Sunday, February 4, 2018

If feminists covered the crime beat

This blog has previously speculated on what would happen if fashion writers covered crime. What would happen if feminists covered the crime beat?

Aileen Wuornos

Aileen was a martyr for our cause. She devoted her life to teaching men, one at a time, that "No" means no! This was one woman whose pussy you couldn't grab! Unfortunately, she was executed after being unjustly railroaded by a chauvinistic kangaroo court. But she will always be remembered for having covered herself in glory by taking a strong stand against the patriarchy! #Womenwhowon'tbedominated

Griselda Blanco

Griselda Blanco was a She-E-O who broke the glass ceiling in the highly competitive nonprescription pharmaceutical business. She ran away from home at age 14 to escape the sexual assaults from her mother's boyfriend, and from then on survived by her wits. As tough as any of her male colleagues, she even enjoyed herself as some men do. According to Wiki:

Court records show Blanco... would force men and women to have sex at gunpoint, and had frequent bisexual orgies. Her favorite possessions included an emerald and gold MAC 10 machine pistol, Eva Peron’s pearls and a tea set once used by the Queen of England.... In court, it was revealed that Blanco killed three former husbands as well as strippers, business rivals – and innocent bystanders...

Why should men get all the enjoyment? Blanca's literal take no prisoners style of doing business resulted in her becoming a guest of the United States for ten years beginning in 1985. But Griselda was no pushover, continuing to run her empire even though confined. Anything a man (like the one at top, left) can do, a woman can do better! #Girlsjustwannahavefun

Genene Jones

Genene was an early advocate of birth control -- both regular and retroactive. Only a caring woman would be so concerned about overpopulation, and no one can deny that Genene did her bit. In fact, she was far more effective in her efforts to solve Mother Earth's problems than most men could ever hope to be. In the words of G.D. Anderson, ""Feminism isn't about making women strong. Women are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength."#Strongwomen

Lorena Bobbitt

Lorena was the ultimate feminist. Lorena's husband John battered and abused her, boasted about his infidelities, and stole and spent her earnings. Worst of all, as she told the police on the night she was arrested, "He always have orgasm [sic], and he doesn't wait for me ever to have orgasm. He's selfish!"

So, like any good feminist, she decided to attack the phallocracy at its very root. True female liberation can only be achieved through from separating males from the source of their power! You go girl!! #Ifyoucutoffmyreproductivechoice,canIcutoffyours?

Leona Helmsley

Who's the Queen of the Helmsley Palace? Leona! In her own words, "I've always wanted to be the biggest real estate man to come down the pike." Well, Leona got her wish, running an over $5 billion real estate empire after her husband died. But while she may have had to marry for money, once she got her hands on it, she refused to kowtow to any man. According to Wiki:

Once, at one of the Helmsley hotels, the waiter brought him [her lawyer Alan Dershowitz] a cup of tea with a tiny bit of water spilled on the saucer. She grabbed the cup from him and smashed it on the floor, then demanded that the waiter get down on his hands and knees and beg for his job.

That's showing those men who's boss! Thank you Leona for being on the right side of history! #Taxesareforthelittlepeople

Sandra Avila Beltran

Sandra Avila Beltran ran her medicinal export business so cleverly that when the male oppressors came after her, all they could get her for was money laundering, not unlike the way the Feds were only able to get Al Capone for tax evasion. When initially arrested, Avila described herself as a housewife who earned a little money on the side "selling clothes and renting houses." Talk about modesty! Sandra is a crusader for the downtrodden, too: while in jail in Mexico City, she filed a complaint with the Mexico City Human Rights Commission, saying that the ban on bringing in food from restaurants violated her human rights. #Silenceisnotanoption

Bonnie Parker

Bonnie only lived to the age of 23, but she achieved lasting fame for having broken into the heretofore male-donated business of unauthorized bank withdrawals. As a young girl, she felt frustrated by the provincialism of life in Dallas, but soon went on to bigger and better things with partner Clyde Barrow. Unfortunately, government officials, who hated the idea of a woman being so successful at breaking glass ceilings, killed her. Bonnie, you left us too soon! #Onlyweakmenfearstrongwomen

