Frederick Baer (murder)
I've been a death row prisoner since June 2005. My precious baby girl of a cat, Lucky, it is next to me sleep, she's my heart, soul and world. We're looking for, wanting to meet some new people who'd be interested in getting to know us, on a steady, consistent basis, to keep us company, to let us know we're wanted and needed. No head/heart games please. Is this you??
Interests are-drawing, reading, poems, tattoos, nature, fishing, writing letters, getting mail, and all things naughty in nice. I'm a down to earth guy who's made mistakes in my past, and I'm paying for them all now-with my life. We all have and carry regrets and mistakes from our past we've done and that's happened,-were all human and are not perfect.
I'm just trying to enjoy what's left of my life, and the best ways I can and that's possible now, and desires/want/need to be needed, wanted and a part of- (??). To have and share some laughs, smiles and life together for a wild. Know what I mean?? So give Lucky and I chanced to share some laughs and smiles with you together. Thank you :-)
You don't end up on Death Row for an accidental killing. Sure enough, Fred's in for a double murder. He broke into a house and attempted to rape a young woman, then killed both her and her four year old daughter by slashing their necks. He almost decapitated the little girl.
Frederick's story is a depressingly familiar one. His mother was an alcoholic, a common theme among sociopaths. (Alcoholic mothers care more about their liquor than their babies.) By age 32 he was on his third marriage, abused a lot of drugs, including methamphetamine, and was constantly in and out of trouble with the law. Of course, all this is superfluous; the double murder alone more than proves his sociopathy.
But what are the clues in his ad that betray his sociopathy?
Sociopathic inmates often pose with an animal; they feel it shows what a "affectionate" person they are. They know that most pet lovers are nice people, so they pretend to be one themselves as they cuddle up with their "beloved" pet. Baer underscores this with the second sentence of his ad, referring to Lucky as his "precious baby girl." Aww, what a sweet guy. (How did he feel about the precious baby girl whose throat he slashed?)
Then Baer says the usual, "No head/heart games, please." Before his trial, he was recorded on the prison telephone telling his sister, in anticipation of preparing an insanity defense, "Oh yeah, and while we're at it to boot, here let's go ahead and say you're stupid and insane so it'd make it a little bit easier. I don't think so. . . . Matter of fact, I ain't got to worry about that cause I'm getting ready to go out here to the f***ing doctor and tell this stupid son of a b**** a bunch of stupid-a** lies."
It's usually the people who play "mind games" who say they prefer people who don't. (Straightforward types are more likely to be suckers.)
Baer's second paragraph is classic sociopathy: "We all have and carry mistakes and regrets from our past we've done and that's happened. We're all human and are not perfect." What he's doing here is equating his "mistakes" with yours: remember that time you were unnecessarily cruel in your criticism? And the time you cheated on your girlfriend? Well, those sins are pretty much on the same level as his.
Sociopaths always describe their monstrous deeds as "mistakes."
Writing to Baer would certainly be one.
I couldn't reproduce the photograph for Robert Baker, since he included a (non-copyable) revolving montage of them in his ad. He also had another original idea for his ad: instead of writing anything himself, he simply attached a newspaper article about his career as a master jewel thief in Beverly Hills. But his ad is definitely worth taking a look at.
A few of the things that give Baker away as a sociopath:
Baker had tremendous nerve, a specialty of sociopaths. Most people simply wouldn't have the gall to be able to easily mingle with the hotel guests without betraying any nervousness.
Baker is described as "a likable fellow who could charm his way out of sticky situations and managed to ingratiate himself with at least one of his victims." Glib charm is another sociopathic trait, and the willingness to "befriend" and then take advantage of someone is another.
Baker represented himself in court at his trial, another sociopathic hallmark. The only people I've ever heard who've done this -- like Ted Bundy, and Colin Ferguson, the LIRR Killer -- have all been sociopaths. (How incredibly arrogant do you have to be to think you'd be better at the job than someone who has a law degree and has passed the bar and does it full time?)
Once, when spotted by a security guard, Baker slipped into a guest room, jimmied open the window, slithered along a seventh floor ledge, and leapt from there onto a fire escape. This sort of fearlessness is also characteristic of sociopaths.
Finally, when he was caught, Baker tried to shoot the man who was holding on to him. But the jury deadlocked on that charge (Baker claimed the gun went off by accident) and Baker escaped the attempted murder rap. But as a sociopath, taking another's life would in fact not have bothered him.
Baker obviously saw himself as a character out of the movies, perhaps along the lines of John Robie the "cat thief" (the Cary Grant character) in To Catch a Thief. Or maybe the George Clooney character in Oceans 12. To a certain extent, he was. But what most people don't realize is that in order for someone to be as cool as those characters, he would almost certainly have to be a sociopath.
William Blanscet (kidnap of wife)
Am 42 years old, 6'6" and 220 lbs....I am single with 2 children. I have a son 18 and a daughter 11 which I am unable to see because of our situation. I have 1 brother, and a mom and dad. My family lives in California so it is hard for them to visit....I would describe myself as a mature/friendly guy who likes to have fun...
Blanscet looks bland enough, and there's nothing about his ad -- other than his crime -- which makes him sound unredeemable. But the following excerpt from the Oregon Court of Appeals shows that he is in fact the stuff of nightmares:
Unless noted otherwise, the relevant facts are undisputed. Defendant and the victim met in the fall of 1999. About a month after they met, he assaulted her, and she had to be hospitalized. Defendant and the victim married in 2000. She became pregnant, and defendant assaulted her again, resulting in a miscarriage. The victim became pregnant again and delivered a child, but defendant had to be removed from the hospital because of his poor conduct. Defendant and the victim separated after that incident.
In 2002, defendant broke into the home where the victim was staying. She attempted to call 9-1-1, but defendant prevented her from completing the call. He was convicted of burglary, menacing, and interfering with a 9-1-1 call for that incident and sentenced to probation on condition that he have no contact with the victim. Defendant nevertheless contacted her and again acted violently toward her. She reported his conduct to the police, his probation was revoked, and he served 19 months in prison. While in prison, defendant wrote letters to the victim. At first, the tone of his letters was threatening, but later it was apologetic. He pledged that he had reformed and expressed his desire to be part of their child's life.
Defendant was released from prison in April 2004. A condition of his post-prison supervision was that he have no contact with the victim. Over the course of the next few months, he violated that condition several times. In October 2004, defendant pounded on the victim's door late at night, and she called the police. For the violation of the no-contact condition of his post-prison supervision, defendant served 45 days in jail.
Defendant was released on December 8, 2004. Late the next night, he went to the victim's apartment and pushed his way inside. Over the course of the next several days, defendant brutally assaulted the victim. Throughout the ordeal, defendant repeatedly referred to the fact that she had previously "snitched" on him. At one point, the victim attempted to call 9-1-1, but defendant thwarted the attempt, stating that she would get him thrown back in jail. On the basis of those events, defendant was charged with multiple counts of rape and sodomy, as well as assault, kidnapping, and unlawful use of mace.
This account leaves one wondering why Blanscet's initial sentences for violating the restraining orders, especially that 45 day sentence, were so light.
If you want to look at it from a different angle, you could view Blanscet's ad as a triumph of the human spirit. Despite his violent, temperamental history, he is still able to describe himself as "a mature/friendly guy."
Always good to have a positive self-image.
Cheyenne Brown (murder)
I'm mixed raced between Lakota, Cherokee Irish, German, French, Scottish.I'm 6 foot tall, I have long brown hair, and Hazel eyes.I like to rock climb, snowboard, and ice skate, skateboard, and rollerskate, work on old cars, and trucks, and raced them after I fixed them up.I like to go camping, and fishing and swimming in and around lakes a lot. I like to do woodworking, and beadwork and I'm in here and I like to read and write poetry, music. I do some artwork for my beading. I read a lot of books, and I like to look at the stars, and try to see the shapes in them.
That is Cheyenne's entire ad. There are eleven I's in his seven sentences. (Does he remind you of egotists you've known?) Not a word about what he might be looking for in a prospective pen pal, and not a word of regret about his past misdeeds. His crime proves his sociopathy, and his ad certainly shows his narcissism (which is part of every sociopath's personality).
Cheyenne doesn't sound like a guy who thinks a whole lot about others. He certainly couldn't have been too concerned with others the night he and a buddy killed an elderly couple with a shotgun blast in order to rob them.
Nah, that night he was probably thinking about how he likes to ice skate. Or skateboard. Or work on old cars....
....all things he won't be able to do in prison.
....all things he won't be able to do in prison.
1 – 200 of 232 Newer› Newest»Hello all,
just for you all to let you know one thing. How can you dare to judge people you've never met in person? How can you describe a person by only their pen friend requests? You know, I'm a friend of Fredrick Baer. And I did not regret a single moment of our friendship. Yes, he did horrible things in his past... but it's better to try to understand the reasons why he did what he did instead of judging him. Ever heard of the drug Crystal Meth and how it can change your personality? FREDRICK IS NOT WHAT HE DID, HE IS WHO HE IS. A HUMAN BEING. DON'T CONFUSE A PERSON WITH THEIR DEEDS. THAT'S TWO DIFFERENT THINGS....just saying.
Anon ==
Then please explain, what WAS Frederick's reason for slashing the throat of that four-yea-old girl and almost decapitating her? I'm all ears.
The reason was simply what Crystal Meth caused in his brain. If you would be informed enough about this drug and about how many crimes happened because of this drug, you would be shocked. Look around in prisons and on death rows...ask how much of the prisoners were influenced by this drug while killing people.
Anon --
I'm familiar with crystal meth and its destructive effects on both the brain and the body. But plenty of people have taken it and managed to not murder 4-year-olds. And there are other clues as to Baer's sociopathy as well.
A lot of innocent people get taken in by sociopaths; I was bamboozled by one once. Read up on sociopathy and you'll learn more about Baer's true character.
I do know what a Soziopath is, I'm a therapist. And Bear is definately no Soziopath.
Anon --
You're a therapist, yet you spell "sociopath" with a "z" twice? Somehow I don't believe you.
And Baer's comments about how he was going to full his court-appointed doctor radiated sociopathy.
oh forgive me that I'm german and wrote a word in your language wrong. Fact is that addicts using meth committed six million crimes in 2004, more than double the three million crimes in 2002. From 2002 to 2004, the number of addicts using meth doubled from 63,000 to 130,000 according to the US Department of Health & Human Services. There are no current studies of how many crimes on average methamphetamine addicts commit, but the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse reviewed studies of drug addicts and found that "estimates of property and violent crimes committed by active drug addicts range from 89 to 191 per year" The Center concluded that a conservative estimate would be 100 crimes a year per addict.
