Sunday, January 7, 2018

"Trump claims he's 'a very stable genius'"

When Donald Trump first announced in 2015, I didn't think he had a chance. But I was increasingly hopeful as his populist platform struck a chord with the electorate, and was overjoyed when he beat Hillary.

This country needs to defend its borders (an issue that not even other Republicans dared broach before Trump). We needed a lower corporate tax rate to discourage companies from moving abroad. We need to force China to practice fair trade. We need a Supreme Court with more Constitutionalists. We need to support the police, rather than discouraging them from doing their jobs.

And it's high time someone in a position of power scoffed at the censorship that political correctness has imposed.

The price we pay for a President with these views is, well, Donald Trump's personality.

It's a small price to pay, given the issues at stake. But it is a price.

Yesterday, in response to the publicity over Michael Wolff's book, Donald Trump said:

“Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart....I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star . . . to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius . . . and a very stable genius at that!”

In a six-year-old, such childish grandiosity would be cute. In an adult, it's not.

It's certainly not the way we want our President to behave, not only because it's embarrassing, but because it makes him less effective. (Why needlessly give your enemies so much ammunition?)

But, once again, a real sociopath would hide his ego behind a curtain of insincere modesty. Trump seems incapable of that.

I know, it's a little pathetic that at this point I'm defending Trump by saying, well, at least he's not a sociopath, he's only extremely narcissistic -- assuming the story in the previous post isn't true.

That's awfully faint praise.

But sometimes it takes someone with the ego of a narcissist to be willing to speak the truth about certain things. And it's his ego -- as well as a certain impetuousness -- that has allowed Trump to blurt out things about immigration and so on that many would not dare to, for fear of being declared an apostate by the false idols of the media.

It takes a bold, narcissistic personality not to be cowed by their collective vituperation.

So, looking at it from another angle, maybe we should be grateful for Trump's lack of circumspection.


  1. John - I have known five uneducated self made millionaires. Each and every one of them at one point in the years I've known em have behaved in a similar fashion as Trump. I understand how successful businessmen can shoot their mouths off because they are self made. I take it with a grain of salt. I'm sure Trump gets a certain smug satisfaction about saying that just to irritate the media (I'm better than you guys, even though you've been lying and attacking me for months), or create another news cycle. Or do whatever geniuses like that do that us pedestrian people cannot see.

  2. Shaun F --
    Someone else said to me recently (after I wrote this post) that Trump was just saying this to irritate the media. If he was, it got by me; I just figured it was his ego speaking, as usual.

    Some people who make a lot of money ARE very smart; some are just lucky. I've known a few of both, and all of the latter thought they were one of the former.

  3. Our President is a colorful character. He's definitely not boring. Too me, he's a hoot. All of the leftist tactics to uproot him hopefully fails. The leftists are encouraging mass hysteria over piddly squat stuff. I love how Trump prevails despite the non-stop attacks. May God bless him and protect him.

    - Susan

  4. Susan --
    He's colorful alright. And he's entertaining because he says what he thinks, it's not put through the usual politico-speak filters. I'm rooting for him, even as I'm not crazy about him personally. In fact, if I didn't know anything about him other than the the Left hates him so much, I'd be rooting for him even harder.

  5. His personality would probably get on my nerves. If we can put leftists in a tizzy, then I'm all for that. In the end, I don't see Trump as malicious in any way - he's unfiltered, not a great communicator. Trump can be hilarious, especially when it causes his enemies to have meltdowns.

    - Susan

  6. Susan --
    I'd enjoy seeing the MSM in a tizzy too, except that so many people are swayed by them.

  7. John,

    Sorry to go OT but can you locate the post in which you pointed out that female athletes nowadays were more beautiful than actresses? That post came zooming back into my mind as I watched the Golden Globes last night, on and off, mostly off. The actresses are so ugly, and I'm not being nitpicky, I think it's true. I looked for the post on google but couldn't find it.

    Three actresses that I used to think were pretty have totally lost it: Michelle Williams (a dog), Angelina Jolie (a hag), and Natalie Portman (plastic surgery nightmare). The rest were just forgettable.


