Friday, November 22, 2019

The statesman

Joe Biden has gotten some bad publicity the past couple days for his peculiarly Bidenesque response to the question of how he would handle the problem of violence against women.

From the NY Post:

"No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman in anger, other than self-defense and that rarely ever occurs," he said. So we have to just change the culture. Period."

Then he maybe took it too far, adding, "And keep punching at it and punching at it and punching at it," making matching punching motions with his fist. 

This got me to thinking, how would I handle that problem?

After some extensive soul searching, I finally hit upon the perfect solution. I would change the culture by slapping it around a little, then ripping off its clothes and raping it.

(Honestly, there's something almost endearing about Biden's awkwardness.)


  1. Hi John!

    Been a while. Love your blog and glad to see you're still hitting it here and there. Yeah, Biden is the gift that keeps giving. The only reason he's still high in the polls is because he's surrounded by whacko socialists. It's scary to think that he's the sanest of the bunch. Also, because there are nine other people there, he's hidden somewhat. When the field narrows to three or four, he'll further implode. If by chance he gets the nom, Trump will absolutely destroy him in the debates. Trump is a bully and Biden is easy prey. It'll be like Biff and Mcfly.


  2. Spartan --
    Thank you very much. Ha, yes, Biff and McFly, perfect comparison. (It'd make me want to root for McFly, except that this particular McFly is a bumbling idiot as well as too far left).

    True, whichever candidate wins the Democratic nomination will have his flaws held up front and center once he gets it. In a strange sort of way,. Trump has been immunized from that, since the media has done nothing but try to play up his flaws for the past four years. And now that Russia-gate has been shown to be baseless, and now that it looks as if the same will happen with Ukraine-gate, it'll be easier to dismiss future Democratic hysteria the same way.

  3. "Joe Biden has gotten some bad publicity the past couple days for his peculiarly Bidenesque response to the question of how he would handle the problem of violence against women"

    I like it when he told some man in Iowa that he would challenge him to a pushup contest. He accurately assessed this 40 something overweight man and was willing to bet he could outdo him in a pushup contest.

    My assessment of Biden" he is on some sort of chemical enhancement regimen. I'm going to say he is on steroids plus bennies. Prove me wrong! Ha ha ha.

    Anyways I'm getting on in age and will soon be looking for that fountain of youth.

    Happy holidays and merry Christmas.

  4. Europeasant --
    You think Biden is juicing? Honestly, that had never occurred to me before, but now that you mention it, it's entirely possible. He's obviously had hair plugs and a facelift, so why not some form of TRT? Makes sense.

    The only other politician I thought was on steroids was Anthony Weiner, whose body had all the usual signatures.

    Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to you.
