Friday, July 3, 2015

Paul Krugman's face

Commenter "Rifleman" said after the post about Jeb Bush:

Jeb has the condition known as "punchable face." It's a condition that is different from being merely ugly or weird looking or pathetic looking.

I thought that a perfect description.

Someone happened to mention economist Paul Krugman to me today, and it occurred to me he suffers from the same condition:

Krugman may even have a more serious case than Bush has. 


  1. That nut less monkey is autistic as well. He is married to a black woman who fuels his animus..... Hate to put it this way but a blue eyed black woman who can pass for White is the wife of the Jewish economics professor. Goodbye America. There are days when I think Adolfo had a point John.

  2. Berealm --
    I just looked up "Krugman and wife" and stumbled across this article by Steve Sailer:

    Hadn't realized Krugman had Aspergers as well; no wonder he's so annoying. He's another Keith Olbermann, personality-wise.

  3. lol maybe in the middle picture.

  4. C'mon Steven, all three pictures spark that reaction in me.

    I love Niall Ferguson.

  5. That nut less monkey is autistic as well. He is married to a black woman who fuels his animus.....

    I was going to say the same thing. His Aspergers, his Jewish leftwing chip on his shoulder about "White middle America", his resentful "black" wife.

    Nial Ferguson married African activist Hirsi Ali in September 2011

    Hadn't realized Krugman had Aspergers as well; no wonder he's so annoying. He's another Keith Olbermann, personality-wise.

    Yes, something similarly creepy about both guys, and not just their politics.
