Wednesday, January 6, 2016


It's rare you see a country's leader go through the kind of 180 degree shift in image that Angela Merkel seems to have undergone.

A year ago, when she was dealing with the Greek debt crisis, she appeared to be a flinty-eyed realist who saw right through Greece's attempts to worm out of responsibility for years of financial profligacy. She was a hard bargainer who insisted until the end that Greece's government put in place a program of austerity -- or else.

Now she looks like a patsy. It's almost as if in the intervening year, someone kidnapped her and brainwashed her, stuffing her head with unrealistic liberal ideals. Now, after the New Year's Eve wilding party by her new guests, she looks like a woman who's just been molested: glassy-eyed, in shock, and unsure about what just happened.

(Not unlike one of those women who were just attacked in Cologne.)

Unfortunately for Angela, it's the latter image that's going to stick.


  1. This will sound far out, but it could be true. Maybe, the elites (who desire a one world government) have Germany's leader under mind control - she is doing their bidding. If you look at the world, insanity is what is occurring, common sense is out the door.

    - Susan

  2. Susan --
    It actually occurred to me when I first heard of her inviting all those "Syrians" in that something was going on behind the scenes that we don't know about, but I doubt it.

  3. I have heard about the Illuminati and I'm thinking there could be truth to this secret organization. I'll leave it at that.

    - Susan

  4. I stayed in Stuttgart a few years ago and had to leave the youth hostel I was staying in and walk through their central park at 4am to the train station when I was leaving. The youth hostel receptionist dismissed my safety concerns and told me it was completely safe to walk through the park at night, that muggings practically never happened there, maybe once or twice a year. I felt completely at ease in Stuttgart. Its a terrible shame if the presence of Arab men changes that situation and makes it unsafe. The frustrating thing is it would be self-inflicted out of naivety. Obviously a lot of them don't act like this but the incident shows that far too many do, to the point where its obviously a cultural issue and not just a few bad apples. Hopefully the lesson will be learned early.

    Germany has a very developed culture; women are very safe in the streets there so this is a shock for them. They couldn't imagine until now that this could be the result of their kindness. I hope the feminists who say they have a rape culture notice the contrast! What happened, with a woman being groped 100 times in 200m is something that simply wouldn't happen in a crowd of western men. That is the issue here.

    This behaviour, however, is actually unusual in many parts of the world. You wouldn't expect a women to be treated like this walking through Lagos, Nigeria or Thailand or Brazil.

    I can't believe the attitude of men who are welcomed into a great society, given support, and then think its okay for them to go out and act like this. Its actually mind blowing, the arrogance and entitlement and disrespect. They are acting more like invaders than refugees and if they ever try it again, I hope they are shown in no uncertain terms that they wont be allowed to act like this. Next time there is a big celebration, there has to be a large presence of German men ready to protect the women and deal with any misbehaviour. Hopefully that will be the police but if not then it will have to be done by ordinary German men...I'm sure some will be motivated to do it.

    The problem in the west is not the populace; its the elites disregarding their wishes and attitudes. Merkel was naive and I hope she knows that now. I don't think she was under anyone's control. I think she was more likely to have been constrained in her dealings with Greece. I think this was her personal initiative.

  5. Steven --
    Great comment. I couldn't agree with you more. The nerve of people who are welcomed in as guests, who are given welfare, and who then act like a conquering army -- from 500 years ago -- is unfathomable. The sad thing is, this sort of behavior is somewhat predictable for a group of people who come from a culture which regards women as chattel, and the fact that the West feels compelled to put blinders on about that in the name of political correctness is pathetic and sickening.

    Yes, Merkel was naive; it's just too bad that her lesson had to come at Germany's great expense.

  6. Angela Merkel was born, raised and educated in East Germany.

  7. Allan --
    Thank you, hadn't realized that. Now it all makes a little more sense.

    She must have been indoctrinated with the old Soviet theories on Lamarckian evolution as a youngster.

  8. Lady Bug, Former and Future PantherJanuary 6, 2016 at 9:15 PM

    "she looks like a woman who's just been molested: glassy-eyed, in shock, and unsure about what just happened."
    Have you seen pictures of her like this? It would be partial consolation to see her looking like shit.

