Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Motives shrouded in mystery

After Gavin Long shot the three police officers in Baton Rouge to death, President Obama condemned the killings, then said, "As of right now we don't know the motive of the killer." (Obama has yet to personally clarify that statement.)

Long had praised Micah Johnson, the Dallas shooter who shot the five white cops the week before, and he had previously followed the New Black Panthers and the BLM movement. He had traveled to Baton Rouge from Missouri specifically to avenge Alton Sterling, one of the two black men who had been killed by policemen the week before.

But, to Obama, it was all a big mystery.

When Micah Johnson shot 11 police officers in Dallas (killing 5 of them), Obama, speaking from Warsaw, Poland, said, "I think it’s very hard to untangle the motives of this shooter. By definition, if you shoot people who pose no threat to you, you have a troubled mind." Obama later said, "I think the danger is that we somehow suggest that the act of a troubled individual speaks to some larger political statement across the country. It doesn't."

Johnson had been extremely clear about his intent. He told the police during his final standoff that he wanted to kill white people, white police in particular. He deliberately didn't aim at black police during his shooting spree.

But, to Obama, it was all a big mystery.

Yet when Dylan Roof shot and killed nine black churchgoers, Obama had no doubts at all about his motive. He said, "The fact that this took place in a black church obviously also raises questions about a dark part of our history. This is not the first time that black churches have been attacked, and we know the hatred across races and faiths pose a particular threat to our democracy and our ideals."

Later, at the funeral of those churchgoers, Obama said, "We all have to acknowledge that the [Confederate] flag has always represented more than ancestral pride. By taking down that flag, we express God’s grace. But I don’t think God wants us to stop there. [Dylan Roof] drew on the long history of bombs and arson and shots fired at churches — not random, but as a means to control. A way to terrorize and oppress.”

No mystery there.

When Obama, while campaigning back in 2008, promised us the most transparent administration in history, he must have meant that his hypocrisy would be transparent to anyone who noticed it.


  1. John,

    I don't know about you, but I can't stand all this racial healing that's going on. I guess I'm just an old racist bitch, because I really loved the bad old days when people judged one another by the color of their skin, and not the content of their character. When merit had nothing to do with being hired, fired, or promoted. When the only thing you had to do to succeed in life was be born with a white skin. Remember those days? The last 8 years of racial healing really disturb me. I just don't know what I'm going to do! Vote Trump, and destroy all the good work of the past 8 years?

    And by the way, isn't "The fact that this took place in a black church obviously also raises questions about a dark part of our history" using racist language? Associating "dark" with bad?


  2. OT - did you hear about the ax attack in Germany? Their interior minister said that they can't increase internal security any more, they are at the max. OK, so why not increase border security & prevent these maniacs from entering Germany? Yeah yeah, don't bother, I know why. It would prevent racial healing. Because you can't have racial healing in a country with only one race!


  3. Puzzled --
    Yes, I did hear about that attack. How many of these occurrences do the Europeans need before they wake up?

    And yes, speaking of healing, have race relations ever been worse than now, after 8 years of Obama? I can't recall a time.

  4. A police officer in Columbus, Ohio, was sent to the hospital after biting into a sandwich someone had laced with shards of glass. This occurred at a black-owned and operated restaurant. With people of "the community" so inflamed with hatred for police officers, restaurant owners must be having nightmares that one of their half-witted African American employees might destroy their business in a flash with one cowardly attack on a police officer such as this. Blacks are their own worst enemy.

    The Columbus police chief, a white woman with a degree in sociology, just tweeted, "At this point in the investigation there is no reason to believe it was intentional."

    Kim Jacobs, Columbus, Ohio, Chief of Police

  5. Oh, and as far as the ax attack, the motive is 'not yet clear' there either, according to news media. Those pesky motives!

  6. Mark --
    That picture is priceless. The people of Columbus must feel a lot safer with her at the helm.

    And how could a sandwich have shards (plural) of glass in it if it wasn't intentional. One little sliver, maybe; but a bunch of them?

  7. Ambivalent --
    (I feel we're on a first name basis now.) Let me guess: maybe that Afghan boy was angry because of the glass ceiling women face in corporate Germany. Or maybe he's mad that gay marriage hasn't been legalized yet in Germany. I dunno, your guess is as good as mine.

  8. Never in my lifetime, did I ever think that we would have a President who is a race baiter, someone who is so destructive to his country (and its citizens). Obama is slick, feigning concern about national issues. And all the citizens who fail to see the forest through the trees, lacking in everyday COMMON SENSE (e.g., the police chief in Columbus, OH) is incredibly maddening. It's like the insane ones are running the show (the criminally insane).