Crystal Meth is a drug that can set you on an extremely high level of aggression, is causing psychotic behaviors, makes you hyperactive and destroys parts of your brain. Yes, Crystal Meth can cause that your behaviors and personality changes, just like as if you are a Sociopath. Moreover....each one of us is from time to time a Sociopath. We all have parts of a Sociopath inside of us. Any questions?
Anon --
You just gave me a whole bunch of statistics about crystal meth; yes, crystal meth is bad, but its destructive powers do not mean that Baer is not a sociopath.
Also, we're not all sociopaths from time to time. And sociopaths have certain distinctive behavior patterns, several of which Baer shows. I've outlined them in the post, and they all speak of themselves.
well, I think you wouldn't even believe a doctor if he told you that Baer is no Sociopath. You know, I have worked alot with Sociopaths. And Baer is none of them.
Sociopaths are not able to show empathy. Baer is able to. Sociopaths are not able to feel remorse, Bear is able to. Sociopaths do lie, believe their own lies and make you believe their lies. Bear is honest. Give a Sociopath the proof that he lied and he will find ways to prove you wrong or he will become aggressive. Baer has nothing of those signs, the most significant signs of a Sociopath. ...just saying. In my eyes, Baer did what he did because he was influenced by Crystal Meth. That's all to it.
Anon --
Those are more convincing arguments than reciting statistics regarding crystal meth. And your characterization of sociopaths is accurate (other than believing their own lies, which most of the time they do not). But keep in mind, sociopaths ARE able to fake remorse, and fake empathy, and be honest when it suits their purposes, when they're trying to present a certain image.
Non-sociopaths don't exult in fooling their prison doctors, and don't try to manipulate potential pen pals by posing in an "affectionate" embrace with a cat, and characterize their murders as "mistakes."
Don't know exactly what your relationship with Baer is, but you've been gamed.
Thank you for wanting to give me a warning and for being concerned, but I've been not gamed by him. We have quite normal conversations. That's all to it. If someone has to be alone most of the time and then gets an animal like a cat, that's a great feeling. Animals are like friends. Their love is unconditional, just in the opposite to lots of human beings. Baer is one of the most hated prisoners in Indiana. Don't you think that it is just normal to love that cat that loves him back? Do not judge people you've never met in your life. Do not judge,please. Go and get to know him. After you have spoken with Baer you can come back and thinking about if what you wrote about him was maybe a "mistake" !
P.S. Non -sociopath DO exult in fooling their prison doctors, and DO try to manipulate people in lots of ways.
Even non-prisoners are doing that
Anon --
The whole idea that you can't judge someone unless you've met him is ridiculous. Can we not judge Ted Bundy unless we knew him personally? Can we not judge whoever the current President happens to be at the time?
What if I had gotten to know Ted Bundy during his last days, and told you, he's actually really an empathetic, decent guy who feels remorse for what he's done. Really, you shouldn't judge anyone until you've gotten to know him. Would you find me credible?
Non-sociopaths generally don't EXULT in fooling their psychiatrists the way sociopaths do. A non-sociopath who has ended up in jail may try to put his best face forward (we all do that), but that is a far cry from exulting over having fooled someone. Sport lying is a uniquely sociopathic trait.
Sociopaths are also the most manipulative people around. Everyone tries to get their way, but no one is a more skillful, instinctive manipulator than a sociopath.
Okay, then Baer is a Sociopath if it will give you rest and peace. But IF , then he is mentally ill and it's not right to punish him with the death penalty. What I actually wanted to say: you oversee an important point here because you are so very intend on Sociopaths. CRYSTAL METH AND ITS CONSEQUENCES.
Anon --
This is not a matter of giving me rest and peace. I'm just pointing out what it is exactly that gives him away as a sociopath. And while I don't doubt the destructive, soul-draining effects of meth, it generally doesn't cause people to become serial rapists, murderers, and manipulators.
I've been fooled by sociopaths before and, believe me, they're very good at faking empathy. If they acted like assholes all the time, they wouldn't get anywhere, so they learn to fake empathy to the point where they seem better at it than most people.
I've read books on how to be charming and they're basically textbook examples of what sociopaths do to fool people: make your companion feel like the centre of the world, hang on to her every word, keep good eye contact, keep up the verbal prompts ("and then what did you do?"), move forward and tilt your head once in a while, etc. The book stated very clearly that you don't have to be actually interested in what the person is telling you, but as long as you do these things, you listener will feel as if you are. Sociopaths know this, which is why they seem so charming and caring despite their criminal history. They know how to make people feel at ease because they practice it so much. You should judge people by what they do, not what they say.
"The crystal meth make me do it" sounds like exactly the type of excuse a sociopath would use. Drugs and alcohol release your inhibitions, so they only bring behaviours out that you already have in you. That's why thousands of people have tried crystal meth, but still haven't murdered anyone. It wasn't in them to do that in the first place.
- Gethin
Gethin --
That's exactly right. Sociopaths are so good at counterfeiting empathy, and loyalty, and love, that they are more convincing than people who actually feel those emotions. This is what most people don't realize, and why they are taken in by a sociopath's act.
And yes, yore right, the crystal meth excuse parallels the alcohol excuse. "There's no such thing as a mean drunk, only a mean person." Likewise with a crystal meth-using rapist and murderer. YO could cite statistics shown how destructive alcohol is and how many crimes are committed under its influence, but that wouldn't change the truth of the saying quoted above.
I had actually considered writing to Baer after watching a documentary in which he was starring along with other inmates. It was this post preventing me from making that huge mistake.
I find Baer easy to sympathize with, and I certainly had before, even after finding out what he had done. But I could never describe him as 'honest', as his friend did. When he was arrested, he wasn't possibly quite honest while talking about how he cries when a butterfly gets hit on a windshield: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-BY8_tGX9M
(I think he has a habit of using animals to show how affectionate he is)
Comments by his friend/therapist -assuming that he/she is not a relative- further demonstrate how successful he is as a sociopath.
If only Meth made him do what he did, and he is completely capable of empathy and remorse otherwise, I wonder if he ever empathizes with that kid and her mother he brutally murdered. I would have killed myself.
A --
Glad I could be of service. yes, that would have ben a mistake. Baer is on Death Row, so the harm he could have done you wold have ben limited, but if you'd fallen into his reality distortion field he probably would have convinced you to send him money for cigarettes and the like.
I was struck by the same thing you were: "I cry when a friction' butterfly hits the windshield." That's classic sociopathy, showing false emotionality. Normal people don't cry when a butterfly hits the windshield, and we're supposed to believe that this sociopath does/ That's how sociopaths give themselves away, by claiming to be BETTER than normal people in an unrealistic way.
The other thing I was struck by was that the films of him after he was just caught showed a relatively healthy-looking young man, with no pockmarks on his face and with a fairly strong-looking body, meaning that whatever crystal meth he had taken had not made the same kind of inroads it tends to after extended use, meaning, he was not as deeply in its clutches as others who have gotten addicted to the drug.
Baer's persuasive ability is probably best illustrated by the fact that before h skilled the 24-year-old woman and her daughter, he was already a serial rapist, and his modus operandi was to ask them to use their phone. Most people are suspicious when a stranger comes to the door and asks to come in, yet he was somehow able to defuse their suspicions by being a good liar.
Everything about him just screams sociopath.
Gethin --
Thank you; as you can see, the commenter right before you sent the same video. I was away from my computer for several hours, so didn't get a chance to publish his comment before you sent yours in.
It's a great video, and I'm going to do a post about tit, probably mostly reiterating what I said in my reply to "A."
A: if you want to write to an inmate in the US, then please write to Robert Pruett. I've considered writing to him myself, even though I'm in the UK. Pruett has been in prison for double-murder since he was 15, but I think there's a chance he might be innocent. He's on death row, but he's been given a stay so his lawyers can fight to have his sentence reduced to life in prison.
The first murder was actually committed by his father, but Pruett was in the room at the time and so he's considered equally guilty under law. The jury sentenced him to 99 years in prison for this, even though he was just a child. The second murder was done whilst he was in prison, but there's no conclusive evidence to suggest that Pruett did it - no DNA or even blood transfer onto any of his clothes. The only thing the jury convicted him on was testimony from other inmates who disliked - and thus probably framed - him. I spent hours reading his entire blog as it was so moving: http://robert-pruett.com/index.php?page=autobiography
- Gethin
John: out of interest, where do you stand on the death penalty?
From a moral perspective, I'm on the fence (as in, I know it's not right to kill anyone - murderers included - but I know I'd want someone executed if they murdered one of my family members). I've seen an economic reason why it might be an idea to abolish it though: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/allen-frances/the-us-cant-afford-death-penalty_b_5538729.html
- Gethin
Gethin --
I touched on my stance at the end of this post:
I'm basically pro-death penalty in principle -- there's no way a serial killer should be allowed to live -- but a bit more agnostic in general, partly because a few people have been "cleared" by DNA. I think in cases where there's any doubt whatsoever they should just give a life sentence and be done with it. But of course, it's not always that simple in practice.
I definitely don't buy the argument by the anti-death penalty types who are responsible for much of the protracted legal proceedings which drive up the cost of the penalty that we should abolish it because it's so expensive.
So, in principle yes, in actuality a little less sure.
I am a female who attended middle and high school ( when he did come that is) and had classes with Fred. Yes he is mental. Maybe he was abused by parents, but so were a lot of kids in our area. He used to get into physical fights with teachers male and female and I do remember him as a psychotic kid. A very high percentage of kids I went to school with turned out to be drug addicts. Only two of the hundreds of kids I was classmates with ended up killing someone. Both happened to be drug addicts, but the craziness started waaaaaay before they even entered middle school.
Anonymous female --
Thank you of that, that was illuminating. Most sociopaths turn out to be such because they had abusive parents rather than loving ones; Baer was no exception. And when someone is sociopathic, they act that way from a very young age. A lot of psychologists say you shouldn't diagnose someone as a sociopath until they're 18; but they always display behavior pattern before that that make it apparent that that's what they're going to turn out to be.
Baer wasn't "psychotic," by the way, he was sociopathic (or psychopathic). He didn't hallucinate, or think the clouds were sending him messages, or anything like that. He was just dishonest, impulsive, disloyal, incapable of love, narcissistic, and didn't feel shame or embarrassment. In other words, he was just evil.
Anonymous Female --
PS -- Just turned your comment into a post. Thank you again.
I've been thinking of writing to Fredrick Bear, I've read all the comments here but unlike 'A' I haven't been put off! What I want to know is how do you write to someone on death row? Maybe his German friend can give me the details, if she/he is still following this thread? Thanks
Anon --
Before you write him, please read the more recent posts about him on this blog, which are dated 7/24/14 and 7/29/14.
I have read all the comments on here, or do you mean somewhere else, if so could you post a link? Thanks
Thanks for posting the links John, yes I have read this already, and watched the videos on YouTube and the documentary 'Inside death row'
Anon --
Well, go ahead and write him, but be forewarned.