  8. Plenty of commenters on another website that I frequent (for news) have said that if the liberal elite (globalists) are in a frenzy, Trump must be doing something right. The far left wants a socialist country for the USA, reaching their goal through any means possible, deceptive tactics being employed. They will go to any lengths to get what they want. The fact that Trump is constantly attacked and is still standing is quite a feat in itself.

    - Susan

  9. Trump trolls so well it's often hard to understand what his aims are. These boasts might seem like idle bragging, but in fact Trump is picking the nerves of the left for strategic reasons. The trolling keeps them agitated and off balance, and it's a good bet that Trump will use this to his benefit down the road. The left's anger, bile and rage is making them crazier than normal, and the strain is showing. Remember, the geniuses on the left think that Trump lost the election . . . when you're that far divorced from reality, it won't take too much to drive you over the edge. The left is going bananas now, especially that the Russia collusion thing is petering out. They're back to "Trump is crazy!" which has already been tried. It's beautiful to watch.

  10. Lolly --
    I honestly don't remember a post in which I said female athletes were better looking than actresses. I recently put up a post about how fame seems to make people better-looking, in which I mentioned that I've seen plenty of local high school girls and mothers who are better-looking than Jackie Onassis and Princess Diana, here:

    Here's a post in which I said that Jennifer Aniston's looks were way over-rated (Men's Health magazine had just claimed that a poll they had taken named her the sexiest woman of all time), and compared other actresses favorably to her:

    Here's a post in which I said that often starlets are way better-looking than women who become full-fledged movie stars:

    And here's a post in which I pointed out that male Olympic swimmers are far more handsome than various movie stars:

    Ah, while searching for that last post I stumbled across the post you were talking about, from August '16 (sorry, had forgotten about it):

  11. Lolly --
    PS -- I wouldn't quite call Michelle Williams a dog, she's sort of cute, though in an ordinary way. You have a sharper eye than me if you spotted Natalie Portman's plastic surgery, I'd never even noticed it; then again, she never really loomed large on my radar. For a while there (maybe 10 years ago) Angelina Jolie was being held up as the ultimate in female beauty, which I could never quite see; and now her character is starting to come out on her face, which is unfortunate for her. If they do a remake of 101 Dalmatians and are looking to cast Cruella de Vil, she'd be perfect.

  12. Susan --
    Yes, Trump's resilience has been amazing. Another reason why we should be grateful for his narcissistic personality, I guess. It makes his ego more like an impregnable fortress.

  13. Pangur --
    Good to hear from you, thought I'd lost you.

    Well, you called the election right and I called it wrong, so maybe I shouldn't argue with you. But I don't quite buy the theory that everything Trump does is to keep the Left off-balance. If it has that effect, great. But I honestly think it's less calculated and more just him being himself, i.e., thin-skinned and unable to take an insult without returning one, and, in general, unable to resist the opportunity to boast.

    He was awfully boastful long before he entered the political arena, dating back to the 1980's when he was a Democrat. I remember when Forbes Magazine first came out with its "Forbes 400" list of the richest Americans, in 1984 (?) or so. Practically every one of the people who got in touch with them called them to say that they weren't nearly as rich as Forbes said they were, and that they should be taken off the list. (They didn't want the headaches/bad PR/parasites.) Only one of the listees calls to say that he was richer, and that was Donald Trump. That's just who he's always been.

    Agreed, though, that the Left is losing its collective mind. What I enjoy most are their "intersectional" conflicts, when one set of entitled sensibilities runs up against another. But I enjoy their Trump derangement syndrome as well.

  14. Hi John,

    Thanks! I'm still reading, I just haven't had much to say recently; also, I've been letting the wonderful feeling of Trump being president roll over me like a wave, meaning I've been paying a bit less attention to politics.

    In fact, we could both be right. It seem to me that no matter what Trump says, intentional or not, it throws off the left. It's doesn't have to be the case that he *means* to throw them off, he enrages them just by existing. His bombastic style doesn't help them, they're used to GOPe cucks rolling over for them, not a counterpuncher like Trump (and he is a great counterpuncher). To be fair, you could be totally right about this and I could be all wet: either way, the ride so far has been awesome.

    I agree with you both about the intersectionalism (watching one set of retards fighting the other is like watching manna falling from heaven) and about the TDS. I remember Bush Derangement Syndrome, but it seems like Bush Derangement Syndrome is to Trump Derangement Syndrome as the common cold is to the bubonic plague. Lots of good reasons for this, but as I mentioned, one big one is that the left really thinks they won the election and that Hillary was cheated. To believe this, you have to be totally detached from reality.