    I'm very angry about the whole situation, John. Very angry. But - think of this - you ain't seen nothin' yet. Africa's population is exploding. The picture of the future of the world is horrifying. I had thought everything would be so peaceful and dull, in 2000. How wrong I was!

    About Merkel and her motivations, I just don't buy the Illuminati crap. Conspiracy theories bore me. But I do think that much goes on behind the scenes. I think this was a completely big business decision. Germany's labor force is shrinking, and big businessmen think that one person unit is much like the next. How wrong they are!!

  9. Lady Bug --
    Actually, no I haven't; I was speaking metaphorically. She knows that she has lost the respect of the German people, which she once commanded, and she is undoubtedly extremely chastened and humiliated by that change.

    I know, all of the extrapolations about the African population are pretty dire; and all of those people aren't going to stay in Africa.

    Big business? Possibly; but if it was, it was mixed in with a lot of pc nonsense.

  10. What an interesting issue, really. It's rather like the old Dick Cheney question: is he (A) incredibly stupid, or (B) incredibly evil?

    The solution to that kind of conundrum is the gravity of the office. Even if she is merely that stupid, rather than a knowing agent of the bankers, the colossal responsibility she took on by accepting the office means that she's as responsible for her egregious, deadly misdeeds as she would have been had she been a knowing participant.

    Why did Wormtongue betray Rohan? Because he thought he could lead them to a brighter future (stupid), or because he had been entrapped by bankers and was knowingly seeking their destruction (evil)? Either way, the punishment should be the same. His only potential exoneration can be found in the history books.

  11. High Arka --
    I had to look up your reference; I haven't read Tolkien since the summer of '67. (Yes, I am that old.)

    Yes, it is an interesting question, but I disagree about the punishment. I think intent does matter, otherwise there'd be no distinction between premeditated murder and manslaughter. In both cases the corpse is just as dead, but intent has to be taken into account.

    Which is not an inappropriate metaphor, since Europe, while not a corpse yet, seems to be headed in that direction. And then the question will be, was Angela guilty of manslaughter or murder one?

    My guess is, it's sort of a combination of the two, both naiveté and an overeagerness to please big business.

  12. The distinction between manslaughter and murder one should be immaterial when you take on the responsibility for millions of people. It's like knowingly driving drunk through a school zone and running over three kids, v. setting out to run down three kids on purpose--there's a difference, to be certain, but in either case you should've already crossed the bar into mortal punishment. Negligence and stupidity of that order, after having taken on such a weighty and sacred responsibility, has already earned the noose.

    Fantasy, I know, but that's what leadership should be about. Requiring those standards of leaders would do a lot toward keeping out of office all but those who actually cared about their nations. Bring back seppuku!

  13. High Arka --
    Good point about the scale of Merkel's destruction and her weighty responsibility. I'm not even sure, from a moral point of view, whether Merkel was knowingly driving drunk though. I suspect she thought she was doing "the right thing," both from a moral (help the poor refugees) and practical (a larger labor force) standpoint.

  14. I think you were right to connect Greece and the "refugee" debacle, though you perhaps haven't rightly grasped what was going on.

    It is quite widely believed here in Europe that Angela Merkel was consciously trying to repair Germany's image (and her own, to the extent that she can distinguish the two) after the PR disaster of Greece. The particularly cynical even wonder whether she was angling for a Nobel Peace Prize, to add secular sainthood to her totaal domination of German politics.

    Of course, she unwittingly started an avalanche which has caused new damage to an already tottering EU, and which now threatens to sweep her away. My German and Swiss friends assume that the end is in sight for her, though that may take some time.

  15. Anon --
    Aaaah, yes. The one actually influenced the other; that makes sense. "I know I may appear coldhearted after the way I treated the Greeks, but see? I'm not -- I'm letting in all of these poor refugees!"

    I guess there's nothing like a Nobel Peace Prize dangling out there to motivate those with a strong desire to be regarded as morally above reproach.