@ John Craig: say, where do you have all the informations from about Fredrick Baer? Just wondering. You know, Baer is no sociopath. What he did happened while he was on drugs. It's not up to you to diagnose someone as sociopath. Baer also didn't fool his prison doctors. And he his not using his cat for showing how affectionate he his. This cat is all he has on death row. He is hated like no other there because of what he has done once. Yes, Baer tried to lie in the courtroom. But who would not try to lie for saving their own life? I do know his case very well. His trial was not fair and the reason why his ATTORNEY wanted him to plead guilty but mentally ill was simply a try to avoid the death penalty. Baer fooled no one. He is simply a human being with a drug problem that landed him on death row. It was clear once that he would get the death penalty even before his trial took place. If you follow the police reports and his case, doing seriously researches about his case, then you would stop talking shit here.
Thing is, what you are doing here is a smear campaign. In other countries you could be charged for what you are doing here. Just saying. I should inform Baer and the rest of the prisoners about what you are writing here.
Anon --
All th info about Baer is fully available on the internet, including the official reports. Anybody who would fall for his act is an idiot, as I've pointed out in these more recent posts:
PS -- Are you the same commenter who wrote the previous comments, the therapist of German extraction?
okay, then show me the internet sides of where is written that Baer fooled therapists. Oh and... I'd like to see a full diagnosis from his doctor and therapists. Also the police reports. Thank you.
Anon --
Take a look at pages 12 and 13 of this report from the Indiana Supreme court:
As far as police reports, I don't think I ever mentioned them. Please feel free to d your own research, however.
By the way, you haven't answered my question: are you the same commenter who claims to be a therapist and is also of Germanic background?
Yes, I'm the same commentor who is therapist and lives in Germany.
Okay, and what I read here in his appeal is what I already mentioned. His attorney motivated him to lie. You know, Baers attorney knew that Baer would receive the death penalty anyway. So the only chance he saw to avoid that was trying to plead GBMI. It's not allowed to execute mentally ill people, yo know. The biggest lier in court rooms are never the defendants, haha. :-) So what did you want to show me on page 12 and 13 ?
Anon --
The fact that he was boasting on that recorded phone conversation about how he was lying to that doctor.
Fact is, that this was only a part of the whole phone call. Fact is, Baer spoke with his attorney before this phone call. Fact is, it was the idea of Baer's attorney. State attorneys and the police will always find things to make you look as worse as possible when it comes to wanting the death penalty in a case. Ever listened to the whole phone call that was recorded?
Anon --
No, I haven't listened to the entire phone call. But it's not as if that was a sentence fragment which was lifted out of context. it was several sentences in which his meaning was perfectly clear.
Fact is, Baer slit the throat of a 4 year old girl, and murdered her mother as well for good measure. Fact is, he used to get into physical fights with his teachers long before he ever used meth. Fact is, if you analyze his pen pal advertisement, he's obviously a sociopath. Was it his attorney's idea to have him volunteer that he cries whenever a butterfly hits the windshield? Was it his attorney's idea to have him slit the throat of that girl?
Of course his attorney wanted him to appear "insane," that was the only chance of avoiding the death penalty. That hardly proves that he wasn't a sociopath.
Again, Baer was on drugs while he did what he did. Physical fights with teachers has nothing to say. I do know alot of teens who are doing that. One should also know the background and situations and the reasons why he got in physical fights with teachers. How old was he when he did that? How old was he when he started taking drugs? I do know alot of such kids and teens. You judge someone by his past. Go and get to know Baer. You have had experiences already with sociopaths. So it will be easy for you to find out if he really is one of those or not. :-)
You're seriously suggesting I travel to Indiana to visit Baer on Death Row?
Thanks but no thanks. I already know enough about him.
You know absolutely NOTHING about him but what's written about him anywhere, and what other people say and your own OPPINION about him. That's really all.If you call that knowledge, then Good Night World!
Anon --
You've used this line of logic before, in your very first comment on tis post. Using that line of reasoning, then none of us should be able to pass judgment on Td bunny, or John Wayne Gacy, or Josef Stalin, or Pol Pot, since we've never met these fine gentlemen in person and therefore know nothing about them except what we've read about them.
You're an incredibly poor exude for a "psychotherapist," if in fact you are that.
I never said I'm a psychotherapist. I'm another kind of therapist. You can't compare Baer with Ted Bundy or any of these other guys. They would feel offended by what you are writing here :-)
That's even something you seem to like doing. Offending and judging people you do not know. See, you even don't know a thing about me but you're judging me just because I do not agree with you in your OPPINION about Baer.
"Everything we hear is an oppinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth"
-Marcus Aurelius-
Then tell me more. What kind of therapist are you? I'm also curious, are you male or female?
And you're sort of missing the point about those other guys. The point was not to compare them to Baer, it was to say it's ridiculous to say we can't judge anyone we've never met personally.
See, I'm curious too. Why are you doing what you are doing here? I mean, why are you destroying Baer's friendships? Why do you try to hinder other people to write Baer? What do you think is he able to do in just writing letters? What you are doing here is a hateful act against a few prisoners in my eyes. You are also a supporter of the death penalty how I read. Say, are you a killer? Just asking, because it's not normal wanting to kill.
I forgot to ask one question. Are you a sociopath John Craig? You try to manipulate people here and you are even successfull in what you are doing here. You have more of a sociopath than Baer has. Would love to know your background, childhood etc. What you are doing here is a sardistic act and people get manipulated by you how I see. You are right when you say that actions speak. Yours telling me enough. Thank you.
I must say John that when I read your links about sociopaths I saw a few traits of myself so as the German person said, we all have them. As for Baer 'posing' with an animal that isn't the case as prisoners that behave get a cat to give them a reason to go on. Also, we all know he lied like hell in the beginning but that's normal human behaviour isn't it, no one would admit to doing something straight away. I haven't written to him by the way cos you scared me a bit, but I posted that on another site and they said I should write to him and if I feel I'm being taken in I can stop as I am after all an adult with common sense.
German person... are you the girlfriend he talks about? If so, what is your opinion on me writing to him?
German Anon --
I can see you're not going to answer my question. The answer must be embarrassing. I guess if you're not a psychotherapist that explains why you know nothing about sociopaths.
I just spoke to someone else about you, he asked why I was wasting my time arguing with a single crazy person on the internet; he's right.
Any more crazy missives you want to send, please feel free, I'll publish them, but it's not worth the trouble to keep answering them.
This second anon refers to a "girlfriend" Baer has. Hmm…..that would explain everything.
PS -- You might want to see a real psychotherapist about your hybristophilia.
Second Anon --
You've just solved the mystery. This very adamant commenter MUST be his girlfriend. That explains everything. I was beginning to get a sense of this, which is why I asked if the commenter was male or female. She didn't answer, because she didn't want to give her identity away. And as you can see in her last couple comments, she turned vicious because she realized I was finally catching on. (It took me long enough, which I'm a little embarrassed about.)
Love is blind. I do hope she eventually takes her blinders off. But I don't know enough about hybristophilia to know if it's curable.
Anyway, thank you for solving this little mystery.
I didn't want to cause any trouble here, there's enough already lol, I was just guessing that the German person was his girlfriend, I could be wrong. But if she is then so what, she is only defending her man and if she admits to that then I for one won't be judging her. I don't agree with the death penalty and my heart goes out to all prisoners on DR. I saw Baer on a tv documentary and thought I would like to be a friend and write to him. I too am female so does that mean I am a hybristophiliac.... I know I'm not.
Anon --
You're not causing any trouble at all, in fact I think you're stopping it. I hadn't realized -- although I should have -- that Baer had a "girlfriend," to the extent that one can while on DR.
He's obviously manipulated this poor woman into believing that his murders were purely the result of his having been on crystal meth, and that he is a decent person.
I"m not suggesting that this commenter, this woman, is herself in any way an evil person. She's actually probably fairly decent herself since she thinks the best of an obvious sociopath; she is merely extremely deluded, and probably suffers from hybristophilia.
As for you, you too seem like a very decent sort, if you felt sorry for him and wanted to befriend him. But my advice to you is, there are a lot of other people far more deserving of sympathy, people who haven't murdered anyone. Might I suggest a soldier who has lost limbs in the war, or someone suffering from a terminal illness, rather than someone who slit the throat of a four-year-old girl.
I think both of you might find this post interesting:
And this one as well, particularly the comments that follow it:
Oh really :-))) ... I see you are not going to answer my questions either. So if I'm Baer's girlfriend then you may be a killer and sociopath. Baer didn't try to make me believe anything. But you are trying to make people believe all of your shit here and your own oppinion. Infact, before I got in contact with Baer, I did my own researches about his case. People like you are more dangerous than Baer because what you are causing here has far more consequences than you know. Or maybe you even know it already and it's exactly what you want. The way you judge people here, even me, is really incredible.
And to all the other commentors here: Look at John Craig and you'll see the work of a real sociopath. What he is doing here shows how manipulation works and it's dangerous to believe what he writes here. He is spreading fear, lies, and is not even interested in the truth but only in what he wants you to make believe. Great work John Craig, really.
You really need to get some psychological help.
True story..I'm Frederick's pen pal. I also write to a guy on death row in Texas, a woman on death row in Georgia, 2 people in a minimum security prison in Colorado, an armed robber in California, and a life sentence murderer in Iowa. Why? Because the murderer in Iowa is my best friend and I saw first-hand how anyone can get into a fucked up state of mind and make a huge, life-changing mistake that ruins the life of their victims, the life of the victim's family, and also their own life and the lives of their family and friends. Being supportive of my friend helped him to actually start making something of his life behind bars and made him less of an angry person. His mania and depression have improved. I love him with all my heart. And because of that, I reach out to the people that pretty much have no one. I'm not a sucker. I don't send money and I don't candy coat what I think about their crimes, but you have to look at a person beyond their fuck ups sometimes. I've learned a lot from these people, heard some interesting stories, and have made a positive impression on them as well. I think if we all spent more time trying to share some love and laughs instead of condemning, the world would be a better place. I think there are some people who truly don't feel sorry for their crimes and I do believe some people may be evil, but many of the people behind bars are different from the people they were when they committed a crime and can still make something of themselves - even if they will never be free again. Just sayin.
As a human w/several feline friends, all I can say w/respect to Baer's picture and self-portrait is: gross.
Your blog is excellent, and (imho) is helping make the world a safer place.
Anon --
Thank you very much.
Anon...what do you find 'gross' about it? That cat is loved very much and wants for nothing, probably more than yours as you probably have other things in your life, Fredrick doesn't!
Great post Erica 👍
Great post Erica, but would love to know what you mean with "True story..." ?
I'm Fredrick's girlfriend and it really is interesting to me what all I get to read here :-) and if I say now that Fredrick is a wonderful man, Mr Craig will say I was manipulated by Fredrick and that I'm sick. You know what...you all can think and say what you want about us. Fredrick and I love each other and that's all to it.
