Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Could you have sex with Michelle Carter?

Commenter GT just sent a comment to the 2015 Michelle Carter, classic sociopath post which linked to this article. Carter has been in the news recently because she has waived her right to a jury trial for manslaughter in the death of Conrad Roy III.

That was probably a wise move, as any jury would be almost certain to find her guilty. She is a singularly unsympathetic character.

Carter, knowing that Roy was depressed and contemplating suicide, had sent him number of texts encouraging him to kill himself, while simultaneously pretending to everyone else that she was extremely concerned about his safety.

The article that GT linked included this picture of Carter:

She's actually quite attractive, physically. Which got me to idly wondering: when I was younger, had I known what a monster she was, would I have been able to have sex with her?

Most guys, upon seeing that picture, would think, yeah, she's hot, I'd do her! The fact is, all it takes for most guys to be turned on is to see a woman naked. But really, if you were aware that what would turn her on most would be to see you die a miserable death, would you actually be able to complete the act?

Could you maintain an erection knowing full well that inside that pretty girl was a hideous monster?

I suppose you could view this as one of those semi-humorous tests of manliness guys will sometimes joke about.

But in a way, it's also a test of character, in the opposite way: are you so insensitive as to be able to ignore the true nature of the she-devil you're with?

(At this point, a fair number of male readers are probably thinking: hey, I've done it before.)

I don't think I could have passed the manliness test.

But who knows, maybe I'm giving myself credit for being a better person than I am.

(And at this point, a lot of female readers are probably thinking, rightly: men are such pigs!)


  1. If I were a guy, the answer would be NO. As a parent, I would be depressed knowing that my daughter was a sociopath.

    - Susan

  2. The worst thing is the possibility of her bearing your child.

    My answer is, I don't know, maybe. I can imagine circumstances where I probably would. Definitely best to stay away from someone like that though.

  3. Susan --
    But if you were the parent, odds are very slim your daughter would be a sociopath. (I'm guessing Michelle's mother had, at a minimum, tendencies in that direction for Michelle to have turned out the way she did.)

  4. Steven --
    You've just outlined the conundrum.

  5. Oink Oink! I'd just tease her and leave her!

  6. If I fully understood Michelle Carter was a sociopath – I would never have sex with her out of fear. To say the least – she might subsequently blackmail you with a rape claim threat; or even go to the cops with a rape claim – just to torture you. She could drug you and steal from you; if she went to your house, she would very likely clip something for the fun of it. I’m sure you are much more familiar with the possibilities………

  7. Anon --
    Those are a lot of good points. I was actually thinking more in terms of just the sex, as in, just one time, in a neutral setting (like a motel). And the question was really, would you be able to, ahem, perform. (I didn't want to get too graphic.)

    But those would all definitely be considerations, especially the false rape charges, which is very much the province of female sociopaths.

  8. Based on the two pictures I've seen, I don't think she's extraordinary hot. She's mostly just young and skinny, which granted, goes a long way, but if you were younger and, say, in college, she wouldn't stand out relative to the other girls around you.

    She's got the alligator tears look down but can she do the doe-eyed female attraction stare? I would think that would be hard for a sociopath to fake, since it's driven by emotions that aren't exactly their strong suit.

  9. Jokah --
    Agreed, she's not extraordinary. And she has a tendency to put on weight, though she seems to have lost weight for the trial. And she's definitely attractive ENOUGH. Here are some other pictures of her:


    You're right, sociopaths don't feel the positive emotions (though I wouldn't put lust in that category). But they do fake them quite well, at least for short periods of time, and that's all that's required for seduction.

  10. Yes, she's young and that goes a long way. I think guys will do it. They don't care really about a woman's background except her looks. However I am looking forward to her going to prison and being some prison lesbian's wifey. Learn to spread your legs, sweety and muff dive!

  11. Anon --
    I just hope that when she gets out she's fat and the issue discussed in this post will no longer arise.

  12. taking this further a tad further ... would one suppose after the fact she might text the player criticizing the "event" and offer the suggestion he hang himself ?

    i do think after one got to know her a bit.. the prospect of repeat events would have a diminished enthusiasm.

    but as you know guys don't necessarily have to like a chick to have a go

  13. Anon --
    That's a great point too, hadn't thought of that: "You suck in bed, there's really no reason of you to be alive."

  14. Sociopaths can be lousy in the sack.

  15. I would absolutely still do her and honestly, the thought of having a psycho girlfriend is kind of a turn on; that is for me at least.

  16. Anon --
    I appreciate your honesty.

  17. I would be very worried. The lifetime film portrayed her as a confused girl regarding sexuality, is that true?

  18. Unknown --
    I didn't see that film, and I don't know anything about her sexuality. But it does seem to be that sociopaths have a more fluid sexuality than most non-sociopaths do.

  19. Of course I would. I would love to tie her up spread wide open so I can sell tickets to guys that were to have sex with her. She will be blindfolded gagged and have no idea how many people will be filling her up with sperm. I will video tape the whole thing for her next court appearance so the judge can enjoy seeing her being used just like a cum dumpster slut that she is. Oh by the way I saw her today in Forest hills Queens NY shooting a new film on continental avenue

    1. lol. why would you want to show the judge a video tape of her being tied up and fucked? Is this supposed to help her case it hurt it? Oh, by the way, how much for a ticket? ;-)

  20. Anon --
    Ha, I was about to say, "An honest man!" but then I read your last sentence.

  21. I would love to smash her.

  22. I wonder if she always gravitates towards suicide or if she is like the ultimate cheerleader and champions any goal her boyfriend has regardless of how ludacris it is?