Phoolan Devi

Phoolan Devi, 1963 - 2001, the legendary Bandit Queen, was born into an impoverished low caste Mallah family in India, but rose to become a member of Parliament before her assassination at age 38. At age 16 she ran away from an arranged marriage with a man three times her age, and fell in with a local band of dacoits. Tensions grew between the Rajput members of the gang and the Mallah members until there was a gunfight, won by the Rajputs, and Phoolan was taken to a Rajput village, where she was raped repeatedly. Phoolan escaped, and later organized a new band of bandits with whom she returned to that village seven months later. Frustrated that she couldn't find the men who had raped her, she and her fellow gang members lined up 22 other Rajput men and shot them all dead. That showed those men what happens to rapists -- or, well, at least their tribesmen! #Metoo

Daniela Poggiali

The joyful Daniela Poggiali helped cut short the pain and suffering of countless elderly people under her care. And all the while, as you can see above, she never lost her sense of humor! As the great Oprah Winfrey said, "There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it, in that prejudice and racism, and they just have to die." Don't worry Oprah, we're all impatient for that to happen, especially Daniela! #38andcounting

Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme

Not many girls from Redondo Beach, California, could dream of making the cover of both Time and Newsweek, but Squeaky did! And she did because she was so adventurous. First, she left her own family to join another. Then she went solo and tried to gain an audience with President Gerald Ford, almost changing the course of history! She's now a free woman living quietly in upstate New York, but she'll always be remembered for her glory days. #Thisiswhatafeministlookslike!

Hillary Clinton

The greatest feminist ever may have been Hillary Clinton, who has attempted to break down innumerable barriers. She tried to enlist in the Marines in 1975, though they turned her down. She broke into the fast-paced men's world of cattle futures trading, turning a $1000 investment into a $100,000 windfall. She continued those entrepreneurial ways with the Clinton Foundation, using her power as Secretary of State to bring in funds from all over the world. She even approved the sale of 20% of all North American uranium mining rights to Russia after an appropriate contribution was made. Even though she had to abide the presence of a lot of male pigs throughout her career, she let them know what she thought of them in no uncertain terms! She bravely survived a sniper attack in Bosnia. And most importantly, she did this all all by herself! #Ididn'tneedamantosucceed


  1. Thanks to your entry, I frittered away the morning getting to know these, um, fascinating women more in depth, many of whom I'd never heard of before. I discovered, to my dismay, that you omitted to credit Phoolan Devi with being elected to Parliament subsequent to her crimes. You feminist impostor, you! After being charged with multiple murders, plunder, arson and kidnapping for ransom, she was twice victorious in being elected to the lower house of India's Parliament. Does India qualify as one of the shithole countries?

  2. Ambivalent Misanthrope --
    Sorry to make you fritter away your morning. (Well, not really.) I have to admit, I spent more time than I had planned reading about these women, too. I did mention that Phoolan Devi was elected to Parliament (at the beginning of that section), though I wasn't specific about the order of her life events. Amazing, isn't it? That'd be sorta like us electing Ted Bundy or James Holmes to Congress.

    India's a strange case. Most of the people who've been there tell me it's full of trash on the streets, filth, and beggars, and I don't think I know anyone who's ever been there who hasn't gotten an extreme case of dysentery. But the people they send here seem to do well, and ion recent years have dominated the Westinghouse Science competition as well as most of the national scholastic championships at spelling bees. So, I guess, unlike Mexico, they're sending us their best.

    BTW, Trump reportedly said in that meeting that he wanted more immigrants from places like Norway and Asia, but the media only quoted him as saying Norway so that he would sound more like a white supremacist.

    BTW, my favorite story in all of my readings was that Griselda Blanco used to put a gun to people's heads and demand sex. (She did this to both men and women.) Maybe I should include that in this post.