Oh hell, I really forgot to mention that I'm crazy, YES, I'M ABSOLUTELY CRAZY ABOUT FREDRICK!! :-)) And I love him with all of my heart and my entire soul, always, and forever too! :-)
Wow Silvi ! You might want to check on that with Fredrick? You are the 4th girlfriend I've counted so far! Just how many does he have and do you all know about each other and are you ok with it? He's doing well I must say, lmao, and he 'loves' you all of course.
How is it possible for you to count Fredrick's girlfriends? Do you check his mail out or what?
But you counted right. :-)
What does it matter how many girlfriends he has or had? Does anyone count how many girlfriends or boyfriends you already had in your life? It is interesting to see how interesting Fredrick's life is for you all. And I'm sure you all have nothing better to do but talking about other peoples life. Start looking at your own life. How would YOU feel if people were always talking about you and what you did in your life, even counting your relationships. Do you all have nothing better to do than this? You know what Fredrick has done years ago, you have heard his story...that's all that you know about him. You don't know the person behind the story.
Silvi....no I don't check his mail lol, I've seen 2 others on the Internet, also a friend of mine, and now you, that makes 4, and they all say they are his girlfriend and he tells them he loves them with his heart and soul etc etc, and they are not past girlfriends, they are girlfriends NOW. As I said, my friend is one, she gets loads of letters from him, gifts he's made, drawings and all. I do know the person behind the story because my friend lets me read them and he actually seems quite nice. I just wanted to say to you that you are only one of his many girlfriends, one of many he loves with all his heart, so you need to wake up to that because posting what you did makes you look like a fool and I'm sure you are better than that, just trying to help you here, unless you don't care that he's saying the same to you as many other women
If your friend is one of the many girlfriends...so why is she still his girlfriend? Did you not tell your friend about the others or what? Why is she still writing with Fredrick if she knows about so many other girlfriends? And why do you read her letters? I would never ever anyone letting read my letters.... by the way, yes, I do know about 3 other women and I even do know her names. Fredrick speaks always open with me.
Yes she knows about the others. She confronted him about it and he says it's only her he loves, that's why she hasn't stopped writing....yet! He has told her too about the ordinary pen pals he's got, but says she is his girl, his only girl, the one he loves. When she sees what you've written here I'm sure he will deny it again and if she stops writing he will have someone else ready to take her place. You will never know how open he speaks with you, he tells you only what he wants you to know.
oh and ...Mrs Anonymous... I do believe that you are self the one who you call your friend. And further I do believe that you are the one Fredrick broke up with a little while ago. And now you are pissed at him. What other reason should you have to tell me exactly the number of his PAST girlfriends. They are not in the now. You are the one who feels fooled :-)) The others are not in the internet. It's only we both :-) You know, your loss is my sunshine. Again, Fredrick is a wonderful man and I love him. And if it is true what you say, then prove it. Otherwise I won't believe that shit.
Okay, what about a deal. Your friend shows me a letter that she got from Fredrick lesser than 2 or 3 weeks ago and I will show her the letter that I got from him just today.
No I'm not my friend, and I'm definately not his ex and I'm not pissed with anyone. I wasn't telling you the number of his past girlfriends, I wouldn't even know that, I was telling you how many there are here and now. But I'm giving up with you because there's no helping some people.
You know, Fredrick is surrounded by haters. Maybe you are even one of them. Why should I believe what you say if you don't want to prove what you say. What about helping your friend? She shall get in touch with me and then she will know what's up as well as I will get a proof of what you say is no lie. If you know the others then help them too :-) ... well, yes you are so very concerned, especially about your friend.
Hey Silvi,
nice to meet you here. I'm one of Fredrick's pen pals. He really has your back, huh? Good to see how loyal his girl is. Yes, this anonymous writer shall prove what she say is true. If she has been reading only ONE of Fredrick's letters, then she is able to name at least 3 significant signs of Fredrick's letters. I'm curious of her answer and I will be telling Fredrick about his girl, so smile :)
Whoever you are...hello and thank you! Yes, that's a great idea. Some things about Fredrick's letters are very significant. I wouldn't show his letters anyway to anyone. I just wanted to see what will happen. The haters are everywhere and will always try to destroy the good things in Fredrick's life to keep him isolated and miserable. As if having to be on death row wouldn't be enough punishment already. Fredrick will always have my back. And I already got the proof that he is telling me no lies and shit. He is not the one who is trying to manipulate me but others are trying to manipulate me because they are hating Fredrick. Fredrick is not the one who is playing games but others here do. Fredrick is not the one who is trying to hurt me and laughing his ass off about me. But others here do. Why? What have I done but loving a man who some of you here do hate? How cruel can people atually be? Ever thought about that some of you are hurting me more than Fredrick? Fredrick can't read what's written here, but I can. Ever thought about the fact that some of you here are hurting the wrong person? Say, do you all have fun in hurting people and in trying to destroy others lives? Shame on you, really!
SO SMILE! Silvi ;);)
That's what I'm doing :-)
I was actually talking about the "handwritten letters"
Why do I know what will come next? :-)
Because I do know it too. Call me Sugar, because here are too many who stay Anonynmous.
I'm not the one who said SO SMILE. But this one person shall tell me 3 significant signs of Fredrick's "handwritten letters". And I think I already know her/his answer. And this answer will also be no proof at all.
okay Sugar :-) ...well, let this hater alone. He or she is not able to give a real proof. So smile :-)
1 Corinthians 15:33
1 Corinthians 5:6
and last but not least
1 Corinthians 13
....just felt the need to throw the bible at you all here.
I forgot the most important one:
John 8:7
I mean... what could ever justify to kill someone just because he killed someone? Now I'm telling you the truth! What Fredrick did was never planned the way how it happened. But the death penalty is a planned murder. So what do you think is more cold blooded and sardistic? How sardistic is it to get the idea of an electric chair wanting to see people burn? How sardistic are those people? How sardistic are people who get the idea of a lethal injection? It does not look cruel to the outside but it is causing horrible pains inside the body. ... The death penalty is against every human right. Who wrote the laws? Human beings. So if the law was written by human beings it can be also changed by human beings. How cruel are people who do not want to change this law and want to kill because of revenge? Killing because of revenge is a criminal act. If I would go out on the street and killing someone because I seek revenge, then they will put me in prison and in your country maybe even on death row. Does it make sense? Where the hell is the sense in all that?? I need someone who can help me to understand the sense of the death penalty.
An eye for an eye ....that's only the half of the truth. The whole phrase says "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth" FORGIVENESS is the better choice. DO NOT JUDGE SO THAT YOU WILL NOT BE JUDGED
P.S. I said the last words here, Fredrick's girl...I accidently posted as Anonymous. But I'm no coward like some others here. So you all can know my name.
The death penalty is there because one day lifers might get parole and American citizens don't want a rapist running around on the loose and if he raped again he could kill again.
The drug made him wanting to rape. Meth is known as the raper drug. You have too much fear that things could happen again and that's the reason why you rather want to kill someone but giving him a chance?? Well in european countries people think different. And we try to understand why the crime happened. And in Baer's case it's just clear to me. He is no raper and he is no killer actually, even if he raped and killed. The drug made him acting like a raper and killer. One of my friend's is a judge and he said "Baer would have gotten a time sentence here, maybe a life sentence (15 years), and a drug therapy and psychological help." Hell America...you have more fear than patriotism!
...moreover...do you know that in general prisons in your country are more dangerous people than the ones who are on death row? Why then is the death penalty given in some cases and in other cases not? Oh and ...here is a statement of a death row prisoner who dropped his appeals. I suggest you to read it. It's worth it.
You are no more better than Fredrick Baer. Baer killed because he got panic. And america's people do kill, wanting the death penalty because they have fear. It's the fear of WHAT COULD HAPPEN IF! The difference between you and Baer is; Baer was influenced by a drug. You are only influenced by fear and revenge.
Ever thought about WHAT IF IT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN? I can't give you the proof that it will never happen again. But you also can't give me the proof that it will happen again.
"Come together join the movement Take a stand for human rights Fear and hatred clouds our judgement..." -John Lennon
Silvi -
Fred is a lost cause (he cannot change for the better). He has a REPROBATE mind. You cannot have an honest, healthy relationship with a psychopath (it is literally impossible). All psychopaths are pathological liars, incapable of loving others. If you want to have a boyfriend, I suggest that you look elsewhere, among normal people. Why would you even want to be involved with a murderer? Crystal meth did not cause Fred to kill two people, rape countless women...his psychopathy did. He has a mental illness (psychopathy) that you cannot understand (or comprehend) because you don't think like Fred does - your brain is "wired" differently than Fred's. Fred will always be a criminal, inside and outside of prison (due to his brain being screwed up, malformed - it never developed normally in childhood). I suggest that you face the facts and drop Fred, having nothing to do with him. Thank God Fred is in prison, where he belongs. If Fred were "on the streets," he would still be acting out in a criminal way. Fred acts according to how he's programmed (via his brain), his behaviors showing the public that he's a psychopath.
okay Anon.
What you write here shows that you are one of those who have no clue at all. Fred is no psychopath. You come here and all you can do is judging someone by what others say or and by what you want to believe. By the way, fact is, Fredrick did not rape "countless" women. That's a lie. The drug made him doing this. And you can count the rapes on the fingers of only ONE of your hands. The rapes started happening a short time before he murdered. It was a time where Fredrick was addicted by Meth since months already. He did not hurt anyone before this time. I already got the proof that I'm right in what I'm saying here. And the proof is nothing what Fredrick ever told me but facts from the police. In the opposite to you I do know the facts and do not listen to assumptions, lies, and people who can only judge others by their deeds but never by facts and backgrounds.
P.S. I forgot to say something. Fredrick was in prison once before all the other things happened. Yes, and at this time he was addicted by Meth also. If you would follow the crimes that happens because of Crystal Meth, you would know a little more, seeing Fredrick's case with different eyes. Look at the whole picture, not only at a part of it. Be informed and stop judging people by what others wants you to make believe. Here in Europe, Fredrick would get a chance. ...just saying. And do me a favor okay, let me just love the people that my heart wants to love and that God has given me in my life. I'm thankful to have Fredrick in my life and in my heart. Not because I'm alone or couldn't get other men here outside. Once you love someone, you just love this person. There's no reason why to it. But maybe even that seems to be something that you do not understand.
just a question Anon.
you say " his behaviors showing the public that he's a psychopath."
What behaviors are you actually talking about?
I'm curious of your answer
Hi Silvi
First of all, I am not the person who commented above, but I have a question for you. How do you have a relationship with someone who is never getting out of prison? What is the difference between you being his girlfriend and other women who are just writing to him? Do you all get the same letter but he ends the one to you with 'I love you'. I'm just curious
Question for you: Do I really have to explain you what Love is all about?
