Saturday, December 5, 2015

Of all places…..

Whenever there's been talk of possible terrorist targets, the usual list includes Times Square, The Lincoln Tunnel, various football stadiums, bridges, and nuclear facilities, as well as reservoirs (to be poisoned).

No one ever thought to mention The Inland Regional Center, a facility for the mentally deficient in San Bernadino, California. To most Los Angelenos, San Bernadino is pretty much Nowheresville. It's hard to imagine a less glamorous place.

Of course, this attack seemed to be a weird mix of Muslim fanaticism and personal animosity. (Had someone made the mistake of wishing Syed Farook a Merry Christmas at that ill-fated office Christmas party?) So maybe it was unique in that San Bernadino just happened to be where some Muslims who happened to be ripe for jihad just happened to live.

Farook had been described as quiet but well-liked at the Center, where he worked. Like many American men, he had tried multiple dating websites before eventually getting a mail order bride from Pakistan. Until his neighbors started noticing a lot of strange packages arriving at his house -- which they didn't report for fear of being labeled racist -- no one ever suspected Syed of being a terrorist.

In any case, if San Bernadino isn't safe, it's pretty obvious that no place is.

ISIS doesn't seem to care if you work at packing plant in Enid, Oklahoma, are going to school in Orono, Maine, or work as an usher at a cinemaplex in Raleigh, North Carolina.

They're coming soon, to a theater near you.


  1. You managed to say something original. Good job.

  2. Dear Troll --
    Nice to hear from you again, it's been about a month.

    Please tell me where you've seen my most recent post before today, "If fashion writers recorded history," before.

    If you have anything original to say yourself,please feel free…….

  3. ISIS doesn't seem to care if you work at packing plant in Enid, Oklahoma, are going to school in Orono, Maine, or work as an usher at a cinemaplex in Raleigh, North Carolina.

    The US government seems to like to drop off muslims, Africans and now Syrians, in places like Maine, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Oregon.

    All in the name of the God of "diversity".

    They put a lot of Hmong in Wisconsin of all places.

    The US government is not your friend. But I guess many people already know that.

  4. Rifleman --
    Good point. The US government, or at least the Obama administration, seems hellbent on making whites a minority as soon as possible.

    "We're a nation of immigrants." The older waves of immigrants -- the Swedes, Germans, irish, italians -- all seemed to want to become Americanized. The newer waves seem to become anti-Americanized.

  5. No place is safe from Muslim terrorist attacks, a religion that is definitely not peaceful.


  6. John, "The Dude"

    I had the same feeling as the troll, but I mean this in the most untrollish way, that you expressed something that no one has - that jihad has come to the most mundane, everyday places. We all thought Rockefeller Center was next.

    Did you hear that some asshole blamed the shooting on the "Messianic Jew"? He was probably an annoying loudmouth, but fer crying out one amasses an arsenal of pipe bombs because a co-worker is a pain in the arse. If the co-worker was inappropriate there is a thing called a complaint process. It doesn't include shooting up people.

    Are we doomed?

    Lady Bug

  7. Lady Bug --
    Yes, this San Bernadino hit was a unique set of circumstances, I suspect that when ISIS or Al Qaeda plan attacks, they're thinking more in terms of more visible targets like the World Trade Center, but I suppose they'll settle for what they can get. And a lot of the potential ISIS recruits have been settled into Middle America, so no place is really safe.

    Yes, I did hear about that, the guy with the Greek-sounding name, Steve Sailer wrote about him today. The NY Daily News called him "hateful" because of his political positions (anti-Planned Parenthood and pro-NRA); in their minds, that is as bad a sin as what the shooters did. Unbelievable.

    As to your last question, your guess is as good as mine.

  8. Thank you Steven.

    BTW, you sure were right about Tyson Fury.

  9. I thought his boxing skills were underrated because he looks big and clumsy. I thought he was better than people thought but I didn't think he was better than Klitschko.

  10. Steven --
    I hadn't ever seen him fight so had no opinion. But yeah, this was definitely a major upset.

  11. I hope that there is an upsurge in gun sales in the USA. It would be great to tick off the liberals (a little bit).


  12. Birdie --
    Actually there has been an upsurge in gun sales every time there is a terrorist attack, and every time Obama calls for more gun control.

  13. You might be interested in the furore about Tyson Fury being shortlisted for BBC sports personality of the year, which he clearly deserves based on achievement. However, he has recently made said that abortion, homosexuality and paedophilia being legalised is a precondition for Armageddon and that a woman's best place is in the kitchen and on her back. For these 'homophobic and sexist comments', there is a petition to have him removed from the shortlist which is 100,000 signatures strong, the head of the BBC is to be questioned by MPs (members of parliament), police are to visit his house as part of a hate crime investigation, and a BBC newsreader called him a dickhead on live tv.

    I don't agree with his comments but I started feeling that the response was a bit sinister when the police got involved. I'm also a bit surprised at the extent of the reaction, although I probably shouldn't be. His initial reaction was something like 'suck my balls' and he called the petition signers '50,000 wankers' but he must be a bit shocked as it escalates.

  14. Steven --
    I agree with your sentiments entirely. Having the police investigate him for comments like that? These attitudes were all commonplace 40 years ago, and he never advocated violence against anyone. And, for Crissakes, he's the heavyweight boxing champion. Since when is a boxing champion supposed to conduct himself like a member of Parliament?

    I had followed his comments, but hadn't realized he was being investigated by the police. I agree with your characterization of that as "sinister."

    What's really amazing is that England is filled with Muslims who advocate Sharia law, which is far, far harsher than anything Fury said, but no one would ever dream of investigating them. As far as I know, Fury never suggested that little girls have their clits cut off, or that they not be allowed to go to school.