  3. My apologies for my oversight! I got carried away in my excitmenet and skipped over key details of your narrative. *hangs head in shame*

  4. Ambivalent Misanthrope --
    It's quite okay, you can lift your head now.

  5. BTW, I've heard all the same stories about India from people who have traveled there. Also, the fact that locals have the obnoxious habit of trying to touch white people -- especially women and children. I was really surprised to hear this from several sources, as I didn't think Caucasians are such an exotic sight, owing to the global economy where travel -- especially by Indians -- is common. And no, these attempts at touching did not occur in some obscure countryside -- they happened in major cities.

  6. Ah, reading Ambivalent Misanthrope call India a "shithole country" really got my hackles up. The patriot in me.

    India is a place of paradoxes. Quite a few politicians here have criminal records and though we are appalled at the irony of a thug trying to bring law and order, most of us just don't have the time or inclination to be bothered.

    I quite admire Phoolan Devi, after serving her jail term she went into politics. I wouldn't lump her with Ted Bundy and the like, they jumped on unsuspecting women. Phoolan was more of an avenging angel.

    Indians do have a fascination for "Caucasians" probably a hangover from our colonial past. Mostly we stare like we are seeing a strange animal. Usually, beggars on seeing white flesh try to touch them more to annoy them into giving them alms.

    Yes, our civic sense is pathetic but improving due to the Modi government initiatives.

    As for diarrhea, most "foreigners" come from such sterile environs that exposure to even harmless microbes is enough to upset their delicate biological system.

    Maybe AM should listen to the talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s “The Danger of a Single Story”


  7. Sherie --
    Sorry about that. But there is a huge amount of poverty over there that's impossible to miss, and all Westerners are struck by that. At the same time, I think most Westerners are also aware of the ancient culture, the writing, the Taj Mahal, etc. And most Americans are aware that the Indians who come over here dominate the Westinghouse Science competition, and the spelling bees, and in general do very well academically.

    You can admire Phoolan Devi for her spirit, but there's no way around the fact that she had 22 innocent men killed. An "avenging angel" would kill those responsible, not just innocents. She was more of an avenging devil. She had a reputation for being an Indian Robin Hood who robbed from the rich to give to the poor, but evidently that was a myth; there is no evidence that she and her fellow dacoits shared anything. Plus most of the accounts I read about her made her sound like an unpleasant woman who couldn't get along with her own family, and was foul-tongued and temperamental.


  8. Ha

    Blessed are the peacemakers,
    for they shall be called children of God........ Matthew 5:3-10

    No offense taken. Everyone is free to have their opinions. But I love my country.


  9. Sherie --
    Trust me, Ambivalent Misanthrope is a very nice woman, the opposite of a troll.

  10. This is fantastic! I learned a lot from this: I knew most of the fashion ones, and at that one I laughed mainly at the puns such as the necklaces and lampshades (I'm not sick: the lampshades are apparently just folklore). I hadn't previously known about these women, apart from Parker and Clinton.

    Jones would have certainly received the death penalty if she were male, seeing as she's from Texas. Everyone goes on about the "gender pay gap"* but no one talks about the gender justice gap, where Western criminal and family courts treat women more favourably.

    *which actually only exists because women work fewer hours than men, and do easier work, and are less entrepreneurial - not because women are being paid less for doing exactly the same work over the same hours, like feminists want us to believe.

    I wouldn't have put Wuornos in there as feminists hate sex workers. They call them "gender traitors" and "handmaidens of the patriarchy", and generally wish them unhappiness, if not physical harm.

    I would have put attempted murderer Valerie Solanas in there though, whom radfems worship.

    - Gethin

  11. Gethin --
    Thank you.

    I learned about Phoolan Devi while doing this, and learned things about Sandra Avila Beltran and Griselda Blanco I hadn't known.

    So true about Genene Jones. I did some research once, for a post, and found out that while women commit roughly one-tenth of all murders, they only get about one-one hundredth of all death penalties.

    I think given that Wuornos was a lesbian and shot many of her male customers, the feminists wouldn't have had any particular spite for her. (And what are we doing even having a serious discussion about that, this wasn't a serious post.)

    I had to look Solanas up. do the radomes actually worship her? Yikes, she was a paranoid schizophrenic, and an attempted murderer.