I don't know if you are male or female. But just in case you are a man, question for you:
What is the diference between your girlfriend and other women you know. Do you tell them all the same things but end the conversation with your girlfriend with the words I love you? I'm just wondering
It could be that God is trying to warn you about Fred, don't become too attached to the guy. I once had a sociopathic man tell me, "I tell you what you want to hear." The truth was not important to him. I've known male and female sociopaths and they were all bad news, trouble (each one of them was a criminal). All sociopaths lie to everyone, period. You cannot trust anything that they say, needing to do P.I. work to verify what they've told you. At their core, every sociopath is dishonest. In the end, they are not worth getting to know. I wish that I had been warned about these people (there's a lot of them in our world) because I would have known what to do with each one of them - don't get involved with them, keeping them at a distance. Good luck with the future, whatever you decide to do.
who are the real sociopaths in this world? I mean,you all are judging a man here just because of what you read and heard about him, and you all have your own assumptions about Fred. God is not trying to warn me. But maybe he is trying to wake YOU up through me? You all look at Fredrick as if he is the most horrible person on this planet and no deed is worser than his deeds. Did he bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki or what?
I am female Silvi and no I don't tell my boyfriend and my male friends the same things, you are right, but I am not conducting my relationship through letters. All I was asking was what the job of girlfriend to a prisoner who is never going to be free entails?
What the job is of a girlfriend to a prisoner who is never going to be free entails? Question for you,
what is the job of a girlfriend to a man? Ever had a long distance relationship in your life? Actually there is no difference. You love each other, share things on paper, on the phone and during visits. Imagine your boyfriend gets locked up suddenly. What would you do? Making an end of the relationship or being there for him, trying to make the best out of this situation. You start apreciating the little things more. You are with him in your thoughts and heart, you talk about your experiences, you share the things on paper. Imagine you go out and you are not at home for a few days and then you come back home and start telling your boyfriend what all you did and what all you experienced during the days you wasn't at home. The same thing is your boyfriend doing. He telks you what he did while you wasn't at home. It's kind of such things. The conversations you have may be even of more intense because both parts do listening to what the other one has to say. You share things and feelings, talking about all and everything. One can't describe it exactly, You have to experience what it is and how it is to understand this thing.
I see what you are saying Silvi but if my boyfriend got locked up, we have had a normal relationship already, not one that has only ever had letters. What you are describing is a pen friend, telling each other what you have all done in the time you were not at home, sharing thoughts and talking about all and everything. He must talk about these things too with the other women he writes? So that doesn't tell me what the job of girlfriend is, do you give him money and visit every week, is that the difference?
No, I don't give him money. Fredrickbeven doesn't asks me to give him things or sending him money just in the opposite to lots of other prisoners. And no, it's not just a pen friendship. Fredrick and I started as pen friends. I already said, you have to experience for yourself so that you understand what it is like. There are other people he writes to, yes. And the other people are women. Most of the people who are writing prisoners are women.. But I doubt he is telling others the same things than he is telling me. I don't have a job in being his girlfriend. I love him, he loves me. What's actually wrong with it?
Hey Silvi, best will be to stop talking with these people here. You can't make people understand who just not want to understand. I'm writing with Fredrick since a few months already. Believe me when I say he is definately not talking about the things that he is sharing with you. I was asking him shortly how it comes that he is in such a real good mood and then I got a letter from him and he started talking about you. He showed me a copy of a photo of you and said "see this? That's the reason why I'm so happy. She is the most beautiful person I've ever known in my life. In spites of my many faults and failures and cracks, she still loves me and that is something I shall always be grateful for. Her words speak something of peace inside of me that reach a part that no other I do not think could ever reach and touch. And although she sometimes scares the hell out of me yet I find myself drawn to something within her. And that is something for me that has never been before. This may sound stupid? But I will risk it that you know what I mean." These are his words Silvi. He loves you. Do not let others here trying to tell you anything different. They won't understand it because they do not want to. If you want to I will be sending this letter to you. So you can see and read it with your own eyes. You got his heart girl.
Silvi/Sugar --
What an amazing coincidence. You both have about the same grasp of English grammar and syntax, and you both spell Frederick's name as "Fredrick," which is closer to the German version of the name, "Friedrich." Hmm.
John, I had already guessed they were one and the same!
I think Fred and her deserve each other, she has to be crazy too to have an alter ego to chat back to! And even Fred wouldn't send a photo of one pen friend to another, and a pen friend wouldn't tell another pen friend what was in her letters.
Anon --
It's sad, really. We should probably feel sorry for her, but it's hard to feel sorry for someone who lies (like those last two comments) and who lashes out at us with such venom when we try to inject a little reality into her worldview. Maybe some day she'll wake up, maybe she won't.
I have read that a high percentage of hybristophiliacs were molested as children, though most of them evidently deny it. No idea about Silvi/Sugar's background, but whatever it was, it has resulted in a delusionary personality.
The thing is, I write about sociopaths a fair amount on this blog, and most of the people who write comments have had some experience with them, and have learned from their experiences. But, I guess, some refuse to learn. It's almost too bad she couldn't spend time in person with him for a month or so, then she'd learn. But I wouldn't wish that even on her.
@Craig, Sugar and I are not the same person. And Fredrick is his name. If you would spell his name in german it would be Frederick and not Friedrich. @ Sugar, are you crazy to write his words here on this page? Gives these haters only more food. They don't deserve to know what's in his heart. I don't need a proof that Fredrick loves me because I know he does. But thank you for wanting to let me know.
@Silvi --
To answer your question, yes, Sugar is crazy -- because she is you.
I agree! Silvi could be someone who's just making up a story about knowing Fred, being in love with Fred, whatever - craziness. If she is legit, she's been warned about Fred. You can't stay completely in denial when you have the truth in the back of your mind (it just doesn't go away).
Birdie --
I think she actually does know Baer, in the sense that she is his pen pal, and has probably visited him at his prison. I think she did, however make up this "Sugar" persona to make herself seem more credible. The reason i say she's crazy is because she suffers from hybristophilia.
I believe she is his pen friend and I believe her when she says she is in love with him. She didn't need to invent the 'sugar' character as some sort of back up though, like she couldn't have a debate on her own. I still want to know the difference between letters to a pen friend and a girlfriend. If he was ever going to be free then maybe letters to a girlfriend would include plans for the future but as he isn't then I still say all his letters are sent out the same, probably telling all the girls he loves them, though Silvi would have us believe he sends blank paper to all the others!
When I read the comment from Sugar, I was suspicious, questioning if it was Silvi making the comment. Anyway, this woman (could she be a troll?) knows the truth about Fred, but, she chooses to be in denial. Also, human love doesn't always change the world for the better - some people (sociopaths) don't respond to human love. Silvi is wasting her time. I hate to sound so cold but, it's the truth.
Birdie --
If you follow the entire thread of comments you'll see that I tried arguing with her at first, then gave up. I actually wrote about her here back in August:
You're of course right in everything you say about sociopaths, but there's no reasoning with a hybristophiliac. And yes, that note from "Sugar" wouldn't have fooled anybody. The idea that a sociopath like Baer would write to one of his female pen pals about how much he loved another female pen pal is ludicrous.
Yes, I get it - you cannot reason with a hybristophiliac, being very apparent. First time, I've ever used that word in a sentence!
Birdie --
Your vocabulary is increasing!
Silvi, who lives in Germany, is probably asleep right now. But trust me, when she wakes up she'll be back at us in full force.
Thank you for calling me crazy, I like that. Your idea that I'm Silvi is funny. I'm not. Fredrick wrote me about her. He told me about his last girlfriend too. We both are friends. Friends do tell each other what's in heart and mind. Why is it so unbelievable for you that Fredrick is telling me about his girlfriend? Believe it or let it be. Discussing with you makes no sense anyway. You believe what you want to believe and you judge whom you want to judge. I just think it's sad what's written here. Because Fredrick is for sure not what you are saying about him John. In the opposite to you he does not try to manipulate people but is glad to have friends in his life.
"You believe what you want to believe and you judge whom you want to judge."
-- Classic projection.
My dog is a family member. Am I a sociopath now?
You are sick John. ....well, classic projection too? You seem to have fun in hurting people, laughing about them, making them look like miserable and ridiculous. You are manipulating people and in my eyes you are the real sociopath here. Classic projection John, you say about others what you are in reality. In my eyes you already proved it. There's no way around it. And to all the people who do believe this shit here "it's a trap of a sociopath"
Sugar --
You have me dead to rights. I admit it, I'm a serial rapist and double murderer who practically decapitated a four-year-old girl.
I mean, that WOULD make me a sociopath, no?
no. not every sociopath does kill. Even people who are no sociopaths do kill. The signs of being a sociopath is not reasoned in killing. Fact.
Sugar/Silvi --
Of course every sociopath doesn't kill. But being a serial rapist and slitting the throats of two females, including a four-year-old girl, does prove you're a sociopath.
...by the way. How does it come that you start protecting yourself with Fredrick's deeds? You are trying to distract people from yourself in mentioning what Fredrick did. Would love to know the background of your life John. Manipulation is a significant sign of being a sociopath. It's not killing. But who knows... who does know a single thing about you? Maybe you once killed and no one knows about it? Who is able to say who the person John Craig is? Maybe you even feel the need to talk about sociopaths because you are one?
John, why do you still think I'm Silvi? Giving people more distraction?
Fredrick killed ONE woman and a four year old girl. Fact. But the reason is why he did it is not because he is a sociopath but because he was influenced by a drug. There are more people in this world who acted similar like Fredrick while on Crystal Meth. Fact. Just follow the police reports when it comes to this drug. And for you to let you know, I'm this therapist from Germany and not Silvi. If I was Silvi, I would never go to such a hater blogger page and telling people I'm in love with Fredrick. That's indeed a little crazy. Just a question John, why are you so greedy wanting to make people believe that Fredrick is a sociopath? Too bad that you are not in Germany. People like you can be punished here for spreading such things.
I'd love to have a conversation with you one day outside of this blogger page. Could be interesting.
i was a good friend of Fredrick Baer until earlier this year he just stopped writing and phoning me so did his mother
do you know the reason why he just stopped writing you?
does your first name start with J ? If yes, then I can tell you the reason why he stopped writing you.
yes it is
I do know that you are still writing letters to him. Well, some other death row prisoners were tossing your name at him and they do know about things they actually shouldn't know about. Things that Fredrick told only you. Fredrick stopped writing you because the trust is broken and he believes that you are one of those who are playing games with him. Well, no wonder... maybe you write to others too there? You can stop writing him. Fredrick can't trust you anymore.
if you know so much tell me my full name and where i live and the names of these other death row inmates
Hey Sugar-Silvi ... Have you thought it might not be 'J's' fault this has happened??
