The public's reaction will be, how horrible to train so hard for a dance performance and then be attacked while on stage by a bunch of moronic thugs. (They won’t realize that he’s put maybe 1/10,000th of the effort into his dancing that he has into his swimming, but, no matter.)
Hopefully, this will mark the turning point in the public perception of him.
Can't say I'm wild about Lochte's dancing, a clip of which is available on the article linked above. But after such a short period of practice, you can't expect much. His 200 meter individual medley, on the other hand, is a thing of beauty. It's always a privilege to watch that rolling, surging, demonstration of relaxed power.
Here's a video of his world record in that event, from 2011, which still stands.
My guess is that the two arrested men --
-- are Brazilians. (There is no group of people more insanely nationalistic.)
Anybody who ever thinks that disrupting a show in that manner will somehow bring support for their cause, is severely misled.
That said, Lochte should still thank them profusely for their aid in rehabilitating his public image. Nothing like appearing the victim to wash all your sins away.
This is basically Kanye-Taylor, Part II. (And yes, I'm a little embarrassed that I even know about that.)
This is basically Kanye-Taylor, Part II. (And yes, I'm a little embarrassed that I even know about that.)
Don't be embarrassed for knowing about TAYLOR/KANYE...
ReplyDeleteYOU are the philosopher, dear Mister are on the mountain top...from the mountain top, you do see all the activities of the humans, even steaming piles of human garbage like KANYE...these activities do not reflect upon you... You are only pointing them out to assist us in our personal growth....THANK YOU FOR THAT and for your other worthy practices... Amen...
ReplyDeleteThank you very much. (Except I have the sneaking feeling you're almost mocking me there, but that's okay.)
Actually, that sorta IS the fun thing about having a blog, it allows you to be judge, jury, and (almost) executioner, in a way. (I almost said "play God," but that would have offended the religious people who read this blog.)
No, no, I can see where you might detect potential mockery...but, it is just me channeling my father, heehee...He used to say "YOU AND ME, SON, WE ARE JUST A COUPLE OF PHILOSOPHERS"... good times...
ReplyDelete====FAKE BABA
I'm offended.
ReplyDeleteJust kidding. As Ann Coulter said, "I'm offended" is not an argument. (Although I still do get offended.)
I know nothing about Brazil, so allow me to speak about it, because hey, Internet comment.
The Brazilians are so nationalistic because they really don't have a country. It's a big mess plopped down in a very savage environment, and it will always be a mess. The people have no true tradition of learning, or liberty, nothing positive to point to. So they cover it up with a lot of dumbass chest-puffing.
You were right about the Olympics. We gave them their show and were none the worse for it.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good father. You're lucky.
Puzzled --
ReplyDeleteYou're too smart to be "offended."
Hmm.....I guess that has something to do with it. But there are other countries which are big hot messes right now (think Venezuela, think Argentina) and they're not nearly as nationalistic.
Yes, the Olympics were not nearly the shitstorm that people had feared. A few robberies, a few burglaries, that was it.
"Venezuela, think Argentina) and they're not nearly as nationalistic. "
ReplyDeleteOK, maybe Brazilians are just dumb fucks, and that's all there is to it. Occam's razor.
off topic, but i have a sociopath alert for you john. eric greitens from missouri.
let me know what you think. this guy has a on paper great bio. but weirdly smells.
also a video on the side about the real eric greitens by a waitress....
also follow up
Anon --
ReplyDeleteJust watched both youtube videos. You're right, he's a sociopath. The showmanship, the fakery, the breaking of the vow of silence, the personal ambition, it's all of a piece. Treating the waitress poorly is also quite telling, sociopaths alway punch down.
Anon -
ReplyDeleteJust read the article too. Good to see. I feel reluctant to say anything, since Greitens actually did something I could never have done, make it through hell week etc. to become a SEAL. But, yeah, a sociopath nonetheless.
thanks john, learnt a lot from your sociopath series. also andy mcnab, the sas guy is another classic special forces sociopath. teammates hate him, call him pathalogical liar, etc... he was an abandoned baby or some such thing.
ReplyDeletedo you think soros is a sociopath or just malignantly narcissistic? as in he has all his appetites quenched that there is no healthy pleasure left for him ? like some rich kids go mad on drugs....
i've heard him and his friends talk about how he has an abnormal amygdalae, which would be a classic biological sign, but they could just be boasting.
i think soros and jeffrey epstein and clintons are signs of "lizard people" or demonic possession... i'm kinda inclined to think of paths are different intraspecies predators. pure evil. like a snake or a rabid wolf.
Aman --
ReplyDeleteThank you. Just looked up McNab, yes, another one, though he's in a different category than Greitens since he actually saw combat multiple times (even if he exaggerated his accomplishments) and he also admits he has sociopathic traits. (Which usually translates as, he's a sociopath.)
I don't know enough about Soros to say. And I've never really been clear on the difference between malignant narcissists and sociopaths. Whenever I've read about someone classified as the former, he always sounds like the latter to me, so I'm not sure how to distinguish. Another phrase which is used pretty much interchangeably is "antisocial personality." Soros unquestionably has a malignant effect on the world, funding BLM and other mischief makers. I know the amygdalae regulate how we process emotion (just looked it up) but have no sense of how they might relate to sociopathy.
The Clintons, unquestionably. I've written an analysis of Bill Clinton which is on this blog, you've probably seen it. I used to think that Hillary had just been corrupted by her proximity to Bill, but I no longer think that. She's one too, and I've been vaguely planning to write a sociopath alert about her. She's extremely unpleasant to those around her (like her husband and the Secret Service), lies when she doesn't have to, and really, lies about everything, and expects people to believe her lies.
Those are all good metaphors for sociopaths. I sometimes think of spiders, with their near invisible webs, the way they paralyze their prey, and then slowly suck their juices out from inside.
Anon --
ReplyDelete"Hmm" is right. I have to wonder about the bitter foods correlation, given how many adults drink coffee. But, who knows, could be.....