Sunday, October 16, 2016

From the horse's mouth

You've undoubtedly heard the argument over voter ID laws. The Republicans say it's necessary to prevent voter fraud. The Democrats say it's just a way to repress the black vote.

But you need an ID to cash a check, get on an airplane, or drive a car. Nobody has ever suggested that those were methods of keeping black people from driving, etc.

Finally, we hear directly from a Democrat -- a Board of Elections Commissioner (in New York City) -- that voter fraud is rampant. The relevant excerpt from the NY Post article:

“Certain neighborhoods in particular, they bus people around to vote,” he says on the tape. “They put them in a bus and go poll site to poll site.” Asked if he meant black and Hispanic neighborhoods, he nods: “Yeah, and Chinese, too...”

And some of it is just common sense, such as his rejection of most Democrats’ resistance to voter-ID laws: “You know, I don’t think it’s too much to ask somebody to show some kind of an ID,” he says. “You go into a building, you have to show them your ID.”

And: “People think [opposing voter-ID laws is] a liberal thing to do, but I take my vote seriously, and I don’t want 10 other people coming in negating my vote by voting for the other candidate when they aren’t even registered voters.”

Bear in mind, this is a Democrat speaking. And now Mayor de Blasio wants to fire him for having committed the cardinal sin for a Democrat: admitting the truth. 

Here is the original videotape where he was surreptitiously recorded, courtesy of Project Veritas. It's worth a look. Alan Schulkin, the Commissioner, seems like a decent enough guy. He also seems to be disgusted with the way the Democrats operate. 

Anyway, that answers the question of whether voter fraud is real. 

(But don't expect the NY Times or Washington Post to cover this story.)


  1. So do you not have to be registered to vote and give in your name and address when you vote there? Or are they using names of people who are not turning out?

  2. Steven --
    I think the latter. I remember in the Presidential election of 2012 there were many wards in Philadelphia which reported 99% turnout and 100% of the vote for Obama. Historically, turnout for Presidential election runs at between 60 and 70% of the population, and it's traditionally been lower in the inner cities.

  3. i just read last week about two women who were arrested due to voter fraud, submitting fraudulent ballots. They were employed in some capacity, where they were handling paper ballots. One woman was turned into authorities by her co-workers. The depths that people will go to just to win is amazing sometimes.

    - Susan

  4. Susan --
    Did you hear which party they were associated with, and where they were from?

  5. If I remember correctly, the women were Democrats. I remember one woman was black (and I assumed that the other one was as well). Apparently, the authorities were onto the black woman's scam and nabbed her (she was using dead people's names on ballots, that I remember. At the time, I thought that this is really true, that there are people who carry out these kinds of underhanded tricks). I usually read articles on, so the article was possibly from that website. The two women were employed where they handled ballots.

    - Susan

  6. Susan --
    Thank you. Yes, Democrats, as expected. A basic difference in the mindset between the Democrats and Republicans. I read somewhere that there may be up to three million people registered illegally, either dead people still on the rolls, or people registered in multiple jurisdictions, or illegal aliens registered to vote.

  7. I found the article online. It was a national story. Both women were from the Miami-Dade County area. One of the women was an elderly white woman and the other one was black, both appeared to be lower class. There were photos of the women, their names, and their crimes. To me, it is not worth going to jail/prison because of election fraud. Craziness.

    - Susan

  8. Susan --
    And Florida is a swing state, too. Last time around, in 2012, most of the stories of fraud I heard about were in swing states, which says to me that these sorts of things are orchestrated by a national organization. You never hear about fraud in a place like Massachusetts, or Washington DC, or Vermont. It's usually PA, MI, FL, or OH. Though, come to think of it, I also heard about some in Maine.