Other prisoners can get to look at mail, incoming and outgoing, they have ways and means, especially in Fredricks case because he is hated by so many, and that's why they are doing it so he will be left with NO ONE to write to. I know you probably want to be the ONLY one he writes to but it will happen to you too eventually and what will you do when the love of your life doesn't reply to YOUR letters?
again, I'm not Silvi, I'm just a pen friend. I just wanted to let Jessie know the reason why Fredrick stopped writing her. It's what he told me. That's all to it.
I also wrote Fredrick back, asking him if he is sure that Jessie is playing a game. Maybe she does not know what's going on. But for some reason Fredrick seems to be sure that he can't trust her anymore. Oh and...wanting to be the only one he writes to would be sick. One just can't have enough friends on a place like Fredrick's. If I was his girlfriend I surely wouldn't want him to write only me.
i was someone who has known him for nearly 2 years and helped him financially for several months only to be dropped for no reason i would be better off writing to one of the others in there who might appreciate it
I'm sorry to hear that, and it sounds like you're being accused of something you haven't done. I don't know you but I believe you because we all know what goes on in prisons, mail isn't safe by any means, maybe a guard let the others see Baers letters. Let that be a lesson to anyone considering writing to him, that you will be wasting your time if he can just drop a friend without even the decency to let them know why. The idea of someone who has gone to the trouble of sending him money, and being a spy for Ritchies crowd is ludicrous!
You should tell him that, Silvi-Sugar? He needs to find out where his real spy is before he ends up ignoring all his friends, who have invested time, money and emotions in writing to him.
And yes anon, you need to find another to write to who will appreciate you
thank you for your post i am susan from the uk
Nice to meet you Susan. I thought it was Jessie I was replying to though! But no worries cos the answer is the same anyway. So that's 2 of you that he stopped writing to for no reason! Unbelievable!!
It sounds like Silvi-Sugar won't last long then, ditch him girl before he does it to you!
Just an idea, but what if you all start writing Fredrick again, letting him know that you know what's going on and that he still has friends in this world? Maybe it's just a trust issue. Why judging him if you all know what's going on there in prison? Why not telling him what you think and feel, and showing him some understanding instead of judging him? And another question Susan, why did you send him money? He never asks for money. At least he never asked me to send him money.
@Susan from the UK, Fredrick said that you was the one who stopped writing him. Just out of the blue. He said he wrote you a few letters but he did never hear anything again from you.
Hey, what if there is more going on in prison than we all do know. Say, has anyone of you watched this prison show by Trevor McDonald? There was a part where Benjamine Ritchie said that Fredrick Baer was attacking his friend Stephenson. That's a LIE. I have seen the report from the prison officers. I even have it here. It says that Stephenson was attacking Baer and even broke his ellbow. Would love to let this Trevor McDonald know, showing him the report of the prison officer who wittnessed what happened. It's not fair to show the whole world the shit and lies that Ritchie was spreading about Baer. It's A HUGE LIE! I can prove it.
dear Sugar i last heard from Fredrick when he rang me 1 day before his birthday 2013 and he rang my son Gary in january 2014 i have only had a couple of letters from him in the last year he kept saying i had written to others in there and he had seen envelopes with my writing on and these others kept saying my name to him if you speak to him please tell him i have never written or spoken to anyone else in there
the last time i spoke to Fredrick was 1 day before his birthday 2013 and he rang my son Gary in january 2014 i have only had a couple of letters from him in the last year he was saying he had seen letters with my writing in other inmates mail boxes and they were saying my name to him
Silvi-Sugar? Do you have a hotline to the prison, straight to the cell? Like the 'Batphone' lol!
I wouldn't write him again if he dropped me once, he would probably do it again, I would find another prisoner to write, one who would give you all their attention, unlike Baer who seems to have a harem!
And none of us know who is telling the truth between Baer or Ritchie, it depends who you want to believe surely?
So go ahead and prove to us with this report that you supposedly have? Now prison officers are giving you reports eh ;)))))))))))
One of you Anonymous wrote that Fredrick is hated and that all will be done there in prison that Fredrick will lose his friends. What if anyone is playing a game with him. What if Fredrick really saw your envelopes in other cells even if you never wrote to anyone there? I do realky have this
report. Believe it or not. What do you know about me? I have access to more than you can imagine.What really is sad is that most of people prefere to believe all the negative and all that is letting someone look worse, but seldom sees and believes the good things or even the truth. Thing is I can prove that Stephenson was attacking Fredrick. It was not Fredrick who was attacking Stephenson. Too many people here are pissed at Fredrick. But what if the truth looks different?
One Anonymous here wrote:
" Other prisoners can get to look at mail, incoming and outgoing, they have ways and means, especially in Fredricks case because he is hated by so many, and that's why they are doing it so he will be left with NO ONE to write to."
Yes, exactly that's what it is!
Thing is, I'd really love to give you the proof but I do not want to write my email address here or anything like that. So how can we make it possible? Has anyone an idea?
Frederick Baer - Your crime is unforgivable, you cannot commit a more heinous crime - You do not deserve the company of that cat - the mother and 4 year old whose throats you severed are lying in coffins in the ground, and you have the nerve to ask for people to write to you.
I look forward to the day you are executed.
I agree with you 100 per cent
At the end of the day, after all appeals are exhausted, a needle will glide in like an airplane gliding in on a runaway into the vein of this scumbag and there isn't anything anyone is going to be able to do about it. The clock is ticking and the seventh circuit court out of Chicago is about to deny this demon his appeal he filed on April 30th 2015. His girlfriend needs to print these posts and send them to him.
Anon --
Baer deserves everything that's coming t him and more. I wouldn't be too hard on hi girlfriend(s) though. They seem to suffer from hybristophilia, a mental disorder which causes its sufferers to see the worst criminals in the best light. My son tells me that the concept of this as a special mental disorder is bs, that it merely represents the extreme end of feminine stupidity and lack of logic. Whatever. Baer is evil and his followers -- who expressed themselves above, as I guess you saw -- are merely dumb and deluded.
In any case, I agree with your sentiments, and would add that the needle is too good for him; he should die the same way his victims did.
Yes I agree, nothing derogatory meant towards the girlfriend(s). Just a victim waiting to be found. Blows my mind. Hybristophilia...interesting. I googled it...imagine that. Yeah so it's either that or plain and simply fat, frumpy, and unattractive to the point the only freak that would be interested is Fred Baer. Homely lonely people unable to form normal relationships. Lol. Sad really. In one of his interviews he says "the paperwork to drop all appeals is already in an envelope, I don't know what is stopping me from mailing them". It's because Fred Baer is a spineless coward, a serial rapist, murderer, and child murderer who mimics human behavior just like a true sociopath. A load his mother should have swallowed. I'm northern Indiana born and raised with a family of law enforcement. I remember when the detailes of what he did to Cory and her baby girl Jenna were described. It shook the state from the bottom to the top. Indiana will roar with justice the day Fred Baer is put down. The coward will probably have to be carried kicking and screaming like the bitch he is all the way to Michigan City ISP death house. I can hardly wait to read his last words (plagerized of course because sociopaths don't have feelings of their own). By the looks of things, I suppose that should be happening sometime this year. I bet Governor Mike Pence is itching to sign Baers petition for clemency DENIED with his middle finger. Don't worry Freddy, Satan will be waiting for you "withdrawing from meth". Karma in the form of cactus right up your ass. Gliding in like an airplane, gliding in...
Anon --
Agreed on all counts, except one: some of these hybristophiliacs are surprisingly good-looking. (Mental illness does not confine itself to the ugly.)
I've actually written about Baer a number of times other than in this post, don't know if you've seen the other posts or would find them interesting, but here they are:
Wow is this crap still going?!
Well I'm the current 'hybristophiliac' and loving every minute of it! ;)
I'm sure I speak for all the ladies above who have known Fredrick, in saying what a lovely guy he is! I'm not plain or fat or frumpy or unattractive or mental or a freak and I've had my fair share of normal relationships, in fact men find me very attractive, but yet I have chosen him. As someone above said, you really don't know him. I certainly won't be printing your malicious comments to send to him, we have better things to talk about.
Anon --
And yet…..you're still here.
And as I said quite clearly above, some of these hybristophiliacs are surprisingly good-looking -- although I wouldn't necessarily take their word for it on an individual basis.
I watched a TV show recently and Baer said he had a German girlfriend. Funny to see now that he also has a German friend who is a therapist... :-)
Anon --
I suspect they may be one and the same, but who knows how many pen pal "girlfriends" he has.
The good news is, he'll never get to have sex with any of them.
Not sure if my second comment was sent properly so just in case, I am writing another one.
I don't understand why a sane woman would like to correspond with a murderer? Like Baer for example, he killed a 4-years-old kid and her mother. Why would someone be his friend? What are your thoughts on this? What can push someone to write to a murderer?
Also, I just don't understand why inmates can have PETS. I am an animal lover and I don't agree with this at all. It makes me angry to see that if their behaviors are OK, they can get "a privilege". Does someone remember that they KILLED inocent people? They shouldn't have any privilege!
Sorry for my bad english, I speak french...And trying to express something in another language can be difficult, especially when you're irritated lol.
By the way, thank you for your nice articles and comments! Great blog.
Anon --
I"m a little confused with all the various commenters who just sign in as "Anonymous" so I'm not sure which other comment was yours.
Anyway, thanks. You pretty much answered your own question by including the word "sane" in it. That's pretty much the key there.
I guess the reason that prisons allow Death Row inmates privileges is to keep them in line by rewarding them for not making trouble while there.
Your English is fine by the way.
Sorry about any confusion, my "anons" above are "At the end of the day" and "Yes I agree".--I suspect the "therapist" (wink) had she been a school teacher would have by now joined the ranks of "teacher's who had sex with their under aged student's". Lol. Really sad. What's sadder is the fantasy in their head they have about Freddy is so fucked up they probably don't believe X day is really going to happen. Reeeal soon. What a crash and burn that's going to be for them. Yep, no more "jail mail", "collect calls", nothing. Returned to sender. I'll bet that topic hasn't ever been brought up. Hope they have some "therapy" lined up. Lmao! Wonder if any of them will be flying in to our great Indiana Hoosier State for "the big day"? I'm 30 minutes away. Too bad ISP doesn't sell tickets.
Great blog by the way!
Lynn --
I've heard that a lot of these hybristophiliacs were abused as young girls themselves, and that has something to do with their mental state, so they actually deserve some sympathy -- though I'm afraid I haven't been very sympathetic in my comments to them (as you can see above). But I find it frustrating to deal with people who are so willfully obtuse, no matter what the reasons for their syndrome.
As far as Baer himself, he's just another sociopath, pure evil, and the world will be better off without him.
Thanks re: the blog. I've written fairly extensively about prison pen pals; most of them deserve about as much sympathy as Baer.