  9. Birdie --
    Obama goes through the motions a lot of fronts, but it's obvious where his passions lie. He pays lip service to fighting ISIS, and a lot of other things, but he reserves his real hatred for the Republicans. Those are the people he'd really like to destroy.

  10. @John, Mark:

    As soon as I saw the pic, I said to myself, "dyke face." So I did a little sleuthing.



    To be fair, John, she might be able to arm wrestle you to the ground!


  11. Look at this:


    Any riots for this little girl?


  12. The Columbus PD under Jacobs is a model of professionalism:




  13. Puzzled --
    I had that same impression looking at Jacobs' picture. And ha, yes, she could undoubtedly arm wrestle me to the ground. The good news is, once she got me there, she wouldn't really want to do anything to me.

    That poor little girl. Completely innocent, and shot by accident. And yes, riots, very likely I'm sure. You know how those suburbs are nothing but a tinderbox.

  14. I've done some more checking and the nabe that this atrocity happened in is very white working class. My guess is that the Paul Blart Mall Cop jerk got startled by the dog. I think that in these areas there are a lot of pit bulls & attack dogs, etc. This is not to excuse what he did, but to point out that a lot of cops just aren't very smart, and do function in areas where danger happens.

    Something the BLM movement doesn't want to admit. Nor does the President & the presumptive Democratic nominee, who I think will be elected. We are in for hell.


  15. Puzzled --
    Honestly, I don't blame cops for being jumpy around the pit bulls that are the favored dog species in the inner city; that cop had no business firing in the general direction of a little girl though.

    "Hell" is probably a pretty good description of where this country seems to be headed at the moment.

  16. I don't blame cops for being jumpy around pit bulls either but I'm not sure this was a pit bull. Just pointing out that the neighborhood wasn't the white picket fence place that "suburb" denotes in American English. There was another article where a neighbor described what happened and he looked like a stereotypical hollowed out toothless white working class wreck - ya know what I mean?

    Yes, we are headed for hell. And it happened with warp speed. I don't think Obama's first administration was that bad, all considered. Everything started imploding in the second administration when supposedly he became a lame duck. HAHAHAHAH.

    I have to hand it to Obama. He never lied about who he was. We lied to ourselves. And the Republican party was simply not up to the task of opposing him. No, they did stuff like shut down the government which made people hate THEM, not Obama. I hate the MSM but I don't blame them for the fact that the govt shut downs were massively unpopular.

    Then there was the totally theatrical and useless Benghazi hearings. Again, don't get me wrong, I think that in a sane country Hillary would at least be forced into disgrace, but the Republicans were not serious about finding out the truth & everyone knows that. They are simply a useless party. Cuck is too kind a word for them.

    Have you ever read about Reconstruction? That's what's going on now. The underclass is running the country. This can't go on, we can't survive this way. We are in much worse shape than Britain in that sense. At least they still have an elite in power. We don't. Our lowest, crudest people are running things.

    Sorry for the rant. Actually, not sorry.


  17. Puzzled --
    I started this blog in '08 as an opportunity to rant, so you never have to apologize for that.

    It sounds as if you're talking about a meth user, so, yes, gotcha.

    Disagree about Obama. I think his first four years were pretty bad, though I agree it's gotten worse. (Think Fast and Furious. Think using the IRS to target conservatives. Think Eric Holder ignoring black crime while going after whites and especially Republicans; Holder ignored the knockout game of years, then the first time a white did it to a black, brought federal hate crimes charges against him, which sort of sums up his general attitude about things.) And Obama DID lie to us about who he was. Remember how he promised us the most transparent administration in history? Remember how he was advertised as the kind of guy who would work well with people on the other side of the aisle? Remember how he said that earmarks would not happen in his administration? (That stimulus bill was noting but earmarks.) Remember how he said this wasn't a nation of blue states and red states, and how he was billed as bi-racial and therefore a healer? (His partisanship and loyalties have ben quite clear from the moment he entered office.)

    That said, America so desperately wanted a black President that they did lie to themselves. If you looked closely, at his background, at his previous statements, at his associates (Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers and so on) it was clear that he was lying. But most people didn't want to see that.

    I agree that the mainstream Republicans have been looking more and more feckless. Trump has shown how ridiculous so many of their polls and sayings are. Just because you're conservative, why do you have to support the Iraq War? And what kind of idiot tells himself that Mexicans are "natural Republicans?"

    Reconstruction is a great analogy. I hadn't thought of it that way before, but you're absolutely right, that's what's going on.
