News came out this morning that Keith Olbermann's ratings are down 44% year over year. I applaud this development. It's hard to respect a political talk show host who never allows opposing voices on his show (this is how the press operated under communism).
I wrote about this earlier: http://justnotsaid.blogspot.com/2009/10/oreilly-vs-olbermann.html
I haven't been watching Olbermann recently, but I did hear that he recently said Scott Brown is a racist because he drives a pickup truck.
That kind of "logic" deserves a 100% ratings drop.
Aaaaaghh!! The 'orrible oleaginous Olbermann. Scary.
Guy -- Is that an Oxford accent?
Naw mate, I'm a cockney. See:
Guy --That's an interesting video. It sounded as if they were speaking a foreign language.
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