is don't go after singles. What's surprising about Woods and Swaggart is how long it took them to get caught, given how incredibly sloppy both were.

    Yes, Bianca resembled him, but after that Jagger seemed to mostly go after just traditional beauties.

  7. Relying on Wikipedia, I gather that Renee Elmers grew up in Michigan, then moved to North Carolina. She attended Oakland Univesity, which is in Michigan, not California.

    There needs to be an independent investigation of the story that a domestic spy at the Department of Homeland Securty made the alleged affair public.

    Just before that story broke, we learned that the Secret Service threatened to destroy a congressman's career by exposing information in his personnel file. The Secret Service was outraged that the congressman was attempting a little congressional oversight of their organization.

  8. Kevin McCarthy, 50, is a year younger than Renee Elmers.

  9. Mark --
    You're right, it all smacks of J. Edgar Hoover. I'm generally less concerned about NSA spying than most of the people on my side of the political fence are, but both of those incidents stink of petty bureaucrats who get a little taste of power, get drunk on it, and abuse it.

    These incidents, btw, are completely different from the mini-scandal that erupted when it turned out that a bunch of Secret Service agents had hired hookers in Colombia, which I thought was much ado about very little.

  10. Mark --
    Looks to me as if she's kept herself in pretty good shape. I think older women can be quite attractive if they keep themselves in good shape….Not that at 61 I should be describing her as "older."