  12. Yup, Solanas is regarded as a heroine amongst radfems. She wrote the SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men) Manifesto, which is still viewed as some sort of a radfem Bible. I regard all radfems (but not necessarily all feminists) as having personal problems* so for them to hold Solanas in such high esteem is a reflection on them. Machiavelli was right that we can tell a lot about someone's personality by seeing who they associate with.

    *they're full of hatred; they're constantly angry; they project all the time - blaming men for all their problems; and never apologise or take responsibility for their own actions. Oh, and they're abject losers who never have fun - not even with each other ("political lesbians" are actually just celibate). There's hardly a more perfect explanation of "personality disorder".

    - Gethin

  13. Gethin --
    All true. I read in her bio that Solanas says she was molested by her biological father, and that she hated her stepfather, so her attitudes are no great surprise when seen in that light. But yes, the fact that she is held in high regard by radfems does speak volumes.

    I've found it true in general that there is a huge difference between the Left andRight in terms of admitting fault. Those on the Right will generally readily admit that Trump is a narcissistic personality, even as they support him politically. They may put it in more earthy terms, but in any case most are not averse to saying that they wish he'd put away his Twitter button, or be more diplomatic, or just hold his tongue more and not get in spats with the likes of Rosie O'Donnell. But those on the Left will never, ever admit that there's anything wrong with Obama, or Hillary, even as both of them exhibit obvious personality syndromes. What does that say about the difference between left and Right?

  14. Interesting thought i just had while reading about the 'sentencing gap' in the comments above. Not sure if it's original or something old that's resurfacing, but I wonder if the same people who say that women don't have any natural tendency to choose different types of careers from men will then readily agree that boys are naturally more aggressive, selfish, boisterous, and destructive. It seems that that would be a predictable response. I'm sure if you pressed them, though, they could list a page of reasons for their hypocrisy. I find that the left is very good at listing reasons, but I am continually confounded by their distance from rationality ( as your post depicts).

    I've noticed a couple of times that when new parents have both a boy and a girl they will remark how differently a baby boy will behave compared to a baby girl, way before "society" has had the chance to influence the children. Yet somehow even the obvious eludes the left.


  15. B --
    Amen. Look at the hypocrisy inherent in different feminist positions: that women can't even make a yes or no decision about sex after two drinks, and at the same time their minds are just as good as men's, and they should have a woman President. Or that women are delicate flowers in front of whom one must not make dirty jokes, yet they can be Army Rangers. Put these positions side by side and the double standard couldn't be clearer.

    And yes, I've heard parents say the same thing about babies. Yet some can't extrapolate from that to anything else.

  16. I have noticed that Clinton/Obama supporters do gloss over their numerous flaws. I decided to hold my tounge at the dinner table a few weeks ago when a family member praised Obama to the high heavens. I thought it was wise not to spoil dinner by mentioning all his drone strikes on innocent civilians and remorseless attacks on privacy. And I maintain that sociopath leaders aren't necessarily worse than narcissistic ones* so I reluctantly supported Clinton despite knowing what she is.


    We have the same issue in the UK with Jeremy Corbyn: he's the weakest Labour leader since Michael Foot in the '80s, doing almost nothing to oppose the government (and actively supporting them on most substantial matters), but his followers think he's a saint because of his socialist rhetoric. They talk about how he "won" the election because he's the first Labour leader to increase Labour's share of the vote since 2005 - which is delusional because He Still Lost. Any competent opponent would've easily beaten the hopelessly weak and uncharismatic Theresa May.

    Then again, I also think it boils down to who you're speaking to, their honesty, and education level.

    Plenty of Lefties look back on Tony Blair's governments and say that he would've been an excellent PM if it wasn't for the Iraq War. I've never met anyone on the Left who is completely nostalgic for him; they always have to add a disclaimer about Iraq.

    I've met many on the Right who ignore the sleaze and corruption amongst the Tories, but would monster any of the Left parties if they did the same stuff.

    For what was supposed to be a humorous post, I appreciate we're delving a bit too much into political science here, but I've long maintained that Left vs Right is outdated. The four-point compass, which includes Authoritarian vs Libertarian, is much more accurate. If someone is close to the centre, irrespective of which quadrant they lean towards, they're more likely to be objective.

