Thursday, July 21, 2016

The viewpoint of a Muslim terrorist in Europe

Reading about the Muslim who knifed a number of people on a German train recently made me wonder what goes through the mind of a young Muslim man living in Europe.

Let's ignore the religious, jihadist aspect of it for a moment. (I'm not suggesting denying it, as Obama does, but merely setting it aside for a moment). There has to be a large component of social alienation and personal bitterness involved in these attacks.

Imagine you're a young Arab man in France. You're surrounded by lighter-complected people who all seem to be more successful than you. They don't pay any attention to you, and more or less treat you as if you're not there. You sense that they don't really want you there, and are suspicious of you. And you have the vague sense that they resent having to pay taxes to support your welfare.

Though you long to have sex with those beautiful light-skinned French women, they seem to have zero interest in you. And the indecent way they dress seems geared toward tempting you, which makes their denial of your advances even more frustrating. Every time you see a French man and a French woman enjoying each other's company, it fills you with jealousy.

And every time you see them drive by in their fancy cars, and see the elegant apartment buildings they live in, it fills you with bile. Why should they have all that, and not you?

Although you don't see the world through the prism of IQ, and the language barrier sort of mutes everything, you have the vague sense that the light-skinned people look down on you for not understanding everything they do.

This goes on and on, and your feelings of bitterness and frustration gradually harden. And it's almost inevitable that you would end up feeling this way.

You feel rootless, alien in the country you live in, and long for a group of winners to identify with. Then along comes ISIS, a seemingly worldwide movement of people who are Muslim, just like you, and are completely uninhibited about striking out at the West you resent so much.

You know you're not supposed to just go on a killing spree just for the hell of it, but when ISIS tells you that you can do it for a noble cause and that it would make you a warrior jihadist, the temptation is too much to resist.

You know you pretty much have nothing to live for, so why not kill yourself and take as many of those hated Westerners as you can with you while you're at it?

In a way, these suicidal killers have something in common with Seung-hui Cho and Adam Lanza and Elliot Rodgers. They all see themselves as having nothing to live for, and want nothing more than to lash out at the people who reject them and make them feel like losers.

Which is something that should be taken into account when debating whether to import more of them.


  1. Well said, John. Couldn't these elites have seen this a mile away? Why didn't they look across the pond and see how we have our hands full with blacks. The underclass blacks suffer from the same jealousy you described. It's not like Arab Muslims didn't have a reputation for being violent, unlike Hindus and buddhists. This was beyond stupid. Sadly, the only resolution is a civil war. As bad as the muslims think they have it in France, Belgium, Holland, or any other country that was stupid enough to give them refuge, they're not going to give up their free money, houses, or other benefits without a fight.


  2. Thank you Spartan.

    I have the sneaking suspicion that the elites DID see this coming, and did it for that reason. What do the elites fear more than anything else? Nationalism. And if they stuff all of these primarily white countries full of people who don't fit in, and put them on the defensive, they think it will quell any incipient nationalism. But in fact it's had the opposite effect, witness Marin le Pen leading in the French polls now. If I were French, after Charlie Hebdo and Paris and Nice, I'd certainly vote for her.

    Hopefully this means that the existing elites will be booted from power, though they'll always try to make mischief and undermine countries behind the scenes, or through the media, or through the courts.

  3. John,

    Your description of sexual frustration fits the Nordic countries & Germany more than France. A lot of the Muslim girls in France are gorgeous - thin, sexy, and hot. Very few wear the garbage bags. (All the women in Paris are thin. I don't know how they do it.)

    They are also very smoochy in public with their significant others and don't seem to have any particular trouble partnering off or hooking up, whatever their preference.

    The French/Tunisian killer was apparently bisexual. I think he was a sex addict who required constant servicing. I don't think he was technically gay. But he didn't appear to have problems getting laid.

    Nothing I say supports importing more of them, no way, not at all. Just giving you my impression.


  4. In France the Muslims came in different waves, all from former French colonies. I honestly don't think this was a conscious effort on the part of the French elites to undermine their country. The French are very proud of France and if anything probably thought that Muslims would of course assimilate to La Belle France because they are superieure, non? And in fact a lot did. There are many "normal" Frenchmen who have names that hint of an Arabic origin. But there were too many, and the lower 50% are shit. The lower 10% of that 50% are worse than shit.


  5. One last thought. I've defended France as having done a pretty good job of assimilating the millions of Muslims who've come to France from North Africa. They really have. Millions of Frenchmen of North African and other colonial origin speak French no different from other Frenchman, serve in the military, the police, work in regular jobs, wear French fashions, eat French food. And still they have this horrific terrorism.

    That should tell us something. Germany is in for much worse. Merkel is Satan.


  6. Puzzled --
    You're obviously speaking with more authority on the subject than I could; I'm sure what you say is true about the Nordic countries vs. France. But what I was vaguely referring to was the recent imbalance in immigrants: they're all young men, so unless they're getting European women, they're frustrated. And even if the Muslim guys in France are getting hot Muslim girls, may guess is that most of them are not getting very far with the French women, which makes them even more appealing. That's just male nature.

    Anyway, okay, some of them are getting laid. I did hear about that Tunisian guy being bisexual; but I also heard he'd been in a mental ward for a brief period, which brings a whole different set of dynamics.

    As far as the French women remaining thin, their secret seems to be that they al smoke like fiends. So yeah, they look good, but they reek. And years ago (I don't know if this is the case anymore), they reeked of b.o. as well.

  7. Puzzled --
    Oops, responded to your first comment before reading the others. You're right, of course, many French Muslims are from Morocco or Algeria. And yes, they came a long time ago. And if they've been there for generations, they basically became French.

    How much time have you spent in France, btw? And how recently?

    I can't tell whether Merkel is Satan (like Barbara Spector, for instance), or whether she's just a patsy who swallowed the Kool-Aid.

  8. my personal experience (I am old and wise) matches up with some recent studies I've seen in the press...
    the generation that actually comes from the foreign country is not so bad, BUT, their kids are the ones that REALLY suck...
    a pure illegal wetback, speaking only Spanish, is like one-tenth the trouble that his kid (who can't hardly speak good Spanish at all) represents, though you would think the opposite is true since the kid is born more assimilated...
    and like I say, I've seen studies cited from England, where Daddy came from Pakistan and works hard and is decent enough, whereas his kids are ruined and radicalized and all identity politics...
    ==== FAKE BABA

  9. FAKE BABA --
    That's been my personal experience and observation as well (even though I am old and foolish). The first generation in this country never join La Nuestra family, or the Latin Kings, or the Mexican Mafia, or MS-13. It's their kids who do. Because they are exactly as you describe.

  10. We can talk about my experiences in France (briefly, just a tourist) another day.

    Shooting in Munich.

    Lord help us.


  11. In a word, it's envy. One of the worst, if not the worst, of the Seven Deadly Sins. I've been saying it for years.

  12. Bob --
    Honestly, I think the seven deadly sins are just a description of a pretty much universal human nature. We're all prey to all of them, to me the only sin is lying about them, or trying to justify them with high-flown words. The guy in Nice was basically doing that, turning his envy of the people he saw every day into a cause he could justify as "jihad."

  13. People will rationize anything.