  23. TJ --
    She's a sociopath so if she champions any goal a boyfriend has, there's probably a hidden agenda there as well.

    1. You may be right. I was thinking about some of the things that Dr. Peter Briggin said who testified for the defense. If I recall correctly, he said something like "Michelle Carter just wanted to help her boyfriend. She thought she was doing the right thing." and of course the fact that she was on SSRI antidepressants was brought up and I think the psychiatrist was the one who claimed that the SSRIs basically acted as an intoxicant and clouded her judgement. I think she's definitely a narcissist and she does seem to have some psychopathic traits. She pressured Conrad to kill himself as a way to gain sympathy and attention. The HBO documentary, "I Love You, Now Die" did a great job showing her possible motivations.

  24. TJ. --
    You're right. Her motivation was to gain attention and sympathy after her boyfriend's death. This phenomenon is known as Munchausen's-by-proxy, and it is basically an offshoot of sociopathy. I wrote about that here:


    1. Thanks for the link. Your description of her behavior in the post seems pretty much spot on to me. In the HBO documentary they said that a week or two before Conrad killed himself Michelle had ran a "dry run" of his suicide by texting her "friends" and expressing concerns about Conrad possibly having killed himself and seeing what kind of reaction she got from her friends. Of course Conrad was still alive at the time but that gave her confirmation that when she did manage to get Conrad to kill himself then she could expect people to shower her with sympathy and attention.
      But to answer the question you posted in this blog post, yes, as bad as it may sound, I would probably fuck her. Of course if she started sending weird messages I'd have to block her number. Hopefully she wouldn't become homicidal and kill me.

  25. I forgot to mention, however, if like you said I knew that she wanted me to die, would I still have sex with her? I'd like to say no, but I can still honestly see myself fucking her depending on the situation. If she was talking dirty to me and telling me she wanted me to fuck her, then I think I could make myself ignore the reality of her true feelings of wanting me to die.

  26. T.J. --
    (I'm not the one who made the comment about creating that videotape.)

    Here's the link, btw, to the original post I did about Michelle Carter when the story first broke:


    I hadn't seen that HBO documentary, so hadn't heard about that "dry run." Interesting, thank you. Makes sense; it must have whetted her appetite for the real thing to happen.

    Re: your willingness to do her, I appreciate your honesty. It's actually sort of an interesting question, and it sort of boils down to, how much of a "guy" are you? Maybe I"m jus not manly enough, but even if I were single, if I knew she was a sociopath, I'd steer clear, even if she started talking dirty to me.

    1. Oh, I know you didn't make the videotape comment. I'm pretty sure whoever made that comment was trolling.
      Thanks for the link to your original blog post. It's crazy to think that she's only going to have to spend 15 months in jail and then she'll be free. I imagine her life will be difficult when she gets out because so many people despise her.
      I've seen some photos of her where she looked a little overweight and I didn't find her very physically attractive, but when I do think she's cute in the photos of her where she doesn't look overweight. I'm curious to see how she looks when she gets out of jail. If I recall correctly from the documentary I believe she is known to have an eating disorder, so that may explain her weight fluctuations.
      I wonder if they will do any psychological testing on her while she is in jail. I'd be curious to know how a trained psychologist would describe her and if she is really psychotic or not.

  27. T.J. --
    I have to think things will be difficult for her as well when she gets out. I wouldn't be surprised if she changes her name and goes into seclusion for a while or something like that. Agree, some of the pictures of her that came out at first made her look a little pudgy and less attractive.

    I don't think they need to do any psychological testing on her; it's pretty obvious she's a sociopath. I promise you, I know as much about sociopathy as any trained psychologist (it's been a lifelong obsession for me), and she is a classic sociopath. (Type "sociopath alert" into the subject bar at the top of this blog and you'll see a lot of posts I've written about various sociopaths.)

    1. She just got out of jail. I wonder if she will change her ways now or if she'll go back to her old behaviors.

  28. TJ --
    I saw that she'd been released. Her character obviously won't change -- once a sociopath, always a sociopath -- but since everyone knows who she is, she's going have to put on a contrite act, and keep her head low and be on her best behavior for a while. Her biggest problem is that her case got so much publicity and the transcript of those tapes are publicly available.

    1. Its going to be hard for her to keep her head low with that massive forehead perched a top those creepy bushy eyebrows.

  29. That got damn forehead perched a top those bushy eyebrows creep me the fuck out... Of course I'd fuck her. I'd use an alias and a burned phone to talk to her. Especially knowing what I know.

  30. Matthew Henry Waldicot III --
    You're right, she does have a strangely protuberant forehead. Hadn't really registered with me before.

    Not sure I'd use a burned phone though. If she somehow managed to convince you to be self-destructive, your relatives would want proof.

  31. Succubus- but I'd shag her for sure.

  32. Unknown Brit --
    I appreciate your honesty.

  33. I wouldn’t do her.She is a killer.