John--Yeah...no, I don't I don't feel sorry for them. Belligerent death row groupies. They get what they get. This blog is so interesting! No one should feel sorry for people that stupid. Common sense. That's all it takes. Maybe they've surrounded themselves with not so bright people I don't know. I was brought up to keep it real. I'll be back shortly after Freddys dead just to gloat at these belligerent death row groupies and say awful things to them ;).
The only death row groupie on here is Silvi, who is the German therapist, who is so crazy that she gives herself an alter ego called 'sugar' to stick up for her! Lol !! That's why she writes to him because she's not right herself. I happen to know that she finishes with him every few months, it's on and off all the time. he's a stand in when she hasn't got a real boyfriend. She probably has her head buried in the sand and thinks he's going to get off. I doubt she will bother to be there on x day or that she will miss the jail mail and video visits, she will just find another Baer, there are quite a few to choose from after all ;)
Anon --
I actually tried to reason with her at the beginning of this thread, until I realized she was seriously wrong in the head -- which sort of makes me the crazy one.
No, it's not crazy to at least attempt to reason with someone who obviously has a lot of serious mental issues. I actually found myself revisiting her posts to try to comprehend what I was reading and pissed myself off because who really cares about what this clearly disturbed twisted women thinks(hey investigation discovery channel,"hybristophilia night on Wednesdays! Silvi can appear as herself(s)!). To know what Baer is and what he has done boggles the mind let alone actually seeing someone try to minimize the totality of what this POS really is. "Silvi/Sugar/massage therapist"(Baer also tried to tell a psychiatrist HE had an alter ego "SUPERBEAST" no shit!) does exactly suffer from hybristophilia probably compiled with multiple other mental co-morbidies. Obtus is the perfect description of what she is. Silvi or whoever the hell she is minimized his "rapes" to "rape" as if ONE rape isn't so bad (the article below has this pukes confession of FIVE rapes). Meth (none was found in his system btw) or any other addiction only brings out the original badness that's embedded deep within one's personality. So even without the "alleged meth" Freddy Kurger is a sociopath. To the sane reader's, actually physically close your eyes and imagine taking a knife to the throat of someone and hacking away...you can't, you can't do it can you? Now imagine taking that knife and hacking the throat of a four year old little girl who just watched her mother's murder. Imagine how long that took! What was going through this baby's mind hearing all that then having to run for your own little life! That's what this sick fuck did...Then go home clean up and continue on like nothing happened. Like...pass the salt... Fred Baer should have committed suicide a long time ago. If he's "so sorry I'd give that cat to take back what I did". He would kill himself. This sick bitch compares human lives to a cat. He has Princess Di's pics all over his cell because of what she stood for! He refers to Mother Theresa! Who the fuck does he think he's fooling! Serial rapist, murderer, child murderer referring to Princess Di and Mother Theresas goodness. Lmmfao! He SCREAMS SOCIOPATH. So,"Silvi/Sybil", you believe his bullshit, you now have something in common with your sick freak prison pen pal who is the most hated prisoner in Indiana. You are a sick dumbass who is probably the most hated "hybristophiliac" world wide (sucks to be you). Soon it's going to to be X DAY for Freddy and many of us are going to be sitting back in our lawn chairs with a cooler full of Corona and lime like we're waiting for the first Notre Dame kick off of the season...phew...I need one of them cold one's right now lol.
Murder suspect confesses to rape- 13 WTHR Indiapolis
Here is a thought, all the bullshit she is saying is exactly a look into what this sick sociopath has in his mind. He is still minimizing and twisting the truth about what he did and what he is....she is repeating him!
Lynn --
I often use that "Can you imagine yourself doing this?" test too, to determine sociopathy. I wrote about it here:
You're absolutely right about cutting the throat of a 4-year-old girl: people should try to imagine themselves doing that in order to appreciate what a monster Baer is.
Interesting that he had no crystal meth in his system when he was caught. I was always a little suspicious of that claim, he looked perfectly healthy in the video I saw of his capture, meth didn't seem to have made any inroads. For him to blame meth was a little like Ted Bundy blaming pornography for his actions.
Silvi/Sugar is the kind of person who in other circumstances could have joined a cult (like the Manson family) and believed in that (especially Charlie) wholeheartedly. She also reminds me of certain liberals I've known, who mindlessly repeat certain platitudes despite all the evidence contradicting their beliefs.
I just read the above link. Once again you nailed it. In another blog (some anti death penalty group that I happened to see Baers name in) Silvi, as herself,(no alter ego) was all over it stating how awful America is and how her puke boyfriend "shouldn't even be serving life w/o parole! She said he should have gotten 15 years and drug/mental health counseling because "crystal meth is the real reason he is a serial rapist, murderer and child killer". Silvi/Sugar (I bet that's what that creep calls her) go fuck your self because the next piece of ass Fred Baer is getting is from Lucifer with a cactus dick bigger than a fire hydrant. Lmao!! In the Marion county Indiana jail where Baer's call was recorded he tells his sister Peggy "Logansport, (that's Indiana's state mental hospital) that's what I'm shooting for. The way I write my letters, the way I carry myself, I'm not a dummy, they know this. I got a college education... they know I'm not stupid". Baer your right your not stupid, your a SOCIOPATH. Baer's trial was never about guilt/innocence. Baer knew the evidence against him was so overwhelming that to avoid the death penalty he plead guilty but mentally ill thinking that would get him in a mental institution with the chance of being released. The result being (ha) the jury agreed and gave him the death penalty. Another sign of sociopathy, he's so full of himself he thought he could outsmart "normal people (jury) and the United States justice system. You fucked yourself in the ass Fred. In general, prosecutors don't seek out the death penalty haphazardly. Weather you are for or against the death penalty the U.S. Constitution says the death penalty is appropriate for specified HEINOUS murders. IMO (and you know what they say about opinions, they're like assholes, everybody has one, I've been called one before and don't care) anti death penalty advocates (usually liberal) also screw themselves by trying to cannonize monsters like Frederick Baer martered saint's for "the cause". Guess what. Death penalty isn't going anywhere.
Lynn --
That crystal meth defense is particularly lame in light of what you said in your previous comment, that Baer had none in his system when he was caught.
You're absolutely right about how sociopaths always think they can fool others even when they can't. There must have been some smart, commonsensical people on that jury.
I'm for the death penalty in principle, but there have been enough questionable cases that I'm turning slightly agnostic on it. There ought to be a way to preserve it for monsters like Baer though.
Yes sir. To that I totally agree. There is that one chance that someone truly innocent will face this fate. Many on death row have been exonerated. My father, uncles and brother are law enforcement. They have said many times if they were to loose there life in the line of duty they don't want us screaming for the death penalty. LWOP would be misery enough. However, there opinion changes when it comes to child murderers. They too believe it's all about the principal of the situation. Regardless of the harshness of my above comments in previous posts I too am on the fence with the death penalty. In Trevor McDonald's words..."when I hear about what it is you do I can understand why people believe the death penalty is appropriate". Baer agreed! I'm sure only because of the thousands of times he heard other inmates tell him he deserves what he's got coming (hmm, ok so everybody keeps telling me that...that must be what I'm supposed to be feeling, let me make a mental note). Again, sociopath. Totally out of self-preservation in hope that some dumbass will believe him. So let's get on with it. Mail the letter to drop the appeals process. He won't because he is a coward. When being interviewed there is all this "remorse", but when asked about the age of the baby he killed, it happens briefly...watch how his tone and expression on his face changes! Classic SOCIOPATH. The true Baer! Another interesting point...he tells the truth up to the point when he's asked to describe the murder of the four year old. Confesses to everything! Does real good while he is going into detail about murdering Cory, he says "I didn't want to go back to prison"...period...sounds remorseful/ashamed, even disgusted with himself. Another truth..."THEY done saw my face"...there it is...thats the reason he killed both of them. Quickly he throws in before talking about killing little Jenna..."being withdrawing from meth"...doesn't say anything ever about "meth" until the subject of killing a little four year old comes up. What a coward bitch. Simply just does not want to take accountability. After listening to the conversation the warden had in front of Mcdonald and Baer, I went back to listen again to the conversation Baer had with McDonald. He is interjecting almost the exact philosophy on how he is connected to his victims as the warden uses to describe how his and Baer's lives are connected. Absolutely sociopathic. He had many conversations privately with this warden. Enough of them to study what he needs to say. His rationales are coming directly from that! Mimics normal human behavior. Totally can not form a genuine remorseful thought on his own.
Lynn --
I saw that Trevor Mcdonald interview too. My immediate reaction to hearing Baer agree that he deserves the death penalty was, that's just a pose to gain peoples' sympathy. If he really felt that way, as you rightly point out, he'd drop his appeal.
You understand sociopaths well. everything with them is for show, they are never "real" unless they are causing hurt, that is about the only time the mask slips off. The problem is, with people who don't understand sociopaths well, they never see through the mask, and are entranced by the fact that sociopaths often seem NICER than normal people simply because they can feign the normal human emotions very well. But it's all fakery.
fuck that P.O.S. yeah blame it on the drugs like to slash his throat
Hey Lynn- sorry to be the one to say this cause I agree with you, but save the corona and lime cause Fred has a way to go yet with the appeals so x day won't be this year or next. maybe not even the one after. Don't know how true it is but I heard he might be gettin married to his current hybristophilia lady. and that isn't Silvi.
just a lil' thing I heard from my sources ;-)
So what does that mean exactly?...marrying someone on death row?...The same ole video chat?...jail mail addressed to a different last name?...WOW. Getting married isn't going to do shit to prolong his appeals. And he sure isn't getting a shot a ass from his new wife. Ha! Not from a female anyway. Don't know how anyone else feels but I for one can't live without my boyfriend (who has a pulse today and 20 years from now and warm flesh I can touch) pulling me over to his side of the bed every night and *#*@ing the dummydust out of my ass. Well, I guess picking some strange creep at the bar and putting a Freddy Krueger mask on him might be all she needs. Or she can buy a lot of batteries. LMMFAO!! The only ass this puke can remember is the ass he had to crawl through girls windows to take. Fuckin shame, all the ass women are out there throwing at motherfuckers and his sick puke ass has to rape girls. I almost wish they would let him off death row and put him in GP. That bitch wouldn't last one week before shanks would slice his baby killing ass clean through. Snap...dead just like that. Then he'd know what it felt like. As for Fred Baers death date. Like I said before, sooner or later after all arguments are made, moral or legal and all appeals are exhausted, a 14 gauge needle will glide in like an airplane landing on a run away into Freddys vein and nobody will be able to do anything about it. Done deal. His wife can have a front row seat. I hope she sees him choke. The hands people see reaching out of the firey pits of hell...those are going g to be Fred Baers hands.
How do you know that it is not Silvi who is going to marry him? I do not think that she used her real name here, do you? In one interview Baer called his German girl friend Susan...