  16. Lady Bug,

    no doubt the ageing population is a significant factor in Germany's openness to immigration. But lots would come anyway. Merkel just seemed to go above and beyond in her invitation to them in response to the drowned boy. I get the feeling she saw herself as taking a humanitarian leadership role at that time. She even alienated some in her own party.


    if an investigation can establish the nationality of the men in the Cologne attacks (I've heard North Africa...Morocco, Tunisia etc), they should immediately ban immigration (at least of adult males) from those countries. Maybe even reject pending asylum applications of men from those countries. If they are Moroccan or Tunisian, those countries aren't even at war. That's the kind of leadership Id like to see.

  17. Steven --
    I've wondered what the reaction would be if Western countries said, "We'll accept women of any age and old men, but no young men." It would seem unbalanced, but right now what they're getting is the exact opposite, the most threatening sector of the population.

  18. Judging by the actions of so many of these men, you would have to get them as children to have a better chance to socialise them into German society. It would be unbalanced the opposite way, but with much lower numbers, since it seems to be the men who are mostly willing to travel. Not sure it would be very wise for single women to travel amongst them tbh.

    Maybe it wouldn't be the right approach diplomatically, in which case, ban them all, especially if they come from non-war zones. what is this?

    Some people think there should naturally be freedom of movement in the world and whoever can get to another country should be able to live there. Well that doesn't mean you have to provide them with anything once they get there. The offer of a free place to live and regular money has to be a major draw. They need to withdraw that from all but the ones they choose to invite or deem acceptable, and make sure those numbers are not high. It can't be an open offer to the world. Benefits are community generated resources. This has definitely hardened my attitude to immigration.

  19. Steven --
    I was about to point out that your attitudes towards immigration seem to have hardened until I read the last line of your first comment. I hope your attitude is representative of young people across Europe.

    Personally, I don't even believe that there should be that much freedom of movement. Are Christians allowed in Mecca during Ramadan? Do they welcome us with open arms? Forget about giving us welfare, do they refrain from killing us?

    Anyway, once again, I agree with you completely.

    Good video, that fellow has a lot of common sense. Hopefully guys like him will be the leaders in the near future and they'll replace the recent more suicidally-inclined leaders.

  20. Some important info:

    & take a look at this. Four Libyan cadets got drunk and sexually assaulted women in Cambridge last year. A Libyan spokesman appeared on TV and said he was sorry but the cadets didn't realise you weren't supposed to do such things in England.

  21. Steven --
    I'd heard about those four Libyan cadets. It's insane to let a group of animals like that into your country. And I love that excuse.

    I hadn't heard about that other attack in Germany. I read somewhere recently that there are now people saying that the new anti-Muslim rhetoric is just as bad as the violence perpetrated by the Muslims. Interesting viewpoint.

  22. Yep. If you didn't get that far, the article says:

    "Ralf Jaeger, interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, epitomised that cultural cringe when he warned that anti-immigrant groups were using the attacks to stir up hatred against refugees. "What happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women," he said."

    I wonder if this will lead to change of policy or if a few guys will be charged and then it will just be business as usual.

    btw I'm not anti-immigration when it comes to, say, Chinese or Hindu Indian immigration. I'm not like a heartiste white nationalist. I think there's probably a long term inevitability about race mixing, and some groups are no problem. And I think proximity usually leads to mixing (people are mixed race at the geographical borders, in NE Africa, central Asia etc)), rather than there being some inbuilt deterrent to race mixing. I just think its madness to invite in more Arab men if this is how they behave. I'm mad at them for thinking they can do it and I want to see out society have more balls and be more unashamed and realistic about protecting ourselves.

  23. Steven --
    Maybe he's the one I heard quoted. Can you imagine? Mean words in a chat room are as bad as actually going out and raping a woman. I wonder what the feminists have to say about that; they seem to have been quiet about it so far.

    I'd look pretty silly being in favor of white nationalism or being against race mixing, given that I'm Eurasian myself. What drives me crazy are simply all the lies about race that are propagated by the liberal media these days. Everything they say about race is just pure propaganda, and there is a huge double standard in the way people are judged. Anyway, that said, I can understand white nationalists, and can certainly understand why all those European countries would want to keep their national character intact.

  24. There is an article in the spectator entitled ' why are feminists refusing the discuss the Cologne sex attacks?'. I thought the top comment nailed it: "refugees are higher up in the victim hierarchy than women."