    - Gethin

  17. Gethin --
    You make Corbyn sound a little like Bernie Sanders.

    You're right about the traditional Left Right divide being too simplistic. I talk to people who are nationalistic socialists, which seems to be a stance which is gaining popularity. You'd never have heard of anyone like that 20 years ago.

    I'm not so sure, though, that people closer to the center are more objective. I find sometimes that people cleave to the center so that people will think them reasonable, moderate people. And that in itself is as pretentious a stance as any.

  18. Leona Helmsley, that was a blast from the past. I like how you chose one of her more flattering photos.

    Just read how she sued her son's estate shortly after his death and won. Also his widow was evicted shortly after his death. Nice lady, for sure.

    As for the rich refusing to pay for regular services I've seen that also, nothing new.

    Interesting history for her. I was a teen growing up on the west coast in the 80's so New York matters didn't much make their way into our lives but I do remember her legal issues in the 80's making national news and of course her "Queen of Mean" title.


  19. Dave --
    Yeah, I figured the Leona Helmsley stuff would be lost on the younger crowd, but then again, so would Squeaky Fromme and most of the others. But people can always look them up. I didn't know anything about Phoolan Devi until "researching" for this post.

    I remember Leona quite vividly from the 1980's and 1990's when I was living in NYC and I used to read the NY Times magazine section, and there would always be a full two page ad featuring the "Queen of the Helmsley Palace," Leona. The headline of the ad would read something like, "I don't settle for less than 800 thread count Egyptian cotton. Why should you?" And she'd be decked out in all her finery looking incredibly pleased with herself and every time I'd see it I'd want to strangle her.

  20. Uh oh, well I hope you don't find me pretentious then. I've done that four-point political compass test several times and have always come almost directly on the middle line between Left/Right but significantly towards Libertarian. This makes sense because I can't class myself as either economically Left or Right: we need capitalism as there can't be ANY freedom without private property, and vagrancy benefits no one so we also need a humane safety net for the poor. I like where I am: I get to read Hayek and Rawls whilst simultaneously agreeing with both.

    My classical liberalism is also why I will never understand "libertarian socialists" or communists who claim to want "power to the people". Surely the abolition of private property (or severe reduction thereof) means the state owns everything, which means the state can regulate every aspect of the citizen's life? I've tried raising this in conversation with communists, but they never address it fully; they use mental gymnastics to dodge the question.

    - Gethin

  21. Gethin --
    No, having a bunch of different positions which make one "average out" to being a centrist is not the same as cleaving to the middle on every issue for fear tat people will somehow find you off. I have a lot of "extreme" positions on various issues which make me "average out" to being a moderate conservative. But that's meaningless.

    No, I don't see you as pretentious, life handed you a set of cards which pretty much precluded pretension.

  22. Just looking at the photo of Leona Helmsley, she looked like a wretched person. I'm sure the rich husband whom she snagged came to regret marrying her (her sociopathy had to have been a relationship killer).

    - Susan

  23. Susan --
    The weird thing is, I think in that case she acted a lot differently to harry than she did to anyone else. She realized that he was effectively her "employer," and she made sure to stay on good terms with him.

  24. I like that Leona changed her name several times before landing on Leona though there was no reason written as to why she changed it. My guess is she was screwing people over early on and creating a bad image over and over until she became more tactful.

    I'd heard of Sqeaky before but never inquired as to her notoriety, I'll have to do that.


  25. Dave --
    I was struck by that Leona's name changes too. I remember once reading that when Leona was very young her family was poor and couldn't afford to keep all their daughters, so only kept two of them, and farmed Leona out to some relatives for a while, and that Leona remained bitter about this her entire life. Not sure she ever developed tact, though, my guess is she got worse when she got all of harry's money.

    The reference in the Squeaky section to her having left her family to join another is about her having run off to join the Manson family. She was one of Charlie's girls, but wasn't present at the murders, so didn't go to jail. Then, later, she tried to assassinate President Ford.
