Monday, December 25, 2017

"Rosie O'Donnell tells Paul Ryan he's going 'straight to hell'"

At times, Rosie seems to be a one-woman juggernaut designed to educate the world about borderline personality disorder.

According to the NY Post:

The fierce opponent of President Trump and the newly-passed GOP tax plan lashed out at Ryan on Twitter.

“paul ryan – don’t talk about Jesus after what u just did to our nation – u will go straight to hell,” O'Donnell wrote Monday.

“U screwed up fake altar boy,” O’Donnell added...

It’s the latest Twitter war for the ex-View host.

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro reported an obscene tweet O’Donnell posted about him last week that said “Suck my d___ Ben,” according to Fox News.

Borderlines never seem to have the slightest doubt that they are on the side of goodness and light and that their opponents are, well, going straight to hell. 

And because they are always so completely convinced of their own righteousness, they are utterly uninhibited with their words and actions, since they always consider them justified.

I've never been a Paul Ryan fan. I don't like the way he tried to undermine Trump in 2016, I wish he hadn't lowered the maximum individual tax rate, and I don't like the way he lied about his marathon time. I don't even like his dishonest-looking face or his Eddie Munster hairline:

But if he's headed for eternity in a hot place, he and Rosie will probably have plenty of time to get better acquainted. 

Rosie is larger than life, 200 pounds of constant, unrelenting, unmitigated fury. And since she makes good copy, the press continues to cover her. As long as they do, we might as well let our education continue. 

(It just hit me who else has borderline personality disorder: Rose McGowan. The constant, unrelenting fury, the complete lack of doubt that she is in the right, and the complete lack of inhibitions in savaging people she sees as her enemies are pretty good indications.)


  1. I'm not sure about Rosie being Borderline. I DO see her exibit many features of Borderline Personality Disorder, however. The features that I don't see with Rosie are usually the qualities that seem to stand out with Borderlines. I don't see the suicidal attempts or the attempts to physically harm herself. I don't see the fear of being alone, left or rejected by a partner to the point that she says she will kill herself if a partner leaves. I also don't see a woman who is trying to figure out "who she is". That's the big one. I think borderlines have a very fragile and underdeveloped sense of self (usually due to trauma) and are not able to make the transition to a an adult with a fully formed ego. This is always coupled with a deep rooted sense of insecurity. They seem to always be looking for someone to cling to in order to give themselves an identity which is why breaking up with a borderline can be hell. Ending a relationship with a borderline feels to the borderline as if you are taking away their identity and their reason to live. I don't see this with Rosie. I see a woman who knows who she is and while she may be quite hard to take at times, she really has not wavered in her personality or sense of "self" as a borderline might do. As she has gotten older, she has become much more vocal and has buckled down on the issues that have always been important to her. The things that seem to be important to a borderline are usually determined by the people they are in a relationship with and can change with each partner. They seem to take on the characteristics of their partners. I just don't see these features with Rosie. I'm not saying that it couldn't happen but it's very hard for me to see someone with Borderline Personality Disorder become as successful as Rosie has become. . As with any personality disorder, there are degrees in which it may manifest itself. Maybe Rosie has a slight case and has been able to be successful in spite of this? Im definitely no expert by any means and have only known a couple of people who have been diagnosed with this disorder, which again does not make me an expert. And I'm not saying that Rosie is healthy emotionally or psychologically...she has said that she suffers from major depressive disorder and at times that is just a symptom of something bigger. As usual, just take what I say as an opinion. Not even a very informed one.


  2. Hannah --
    Actually, Rosie claims to be suicidal; take a look at this article:

    She also says that she was sexually abused as a child in that article, and that's supposed to be another precursor to BPD. I know, you said "attempts," and there's no indication she's ever tried to commit suicide.

    The borderlines you've known were probably the types to take on others' values in a relationship, and you're right about Rosie knowing who she is, and not changing her stripes. But most of the literature on BPD doesn't list taking on new values in a new relationship and defining themselves by someone else, though the fear of abandonment looms large in all accounts.

    I know the type you're describing though, people who take on the hobbies and interests and even values of a new boyfriend, and now you've got me wondering about them.

    No need to make that disclaimer at the end; I'm just learning about BPD myself. And I've only known two people well who have it, btw. But the picture is starting to come together for me and these two people's actions make more sense in retrospect. And I'm quite sure that Rosie has BPD. Take a look at the Wiki description of it, which I think it pretty good; they list four subcategories of BPD, evidently there's some variety.

  3. I read the article you suggested and others. There was definitely some information that I did not know which seems to make the picture more complete. I read that a better name for Borderline Personality Disorder would be something like Emotional Regulation Disorder because it seems that those who do have Borderline Personality Disorder have a hard time tempering their emotions which can lead to impulsive and destructive behaviors. In essence, they just can't control themselves. I found it interesting that Trump, according to ODonnell, made her consider suicide because of his bullying. What? Does she not remember slinging mud also? In fact, ODonnell started this "feud" by saying disparaging things about Trump (true or doesn't matter) on a very popular television show and then ended her commentary about Trump with the suggestion that he could "Sit and spin, my friend! Sit and spin!" That was aired for all of America...and not with any type of "not suitable for children" type of warning. Of course, Trump could have ignored this, but he didn't and said some harsh things himself. At this point, she now feels attacked and can't help herself and feels the need to go after him again. And he says something about her. Again. And on and on it goes. I felt this was just drama for the sake of drama among two people who really found some type of gratification from the attention but now I have read that ODonnell saw this as a case of bullying which made her want to commit suicide. What? Could she not stop her behavior which contributed to this "feud" which she says made her contemplate suicide? And at a time in which no one would dare suggest that women are not considered to be equals to men, can she not see that her behavior was the behavior of a bully also? Or does she consider herself the victim? This is just one small thing that jumped out at me while reading some of the most recent articles on ODonnell. I do see more of the BPD now. I think.


  4. Hannah --
    Then we're in complete agreement. And the thing is, I wouldn't call it "bullying" when someone criticizes the President, that's punching up. And no matter how obscene O'Donnell was, I still don't consider that bullying, though I agree with you that it's ridiculous for her to say she's being picked on when he responds to her taunts. But what IS bullying is when she picks on all the people who work for her on the shows, the producers, the writers, etc. And she has absolutely no qualms about venting her rage against all of them, when they can't respond for fear of losing their jobs.

    To me, though, even that doesn't compare with her forbidding her first wife from nursing her own biological child after the first month or two because O'Donnell was jealous of the two of them bonding. That's just unbelievable to me.

    You're right, "Emotional Regulation Disorder" would be a far better name for BPD, since that's exactly what it is. Evidently just about everybody is in agreement about the fact that "borderline" is a ridiculous way to name this syndrome. Borderline between what? That could refer to anything.