    If the offspring of European-Asian marriages are like you, I don't think we have to worry about our society deteriorating from some NE Asian genetic input. It might even lift the average IQ a bit. I would marry a south or east Asian woman, as I am attracted to them a lot.

    As regards IQ and population differences, whatever the truth about it, I firmly believe it will come out in the end and gain more mainstream acceptance, because of science. I think its a matter of the thousands of allelles (and their effect sizes) that constitute the 'genetic architecture of intelligence' being identified, which process is just beginning. Inevitably the frequency of those allelles in different populations will be documented and geneticists will probably be able to predict IQ with quite a lot of accuracy from the genome. The thing is that at the point when (or if) racial IQ differences can be linked to genetic differences, humans will have the ability to boost IQ in the next generation, so it wont necessarily matter so much.

    The present liberal status quo might seem invulnerable and permanent but at the height of their power, all empires seemed that way too. But all empires fall in the end, and when it happens, it often happens surprisingly quickly.

  25. Steven --
    That's great, I'm glad the Spectator is asking that question. The hypocrisy of the feminists is incredible. They squawk when a Western man looks at them the wrong way, but when Muslims cut the clots off their little girls, dead silence.

    Thank you. I used to find East Asian women quite attractive, don't anymore. I still find some Indian women quite attractive though.

    So far they haven't had any luck isolating the "intelligence genes." But that doesn't mean they won't find it eventually. And yes, I have to imagine the truth will out eventually, but it's not going to happen in the current atmosphere of political correctness.

  26. Lady Bug, Former and Future PantherJanuary 7, 2016 at 7:49 PM

    John -

    There are no words.

    I'm sick of being sick, you know? The world has always been a fallen place, but now it seems that we are simply marching into the ovens, eyes wide shut.

  27. Lady Bug --
    For some reason that website will not come up on my computer, not sure why (it says "resource limit reached").

    I"ll check it out later. But I agree with your basic sentiment, that the West is engaging in incredibly lemming-like behavior.

  28. I think they've had a bit of luck. Numerous allelles have been identified with effect sizes of less than 1 IQ point. From that, they have inferred that there must be thousands of allelles of small effect size. Professor Steve Hsu, who is involved in a major effort to identify more, seems to think that with analysis of millions of phenotype-genotype pairs, they will be able to identify enough to predict g with from genotype with a standard error of less than 1SD. Anyway, such investigations are just beginning and the Chinese will do it, even if we don't. Hsu is American but his study is being done by the Beijing genomics institute, the largest genomics lab in the world.

    he also says: "I think there is good evidence that existing genetic variants in the human population (i.e., alleles affecting intelligence that are found today in the collective world population, but not necessarily in a single person) can be combined to produce a phenotype which is far beyond anything yet seen in human history. This would not surprise an animal or plant breeder — experiments on corn, cows, chickens, drosophila, etc. have shifted population means by many standard deviations (e.g., +30 SD in the case of corn)."


  29. Steven --
    That would definitely be cool if they could transplant the genes for intelligence into people. They'd have to coordinate that with increasing the size of people's skulls, as those two are often correlated.

    I hadn't realized such strides had been made.

  30. Lady Bug, Former and Future PantherJanuary 7, 2016 at 8:20 PM

    That happened to me too at first. Ann Coulter linked to it and their site crashed. It's a grisly story about "migrant" crime in Sweden. (That country is more insane than Germany, IMO.)

    I've often wondered whether China's widespread female infanticide, reaching huge proportions in certain centuries, had an effect on its genome. When you kill a girl, you kill her mtDNA. Gone, finito.

  31. I think we had this conversation once before. I remember you raising the skull issue. I imagine that some of the mutations that boost IQ increase brain quality/efficiency and some of the mutations that boost IQ increase brain and skull size. If you select the genes for bigger brains, you'll just automatically get a bigger skull, right? Bigger brained people usually have bigger skulls to fit their brains. I don't think it'll be a separate problem.

    Genetic engineering of babies will be possible. So will embryo selection: the fertilisation of several embryos, then screening and selection of the one with best IQ genes for implantation ie choosing a couple's best offspring. That's a kind of neo-eugenics. The ethics of these things will have to be discussed and will be discussed intensely I imagine.