  15. I guess my memory was doing tricks on me, and put together both posts where you observed that athletes are now physically superior to actors/actresses. But it's true.

    BTW I never cared much for Kevin Costner, however, I recently saw on DVD a movie he was in called "Criminal," in which he played a psycho. The movie was awful but I thought he was damned attractive. Some guys age well. Plus they had him made up like a real bad boy, goatee, fash cut. I guess it's true what they say about women & bad boys.


  16. Pangur --
    Ha, yes, basking in the aura of His Trumpness. I don't blame you.

    Couldn't agree more, seeing all the cucks/RINOs try to suck up to the media and thus sell out their base was always infuriating (I've always had a mild case of RINO derangement syndrome).

    Exactly, the common cold to the bubonic plague, well put.

    Really, what the Left is fighting IS reality: the reality of human differences. They preach diversity while denying that we're diverse in any meaningful way, and they do this on a daily basis on any number of fronts.

  17. Lolly --
    I was never much of a Costner fan either, have usually thought he was pretty ordinary in roles which could have used either a better-looking guy or more forceful presence, but I liked him a lot in "A Perfect World," and I actually thought he was fantastic as the sociopath in "3000 Miles to Graceland," an underrated, somewhat-dumb-but-cool-and-fun movie.

    You sound like you'd be fun to watch movies with. (I tend to drive my kids crazy by occasionally making comments during movies.)

  18. I'm awful to watch movies with. I talk too much.

    I will watch "3000 Miles to Graceland" because I am a new Kevin Costner fan. So it seems as if he plays psychos well, which is a surprise. He played a real psycho in "Criminal." It was too violent for my tastes. I'm glad I like him because he comes from a rural old America background and I like that in a movie star.

    I agree w/you about Trump. I agree with his policies but I wish he would shut up already.


  19. Lolly --
    He played the sociopath in "3000 Miles" with just the right mix of nervelessness and sadism and humor and coolness. You didn't root for him, but you couldn't take your eyes off him when he was in the scene.

    It just occurs to me: have you visited this blog before, under another name? Like maybe "Coco" or "Lady Bug" or "Puzzled?"

  20. Kevin Costner was also very good in Mr. Brooks , in which he played a sociopath.

    Trump is great at trolling the media...but his recent tweets about being "really Smart"...made it appear foolish.

  21. Java --
    Haven't seen that one, if it appears on Amazon or Netflix I'll take a look.

    I've generally found, throughout my life, that the only people who say they're smart are dumb people, and the only people who say they're dumb are smart people. I'm not entirely sure Trump violates this rule.

  22. Loved the State of the Union speech last night by President Trump. The Democrats looked silly in their all black garb. Hopefully, that party dies. I told my liberal leaning son that this was the best speech that I've heard from any President.

    - birdie

  23. Birdie -
    I liked what he said in the speech, too. To me, he has a very commonsensical approach to our problems. Of COURSE we want the smartest and most productive immigrants possible. Of COURSE we need to repair our infrastructure. Of COURSE we need to crack down on MS-13 etc.

    I could have done without his clapping for his own points, though.

    You're right, the Dems looked pretty silly at times. They seemed unsure about when they should stand up and clap, and when they shouldn't. They had no choice but to stand for the various heroes who were introduced. But otherwise, they looked at each other a lot. The only political point I saw Chuck Schemer stand up and clap for was when Trump said that he had recognized jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

  24. Who ever created that speech is a good speech writer. There were many commenters from other countries (e.g, the UK, Italy, Canada, etc.) on different media sites. who stated that they would like a man like Trump leading their countries. It is sad to me, how the far left are set on destroying individual nations. Too me, they're insane.

    - birdie

  25. Birdie --
    I think the Far Left rank and file who swallow the ridiculous leftist propaganda are for all practical purposes insane, I think the people at the top pulling the strings (think George Soros, or the Clintons) are evil.

  26. I agree with what you say about the "people at the top". God's hand is on Donald Trump. He knows that tricks and schemes of these evil doers and is cleaning house.

    - birdie