I know everything ;-)
Silvi (yes that is her real name) and Baer's 'relationship' ended in December 2014. Susan was his girlfriend back when the Trevor McDonald documentary was filmed, two different women but you are correct both were from Germany. He has a new one now and yup they are gettin married....!
I had to laugh at this! ...we both did ;)
I'm Freddys g/f so you can hear it straight from me, just because we have talked about getting married doesn't mean we are, so I don't know where you get your info from. But if or when we do decide to marry I will pop on here and let you know as you seem to be so interested in our relationship. In the meantime no more cards please ;)
Heyy, do you still write to him??
If you mean me? Yes, I'm his g/f so of course I write! Why do you ask?
LJ....I know why you asked now! I just talked to him on the phone and he said to say hi to you :)
Well, the discussion in comments is somehow pretty surreal, I mean all the girlfriends stuff. I found myself here because of that Trevor McDonald docu mentioned earlier. Having watched it, I got curious and started researching the Baer's case. Not sure what to think, myself. Someone wondered why Fred hadn't already ceased his appeals, if he feels he deserves to be executed. But admitting it is one thing and overcoming the fear of dying is another. Whether he is sincere when saying he deserves it, this is again another matter. But I could well understand such attitude. Anyway, he seems a quite smart guy and might have ended up better but chose the other way and it's not only crystal meth's fault. Still, I find life imprisonment with no possibility of parole a much more reasonable and less morally dubious penalty, especially in such a place like supermax.
Yes life in prison without parole. Release him into general population in supermax with the crimes he has committed. Piece of cakes right? I agree with life without parole for Fred Baer only because on death row he is protected from actually suffering the same fate as his victims. Excellent idea my friend. I am highly doubtful he would last longer than a few weeks. For sure there wouldn't be this absurd length of time before this serpentine malignant reprobate gets what it has coming. What's perplexing is all the mindfulness people put into the execution process for these noxious vermin when they inflicted horror to their victims. This vermin says what he says for self-preservation. No other reason. Chameleon personality disorder. Sociopath. Total proof nothing he says can be believed. Excuses excuses. I deserve this...then drop appeals and volunteer. I deserve this...then whats the hold up? Quit showboating and do this. Everything that comes out of this guy's mouth is an act. Surreal is with out a doubt the word for these girl pen-friends he seems to have. I'm sure that with all the husbands Baers mother had he certainly has to have sisters the same age of the women he raped and sodomized and the young mother he killed as well as baby nieces and nephews around the same age as that little 4 year old baby he murdered. I can't even imagine. I pray none of these women would never allow communication between their own children and this regurgitated bile. Beyond morally dubious is what Fred Baer did. He didn't cheat on his taxes. He didn't side swipe a car and drive away. He didn't switch price tags on an expensive item. He didn't drive off with bags of water softener salt that lay outside in front of Wal-Mart with out paying for them. He didn't skip out on a loan from a friend. He didn't get caught with a pound of weed or a kilo of cocaine. He didn't accidentally hit a pedestrian riding a bike. What he did was he raped and sodomized and terrorized at LEAST 5 women before he slit the throats of a young mother and a 4 year old baby. I can't imagine anyone picturing that in their mind so I invite you to the website LIVELEAK GRAPHIC THROAT CUT. If you can stomach it imagine doing that two times in a row. Then imagine it happening to a little 4 year old after she watched it happen to her mommy.
Makes me wonder why you have been looking at throat cuts, mr anonymous? LOL! Most of us wouldn't want to see it, watching it in a movie is one thing but that's censored. However, I do wonder how Baer was able to do this act, did he practise elsewhere first, get experience, on animals maybe, if not humans? I personally wouldn't have a clue where to start in cutting someone's throat! You're right he is a sociopath, he wants people to feel sorry for him because he says he deserves to die, but yet he doesn't want to die really. And he says 'according to the laws of the state of Indiana' not 'I deserve to be executed for killing a baby'
Every serial killer has a starting point. This guy is a piece of shit. Baer admitted to 5 rapes! He is suspect in many more. He kept things from each victim. The police stumbled on this evidence while searching this guy's home after he was arrested for the two murders. He admitted to the police he held a knife to the throats of all of his rape victims! The reporter who interviewed him in prison should have asked him about all that dirt as well. Drill him about it. Make him explain himself. Then the real Fred Baer will come out. He should have been asked if he has fantasies about fucking Princess Di and Mother Theresa in their ass like he did his victims. This guy is a sick fuck. People don't change. Bad habitts can change, you can quit smoking, quit overeating, quit biting your nails etc...quit cussing like me when I talk about white trash murders but the core of who you are NEVER changes. How many of those reading this wake up and say hmmm, I guess I should cut back on crawling through windows and taking all the ass that I want. Wtf! Baer is a lier. He's only saying what he thinks he's supposed to say. Self preservation. That's it. Like the previous commenter said Baer says he should die because Indiana says that's the penalty for what he did. Not I deserve the death penalty for being rotten to the core and for what I've done. Bear your so sorry you think about your victims on their birthday? Bullshit. I call bullshit on that. Show real remorse and volunteer. Drop your appeals. You don't have to listen to your public defenders. Man up. Quit fucking Indiana out of the money it takes to house your worthless ass. I'm hoping these women who choose to invest their time with this white trash are only doing it to satisfy some morbid curiosity. Please don't let your kids know his backstory. Later in life you don't ever want your kids to wonder if who you are exposing them to could be monsters. Wtf kind of men did Baers mother expose him too?! Mother of the year I think not. I guess that's the price you pay for having to have a shitload of men in your life more than wanting to be a mother. (Looks like no more silvi lmmfao)
Yes I suppose they all start somewhere. I don't know why he wanted to rape, why not just get a woman in the normal way? Or even a hooker.
Sylvia has a new love now, Gary Haugen, another death row pos. She even started a petition for him --
He's got to be an improvement on Baer, and being part of his harem. I found this on some site --
This is about Baer, scamming 4 women, telling them all he loves them, another form of rape imo, he can't do it physically so he does it psychologically from his prison cell. It says one of them sold her car and sent him the $! Any woman thinking she's the only one he's in love with is deluded. Silvia came to her senses and realised it, just as the car seller and his fiancée Em did too, and all the other women on this blog.
Wow. Just wow. I'm a female, I don't know this looser nor do I want to but I do know what Baer is. I'm not sure if you were a part of the "harem" or not but please try to help me out here. It sounds like what is upsetting to you is that women got scammed. They got scammed by a lier, a serial rapist, a sociopathic double murderer and baby killer yet what he is isn't why you think he is the POS that he is. Smh. I'm speechless. I'm absolutely sure women know what he did before they send their first letter to him. Did they expect honesty from a puke like Fred Baer? A guy full of integrity and morals? What am I missing here? He murdered a four year old little girl by cutting her throat almost taking her head off and these women are shitty and feel wronged and surprised they were duped by Baer? If the worst thing Baer did in his life was lie and beat a few women out of some money and cause hurt feelings then he wouldn't be where he is today. The women he raped, (everyone knows what that means) and sodomized (that means fucking someone in the ass who isn't willing) were not women whom he was was out on a date with where some hot-n-heavy foreplay got out of hand. These women were not disgruntled girlfriends, they were women he didn't know. Strangers. The only thing mentioned is how he beat some stupid ass out of her car. She is one lucky bitch that he's behind bars and was only able to beat her out of some money and not get her throat cut. Ill probably be pissed off at myself for this but you have my attention. If you're not one of his hybristophiliacs you seem to know of them. Tell me, what does one talk about with a child killer? Notre Dame? The weather? Favorite foods? How nice the lawn looked after you mowed it? I'm sorry but I absolutely would not be able to get the visual of what he did out of my head long enough to lick the stamp for the letter. I can not begin to understand the dynamics of wanting to communicate with a child killer.
Lol I have your attention, that's hilarious! Yes I know of them, there is no privacy on death row, and they all have written something somewhere about their relationship with him. I'm fully aware of all the bad things he did, who isn't? I was just looking at other things in his life other than what he did. Your previous posts describe all the things he got locked up for so why would I want to repeat what you said? I'm not upset that women got scammed, I'm surprised they all think they are his one and only that's all, even the one I read about called EmJ who was engaged to him and was on the verge of flying from England to come and marry him. All prisoners have people write to them despite what they've done, including murderers that have done a lot worse than Baer did. Believe it or not but some women like him and want to spend time with him, I could tell you of one who visits him, you would be surprised to know who that is and she doesn't mind that he's a rapist and murderer!
Wow. Hmmm...Alrightythen...
Go to what's happening on top right
That's her. Tammy Mosteller Smit. she visits him every week. she's crazy about him. she makes him happy and gives him reason to live
See her mention him in her February 9 entry. he don't need no Diana or Teresa now lmfao
I found this fool of a lady on line. Seems she and her husband are really involved in the Revolution church and frequently go visit pieces of shit behind bars to try to minister to then. Does Baer think she is a love interest? Something don't smell right? Bear, Ward and Kubsch all need to be in the same cells left alone for about a week armed with shanks and hopefully they would kill each other.
Sure she's a fool but look at the eyes, reminds me of that saying, the hamster is dead but the wheel is still spinning :-)
She visits Baer on her own every week, she doesn't take the old sugar daddy husband. Yeah Baer thinks she's a love interest and she must think he is too to be visiting every week, she don't need to minister to him he's already religious. I wonder if she knows why he's in there, people like her don't bother to find out what the crime was. Someone should tell her she's touching and hugging a rapist of 7 women and murderer of a baby girl and he's in there to be punished not to have crazy bored women making his life happy while the victims family suffer for the rest of their lives.
My goodness, the comments here on Frederick Baer are idiotic. Who in the fvck cares about this sh%t. But now I know the comments here are all by Jews who want to divert and undermine our great White nationalist movement. Frederick Baer, the supposed "big bad White man", is actually a Jew. He didn't kill anyone. He did not kill Cory and Jenna Clark (both Oriental Jew infiltrators along with Baer. I've studied races for many years). It's all a fraud. Someone ought to whack his ugly Oriental (Eastern) Jew(ish) head and have it finished with because I watched the documentary with Negro Trevor Macdonald interviewing him and I didn't CARE for it but now that I've found this idiotic "blog" with comments by Jew-infiltrators on Jewgle Blogspot he OUGHT TO BE KILLED. To the Whites who are reading this.
Wake up to the deceit of these Jews, folks. These scum Jews hate Whites.
Now my IP Address is sent sent to these scum Jews and to the Internet Service Providers - all of which are owned and operated by Jews. IP Addresses to track our information have been a Jew-constant since the invention of the Internet, an invention by Jews Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf. Yes, yet another crime for which the Jews will be punished.
Looks like Hitler is alive and well then :-))))))))))))))))) haha what a jerk
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