  32. Steven, there's an extremely dangerous problem with that line of research: Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George W. Bush all have IQs significantly above average.

    Moreover, Stephen Hawking is essentially a neoliberal propaganda artist. High IQs will not save us. In fact, high IQs seem to have caused a disproportionate amount of the harm the West is experiencing right now. High IQ individuals seem to be cripplingly prone to types of lethal decisionmaking that, in the absence of high-IQ-individual interference, do not affect individuals or groups with average IQs (take Merkel, for example).

  33. Lady Bug --
    Agreed about Sweden. They seem to gradually be coming to their senses, however.

  34. Steven --
    Not so sure that bigger brains automatically means bigger skulls, but if they get to the point where genetic engineering allows for bigger, better brains, surely they'll have the wherewithal to change skull size too.

    That'll really be a brave new world, make this time look like the Dark Ages.

  35. High Arka --
    A high IQ is certainly no guarantee of goodness -- in fact it's completely unrelated to character -- but a bunch of low IQ's IS a guarantee of lack of progress. Every invention which has made mankind's life easier, every medicine which has saved lives, has been created by someone who was smart.

    Think of it this way. Switzerland is a country with a high average IQ. Central Equatorial Guinea is a country with a low one. Where would you rather live?

    Also, by the way, those first three people you mention are all "significantly above average," yes, but two standard deviations fulfills that requirement, and I don't think any of them are much above that. The first two are essentially con artists, and the third was just an alcoholic dauphin.

    I hadn't known that about Hawking, interesting. But I have to assume that his physical disabilities have shaped his outlook. And for every Hawking, there is a James Watson whose genius is accompanied by common sense.

  36. hey, I've already said most of this here but I just started a blog. It was really just to publish a comment I spent a while writing only to find the comments were closed.

  37. Steven --
    Good article, and good title for the blog.

  38. Lady Bug, Former and Future PantherJanuary 9, 2016 at 12:19 PM

    LOL, I might comment on Steven's blog some day. A lady bug in a beehive?

  39. Lady Bug --
    We used to have a lot of lady bugs in our house…..But one more is always welcome.

  40. Lady Bug, Former and Future PantherJanuary 13, 2016 at 9:43 AM


    OK, I'm back to panther mode. I felt like shit yesterday.

    Now, prepare yourself for this.


    LB, F&FP

    (She was never a beauty, but frankly, not a bad figure for a regular gal.)

  41. Lady Bug --
    Wow! That certainly sexes up this post. I'm not fluent in French, so can't read the article, and these days you can never be 100% certain that a picture hasn't been Photoshopped, but that does look real. And I agree, not a bad figure, and very nice breasts.

    Thank you for that.

  42. I also thought it might be a Photoshop job. I suppose Merkel might say that in her defense. I got the link from this blog, a nationalist Frenchman (or woman) who blogs about the war in France:

    Scroll down to Jan. 11 entry, the word 'photo' is hyperlinked.

    I read the entry very quickly, Tiberge seems to be saying that it appears to be real - it was a photo of Angela & friends nude sunbathing. Public nudity is pretty common in Germany.

    My impression about public nudity in Germany is that it's an extension of their post-WWII anything goes, let's not be German, mindset. It's really very childish and exhibitionistic, rather like a 4-year-old stripping just because she can. Whereas the Japanese are very realistic about the body, very unashamed but they don't act like babies and strip in public.

    This is all very outside in, I haven't been to either country.

    Anyway, I think the photo is real, and I hope you enjoyed it! Maybe you will feature it in a post one day & treat your readers while embarrassing Angela!


  43. Lady Bug --
    My guess is, it's real. The expression on her face is actually exactly what you'd expect if she was nude.

    The Germans have coed nude saunas, the Japanese have single sex nude saunas and baths, from what I understand. Not sure I'd ascribe it to childishness on the part of the Germans, I think it's more of their nature/outdoor-loving mentality.

    I don't put up nude shots on the blog, unless it's of the FEMEN, who voluntarily appear topless in public in places where they're not supposed to be nude. Not that I'm that high-minded or anything, but it doesn't seem fair. Merkel deserves to be criticized/mocked for her insane immigration stance, not her slightly plump body. (I do appreciate you giving that link, though.)
